blob: f5e0b2606d308e1fc7fc77016cd027f2598975f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package components.feed.core.proto.libraries.api.internal;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "components/feed/core/proto/ui/stream/stream_structure.proto";
import "components/feed/core/proto/wire/action_payload.proto";
import "components/feed/core/proto/wire/consistency_token.proto";
import "components/feed/core/proto/wire/piet_shared_state_item.proto";
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.feed.core.proto.libraries.api.internal";
option java_outer_classname = "StreamDataProto";
// A StreamFeature represents a node within the tree forming the Stream. The
// stream contains structure and content at multiple levels. This
// structure is represented as a tree of features. These features include
// Clusters, Hero Cards, Carousels, Piet Content, etc. Nodes internal to the
// tree may have both content and children.
message StreamFeature {
// The content id of this feature.
optional string content_id = 1;
// The parent feature if defined. Most features will have a parent, the root
// feature is the exception.
optional string parent_id = 2;
// Define the payloads for the various types of nodes present in the tree.
oneof feature_payload {
// Stream structure which defines how a stream will work and look. stream = 4;
// Card stream structure which defines how a card will work and look. card = 5;
// Content stream structure. Describes information which will be rendered
// on screen. content = 6;
// Cluster stream structure which defines a logical grouping of Content and
// Cards. cluster = 7;
// Legacy content
StreamLegacyPayload legacy_content = 8;
message StreamToken {
// The content id of this feature.
optional string content_id = 1;
// The parent feature if defined. Most features will have a parent, the root
// feature is the exception.
optional string parent_id = 2;
// The Token
optional bytes next_page_token = 3;
// Represents the UI state held in a mutation initiated by the UI.
message UiContext {
extensions 1 to max;
// This represents a shared state item.
message StreamSharedState {
optional string content_id = 1;
oneof share_state {
// A Piet shared state item.
feedwire1.PietSharedStateItem piet_shared_state_item = 2;
// This is the structure of the stream. It is defined through the parent/child
// relationship and an operation. This message will be journaled. Reading
// the journal from start to end will fully define the structure of the stream.
message StreamStructure {
// The defined set of DataOperations.
enum Operation {
// All content in this Stream has been removed. See data_operation.proto.
// The item represented by content_id has been appended as a child to
// parent_content_id. See data_operation.proto.
// The item represented by content_id has been removed. See
// data_operation.proto.
// Indicates that the item represented by content_id is required by this
// Stream and should not be deleted.
optional Operation operation = 1;
// ContentId of the content that is appended, removed, or required.
optional string content_id = 2;
// ContentId of the parent of content_id that is being appended.
optional string parent_content_id = 3;
extensions 10000 to max;
// The internal version of a DataOperation.
message StreamDataOperation {
// Defines the structure of the stream
optional StreamStructure stream_structure = 1;
// The payload (content) of the DataOperation.
optional StreamPayload stream_payload = 2;
// This defines the content payload associated with a StreamDataOperation.
// Payload is what is stored in the Content portion of the persisted storage
// layer. Each of the items defined here are persisted using the
// StreamContentId (String) as the key to the payload. By default, the
// StreamContentId is formed by concatenation of the ContentId Table, followed
// by ContentDomain, then Id. In addition, for content requiring prefix based
// queries, the Store will prefix the StreamContentId.
message StreamPayload {
oneof payload {
// This contains a feature within the tree. These are stored based upon
// the server defined StreamContentId (created by the ProtocolAdapter).
StreamFeature stream_feature = 3;
// This contains a shared state, such as the Piet shared state. The
// Feed store prepends a prefix (see
// FeedStoreConstants.SHARED_STATE_PREFIX) so these can be retrieved
// through a prefix query.
StreamSharedState stream_shared_state = 4;
// Continuation Token for a parent. These are stored in the same way other
// the stream_feature are stored. They are treated the same as other
// feature content when persisted.
StreamToken stream_token = 5;
// This is stored as a single content record. It contains information about
// each known session including $HEAD. This is a list of the individual
// sessions which are currently active. This has a StreamContentId defined
// by the SessionManager (see FeedSessionManager.STREAM_SESSION_CONTENT_ID).
StreamSessions stream_sessions = 6;
// The semantic data associated with a Feature. These are stored as content
// with a prefix added by the Store (see
// FeedStoreConstants.SEMANTIC_PROPERTIES_PREFIX) allowing prefix queries.
bytes semantic_data = 7;
// The consistency token used to ensure that we are recording actions to
// the same server store.
feedwire1.ConsistencyToken consistency_token = 9;
reserved 8;
// Allow the payload to contain Legacy Stream content.
// TODO: Should this be removed, this was designed for legacy content
// which is currently not supported anywhere.
message StreamLegacyPayload {
// String identifying the type of the legacy content. This values is
// opaque to the infrastructure.
optional string type = 1;
// The data making up the Legacy payload. This value is opaque to the
// infrastructure.
optional bytes data = 2;
// List of all the sessions.
message StreamSessions {
// Represents the current sessions
repeated StreamSession stream_session = 1;
// Persistence for a Session. This allows the UI to create a ModelProvider
// from an existing session.
message StreamSession {
// Unique identifier for the session.
optional string session_id = 1;
// The milliseconds of either the time this session was created or the last
// time content was added to the HEAD session.
optional int64 legacy_time_millis = 2;
// Metadata for the session. If this field is absent then fallback to
// #legacy_time_millis.
optional SessionMetadata session_metadata = 3;
// Metadata that describes a session.
message SessionMetadata {
// The time in milliseconds that the most recent content was added to this
// session.
optional int64 last_added_time_millis = 1;
// The time in milliseconds that this session was created.
optional int64 creation_time_millis = 2;
// The schema used to create this session.
optional int32 schema_version = 3;
message StreamLocalAction {
// See LocalActionMutation.ActionType
optional int32 action = 1;
optional string feature_content_id = 2;
// When the action was recorded
optional int64 timestamp_seconds = 3;
message StreamUploadableAction {
optional string feature_content_id = 2;
// The number of time this action was attempted to be recorded
optional int32 upload_attempts = 3;
// When the action was recorded
optional int64 timestamp_seconds = 4;
optional feedwire1.ActionPayload payload = 6;
// The duration for the action in milliseconds. In case of view actions this
// is the duration for which the content is considered "viewed".
optional int64 duration_ms = 7;
reserved 1, 5; // deprecated fields
// An extension to the BasicLoggingMetadata which is used to hide the notion of
// the client needing this data in other places.
message ClientBasicLoggingMetadata {
extend {
optional ClientBasicLoggingMetadata client_basic_logging_metadata =
// Time server filled out content.
optional int64 availability_time_seconds = 1;