blob: 3a1668bded616edad15341b6961239bd9f20ecfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom-shared.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/css/page_size_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/feature_policy/feature_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/user_activation_update_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/messaging/transferable_message.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/ad_tagging/ad_frame.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/commit_result/commit_result.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/devtools_agent.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/feature_policy/feature_policy.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/lifecycle.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/media_player_action.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/portal/portal.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/selection_menu/selection_menu_behavior.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/web_feature/web_feature.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/cross_variant_mojo_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/task_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_url_error.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_url_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_document_loader.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_frame_load_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ime_text_span.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_navigation_params.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
} // namespace gfx
namespace blink {
class FrameScheduler;
class InterfaceRegistry;
class WebAssociatedURLLoader;
class WebAutofillClient;
class WebContentCaptureClient;
class WebContentSettingsClient;
class WebDocument;
class WebDOMMessageEvent;
class WebLocalFrameClient;
class WebFrameWidget;
class WebInputMethodController;
class WebPerformance;
class WebRange;
class WebSecurityOrigin;
class WebScriptExecutionCallback;
class WebSpellCheckPanelHostClient;
class WebString;
class WebTextCheckClient;
class WebURL;
class WebView;
struct FramePolicy;
struct TransferableMessage;
struct WebAssociatedURLLoaderOptions;
struct WebConsoleMessage;
struct WebIsolatedWorldInfo;
struct WebPrintPageDescription;
struct WebPrintParams;
struct WebPrintPresetOptions;
struct WebScriptSource;
struct WebSourceLocation;
namespace mojom {
enum class TreeScopeType;
// Interface for interacting with in process frames. This contains methods that
// require interacting with a frame's document.
// FIXME: Move lots of methods from WebFrame in here.
class WebLocalFrame : public WebFrame {
// Creates a main local frame for the WebView. Can only be invoked when no
// main frame exists yet. Call Close() to release the returned frame.
// WebLocalFrameClient may not be null.
// TODO(dcheng): The argument order should be more consistent with
// CreateLocalChild() and CreateRemoteChild() in WebRemoteFrame... but it's so
// painful...
BLINK_EXPORT static WebLocalFrame* CreateMainFrame(
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token,
WebFrame* opener = nullptr,
const WebString& name = WebString(),
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags = network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags::kNone,
const FeaturePolicy::FeatureState& opener_feature_state =
// Used to create a provisional local frame. Currently, it's possible for a
// provisional navigation not to commit (i.e. it might turn into a download),
// but this can only be determined by actually trying to load it. The loading
// process depends on having a corresponding LocalFrame in Blink to hold all
// the pending state.
// When a provisional frame is first created, it is only partially attached to
// the frame tree. This means that though a provisional frame might have a
// frame owner, the frame owner's content frame does not point back at the
// provisional frame. Similarly, though a provisional frame may have a parent
// frame pointer, the parent frame's children list will not contain the
// provisional frame. Thus, a provisional frame is invisible to the rest of
// Blink unless the navigation commits and the provisional frame is fully
// attached to the frame tree by calling Swap(). It swaps with the
// |previous_web_frame|.
// |name| should either match the name of the frame that might be replaced, or
// be an empty string (e.g. if the browsing context name needs to be cleared
// due to Cross-Origin Opener Policy).
// Otherwise, if the load should not commit, call Detach() to discard the
// frame.
BLINK_EXPORT static WebLocalFrame* CreateProvisional(
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token,
WebFrame* previous_web_frame,
const FramePolicy&,
const WebString& name);
// Creates a new local child of this frame. Similar to the other methods that
// create frames, the returned frame should be freed by calling Close() when
// it's no longer needed.
virtual WebLocalFrame* CreateLocalChild(
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token) = 0;
// Returns the WebFrame associated with the current V8 context. This
// function can return 0 if the context is associated with a Document that
// is not currently being displayed in a Frame.
BLINK_EXPORT static WebLocalFrame* FrameForCurrentContext();
// Returns the frame corresponding to the given context. This can return 0
// if the context is detached from the frame, or if the context doesn't
// correspond to a frame (e.g., workers).
BLINK_EXPORT static WebLocalFrame* FrameForContext(v8::Local<v8::Context>);
virtual WebLocalFrameClient* Client() const = 0;
// Initialization ---------------------------------------------------------
virtual void SetAutofillClient(WebAutofillClient*) = 0;
virtual WebAutofillClient* AutofillClient() = 0;
virtual void SetContentCaptureClient(WebContentCaptureClient*) = 0;
virtual WebContentCaptureClient* ContentCaptureClient() const = 0;
// Basic properties ---------------------------------------------------
virtual WebDocument GetDocument() const = 0;
// The name of this frame. If no name is given, empty string is returned.
virtual WebString AssignedName() const = 0;
// Sets the name of this frame.
virtual void SetName(const WebString&) = 0;
// Hierarchy ----------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if the current frame is a provisional frame.
// TODO( provisional frames are a hack that should
// be removed.
virtual bool IsProvisional() const = 0;
// Get the highest-level LocalFrame in this frame's in-process subtree.
virtual WebLocalFrame* LocalRoot() = 0;
// Returns the WebFrameWidget associated with this frame if there is one or
// nullptr otherwise.
// TODO(dcheng): The behavior of this will be changing to always return a
// WebFrameWidget. Use IsLocalRoot() if it's important to tell if a frame is a
// local root.
virtual WebFrameWidget* FrameWidget() const = 0;
// Returns the frame identified by the given name. This method supports
// pseudo-names like _self, _top, and _blank and otherwise performs the same
// kind of lookup what |, name)| would in Javascript.
virtual WebFrame* FindFrameByName(const WebString& name) = 0;
// Sets an embedding token for the document in this frame. This token is
// propagated to the remote parent of this frame (via the browser) such
// that it can uniquely refer to the document in this frame.
virtual void SetEmbeddingToken(
const base::UnguessableToken& embedding_token) = 0;
// Returns the embedding token for this frame or nullopt if it isn't embedded.
// This is the token that the remote parent of this frame uses to uniquely
// identify it.
virtual const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& GetEmbeddingToken() = 0;
// Navigation Ping --------------------------------------------------------
virtual void SendPings(const WebURL& destination_url) = 0;
// Navigation ----------------------------------------------------------
// Start reloading the current document.
// Note: StartReload() will be deprecated, use StartNavigation() instead.
virtual void StartReload(WebFrameLoadType) = 0;
// Start navigation to the given URL.
virtual void StartNavigation(const WebURLRequest&) = 0;
// View-source rendering mode. Set this before loading an URL to cause
// it to be rendered in view-source mode.
virtual void EnableViewSourceMode(bool) = 0;
virtual bool IsViewSourceModeEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns the document loader that is currently loaded.
virtual WebDocumentLoader* GetDocumentLoader() const = 0;
// Sets the referrer for the given request to be the specified URL or
// if that is null, then it sets the referrer to the referrer that the
// frame would use for subresources. NOTE: This method also filters
// out invalid referrers (e.g., it is invalid to send a HTTPS URL as
// the referrer for a HTTP request).
virtual void SetReferrerForRequest(WebURLRequest&, const WebURL&) = 0;
// The frame should handle the request as a download.
// If the request is for a blob: URL, a BlobURLToken should be provided
// as |blob_url_token| to ensure the correct blob gets downloaded.
virtual void DownloadURL(
const WebURLRequest& request,
network::mojom::RedirectMode cross_origin_redirect_behavior,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle blob_url_token) = 0;
// Navigation State -------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if there is a pending redirect or location change
// within specified interval. This could be caused by:
// * an HTTP Refresh header
// * an X-Frame-Options header
// * the respective http-equiv meta tags
// * window.location value being mutated
// * CSP policy block
// * reload
// * form submission
virtual bool IsNavigationScheduledWithin(base::TimeDelta interval) const = 0;
virtual void BlinkFeatureUsageReport(blink::mojom::WebFeature feature) = 0;
// Informs the renderer that mixed content was found externally regarding this
// frame. Currently only the the browser process can do so. The included data
// is used for instance to report to the CSP policy and to log to the frame
// console.
virtual void MixedContentFound(const WebURL& main_resource_url,
const WebURL& mixed_content_url,
bool was_allowed,
bool had_redirect,
const WebSourceLocation&) = 0;
// Orientation Changes ----------------------------------------------------
// Notify the frame that the screen orientation has changed.
virtual void SendOrientationChangeEvent() = 0;
// CSS3 Paged Media ----------------------------------------------------
// Returns the type of @page size styling for the given page.
virtual PageSizeType GetPageSizeType(int page_index) = 0;
// Gets the description for the specified page. This includes preferred page
// size and margins in pixels, assuming 96 pixels per inch. The size and
// margins must be initialized to the default values that are used if auto is
// specified.
virtual void GetPageDescription(int page_index, WebPrintPageDescription*) = 0;
// Scripting --------------------------------------------------------------
// Executes script in the context of the current page.
virtual void ExecuteScript(const WebScriptSource&) = 0;
// Executes JavaScript in a new world associated with the web frame.
// The script gets its own global scope and its own prototypes for
// intrinsic JavaScript objects (String, Array, and so-on). It also
// gets its own wrappers for all DOM nodes and DOM constructors.
// worldID must be > 0 (as 0 represents the main world).
// worldID must be < kEmbedderWorldIdLimit, high number used internally.
virtual void ExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorld(int32_t world_id,
const WebScriptSource&) = 0;
// worldID must be > 0 (as 0 represents the main world).
// worldID must be < kEmbedderWorldIdLimit, high number used internally.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebLocalFrame::requestExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorld.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual v8::Local<v8::Value>
ExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorldAndReturnValue(int32_t world_id,
const WebScriptSource&) = 0;
// Clears the isolated world CSP stored for |world_id| by this frame's
// Document.
virtual void ClearIsolatedWorldCSPForTesting(int32_t world_id) = 0;
// Sets up an isolated world by associating a |world_id| with |info|.
// worldID must be > 0 (as 0 represents the main world).
// worldID must be < kEmbedderWorldIdLimit, high number used internally.
virtual void SetIsolatedWorldInfo(int32_t world_id,
const WebIsolatedWorldInfo& info) = 0;
// Executes script in the context of the current page and returns the value
// that the script evaluated to.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebLocalFrame::requestExecuteScriptAndReturnValue.
virtual v8::Local<v8::Value> ExecuteScriptAndReturnValue(
const WebScriptSource&) = 0;
// Call the function with the given receiver and arguments, bypassing
// canExecute().
virtual v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> CallFunctionEvenIfScriptDisabled(
int argc,
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[]) = 0;
// Returns the V8 context for associated with the main world and this
// frame. There can be many V8 contexts associated with this frame, one for
// each isolated world and one for the main world. If you don't know what
// the "main world" or an "isolated world" is, then you probably shouldn't
// be calling this API.
virtual v8::Local<v8::Context> MainWorldScriptContext() const = 0;
// Executes script in the context of the current page and returns the value
// that the script evaluated to with callback. Script execution can be
// suspend.
// DEPRECATED: Prefer requestExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorld().
virtual void RequestExecuteScriptAndReturnValue(
const WebScriptSource&,
bool user_gesture,
WebScriptExecutionCallback*) = 0;
// Requests execution of the given function, but allowing for script
// suspension and asynchronous execution.
virtual void RequestExecuteV8Function(v8::Local<v8::Context>,
v8::Local<v8::Value> receiver,
int argc,
v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[],
WebScriptExecutionCallback*) = 0;
enum ScriptExecutionType {
// Execute script synchronously, unless the page is suspended.
// Execute script asynchronously.
// Execute script asynchronously, blocking the window.onload event.
// worldID must be > 0 (as 0 represents the main world).
// worldID must be < kEmbedderWorldIdLimit, high number used internally.
virtual void RequestExecuteScriptInIsolatedWorld(
int32_t world_id,
const WebScriptSource* source_in,
unsigned num_sources,
bool user_gesture,
WebScriptExecutionCallback*) = 0;
// Logs to the console associated with this frame. If |discard_duplicates| is
// set, the message will only be added if it is unique (i.e. has not been
// added to the console previously from this page).
void AddMessageToConsole(const WebConsoleMessage& message,
bool discard_duplicates = false) {
AddMessageToConsoleImpl(message, discard_duplicates);
void AddInspectorIssue(mojom::InspectorIssueCode code) {
// Expose modal dialog methods to avoid having to go through JavaScript.
virtual void Alert(const WebString& message) = 0;
virtual bool Confirm(const WebString& message) = 0;
virtual WebString Prompt(const WebString& message,
const WebString& default_value) = 0;
// Debugging -----------------------------------------------------------
virtual void BindDevToolsAgent(
devtools_agent_receiver) = 0;
// Editing -------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void UnmarkText() = 0;
virtual bool HasMarkedText() const = 0;
virtual WebRange MarkedRange() const = 0;
// Returns the text range rectangle in the viepwort coordinate space.
virtual bool FirstRectForCharacterRange(unsigned location,
unsigned length,
WebRect&) const = 0;
// Supports commands like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, SelectAll,
// Unselect, etc. See EditorCommand.cpp for the full list of supported
// commands.
virtual bool ExecuteCommand(const WebString&) = 0;
virtual bool ExecuteCommand(const WebString&, const WebString& value) = 0;
virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(const WebString&) const = 0;
// Returns the text direction at the start and end bounds of the current
// selection. If the selection range is empty, it returns false.
virtual bool SelectionTextDirection(base::i18n::TextDirection& start,
base::i18n::TextDirection& end) const = 0;
// Returns true if the selection range is nonempty and its anchor is first
// (i.e its anchor is its start).
virtual bool IsSelectionAnchorFirst() const = 0;
// Changes the text direction of the selected input node.
virtual void SetTextDirection(base::i18n::TextDirection) = 0;
// Selection -----------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool HasSelection() const = 0;
virtual WebRange SelectionRange() const = 0;
virtual WebString SelectionAsText() const = 0;
virtual WebString SelectionAsMarkup() const = 0;
// Expands the selection to a word around the caret and returns
// true. Does nothing and returns false if there is no caret or
// there is ranged selection.
virtual bool SelectWordAroundCaret() = 0;
// DEPRECATED: Use moveRangeSelection.
virtual void SelectRange(const gfx::Point& base,
const gfx::Point& extent) = 0;
enum HandleVisibilityBehavior {
// Hide handle(s) in the new selection.
// Show handle(s) in the new selection.
// Keep the current handle visibility.
virtual void SelectRange(const WebRange&,
mojom::SelectionMenuBehavior) = 0;
virtual WebString RangeAsText(const WebRange&) = 0;
// Move the current selection to the provided viewport point/points. If the
// current selection is editable, the new selection will be restricted to
// the root editable element.
// |TextGranularity| represents character wrapping granularity. If
// WordGranularity is set, WebFrame extends selection to wrap word.
virtual void MoveRangeSelection(
const gfx::Point& base,
const gfx::Point& extent,
WebFrame::TextGranularity = kCharacterGranularity) = 0;
virtual void MoveCaretSelection(const gfx::Point&) = 0;
virtual bool SetEditableSelectionOffsets(int start, int end) = 0;
virtual bool SetCompositionFromExistingText(
int composition_start,
int composition_end,
const WebVector<WebImeTextSpan>& ime_text_spans) = 0;
virtual void ExtendSelectionAndDelete(int before, int after) = 0;
// Moves the selection extent point. This function does not allow the
// selection to collapse. If the new extent is set to the same position as
// the current base, this function will do nothing.
virtual void MoveRangeSelectionExtent(const gfx::Point&) = 0;
// Replaces the selection with the input string.
virtual void ReplaceSelection(const WebString&) = 0;
// Deletes text before and after the current cursor position, excluding the
// selection. The lengths are supplied in UTF-16 Code Unit, not in code points
// or in glyphs.
virtual void DeleteSurroundingText(int before, int after) = 0;
// A variant of deleteSurroundingText(int, int). Major differences are:
// 1. The lengths are supplied in code points, not in UTF-16 Code Unit or in
// glyphs.
// 2. This method does nothing if there are one or more invalid surrogate
// pairs in the requested range.
virtual void DeleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(int before, int after) = 0;
virtual void ExtractSmartClipData(WebRect rect_in_viewport,
WebString& clip_text,
WebString& clip_html,
WebRect& clip_rect) = 0;
// Spell-checking support -------------------------------------------------
virtual void SetTextCheckClient(WebTextCheckClient*) = 0;
virtual void SetSpellCheckPanelHostClient(WebSpellCheckPanelHostClient*) = 0;
virtual WebSpellCheckPanelHostClient* SpellCheckPanelHostClient() const = 0;
virtual void ReplaceMisspelledRange(const WebString&) = 0;
virtual void RemoveSpellingMarkers() = 0;
virtual void RemoveSpellingMarkersUnderWords(
const WebVector<WebString>& words) = 0;
// Content Settings -------------------------------------------------------
virtual void SetContentSettingsClient(WebContentSettingsClient*) = 0;
// Image reload -----------------------------------------------------------
// If the provided node is an image that failed to load, reload it.
virtual void ReloadImage(const WebNode&) = 0;
// Iframe sandbox ---------------------------------------------------------
// TODO(ekaramad): This method is only exposed for testing for certain tests
// outside of blink/ that are interested in approximate value of the
// FrameReplicationState. This method should be replaced with one in content/
// where the notion of FrameReplicationState is relevant to.
// Returns the effective sandbox flags which are inherited from their parent
// frame.
virtual network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags EffectiveSandboxFlagsForTesting()
const = 0;
// Returns false if this frame, or any parent frame is sandboxed and does not
// have the flag "allow-downloads" set.
virtual bool IsAllowedToDownload() const = 0;
// Find-in-page -----------------------------------------------------------
// Searches a frame for a given string. Only used for testing.
// If a match is found, this function will select it (scrolling down to
// make it visible if needed) and fill in selectionRect with the
// location of where the match was found (in window coordinates).
// If no match is found, this function clears all tickmarks and
// highlighting.
// Returns true if the search string was found, false otherwise.
virtual bool FindForTesting(int identifier,
const WebString& search_text,
bool match_case,
bool forward,
bool find_next,
bool force,
bool wrap_within_frame) = 0;
// Set the tickmarks for the frame. This will override the default tickmarks
// generated by find results. If this is called with an empty array, the
// default behavior will be restored.
virtual void SetTickmarks(const WebVector<WebRect>&) = 0;
// Context menu -----------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the node that the context menu opened over.
virtual WebNode ContextMenuNode() const = 0;
// Copy to the clipboard the image located at a particular point in visual
// viewport coordinates.
virtual void CopyImageAtForTesting(const gfx::Point&) = 0;
// Events --------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispatches a message event on the current DOMWindow in this WebFrame.
virtual void DispatchMessageEventWithOriginCheck(
const WebSecurityOrigin& intended_target_origin,
const WebDOMMessageEvent&) = 0;
// TEMP: Usage count for chrome.loadtimes deprecation.
// This will be removed following the deprecation.
virtual void UsageCountChromeLoadTimes(const WebString& metric) = 0;
// Portals -------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispatches an event when a Portal gets activated. |portal_token| is the
// portal's unique identifier, the message pipe |portal_pipe| is the
// portal's mojo interface, and the message pipe |portal_client_pipe| is
// a mojo interface to communicate back with the caller of the portal's
// mojo interface. |data| is an optional message sent together with the
// portal's activation.
using OnPortalActivatedCallback =
virtual void OnPortalActivated(
const base::UnguessableToken& portal_token,
CrossVariantMojoAssociatedRemote<mojom::PortalInterfaceBase> portal,
TransferableMessage data,
OnPortalActivatedCallback callback) = 0;
// Forwards message to the PortalHost object exposed by the frame.
virtual void ForwardMessageFromHost(
TransferableMessage message,
const WebSecurityOrigin& source_origin,
const base::Optional<WebSecurityOrigin>& target_origin) = 0;
// Scheduling ---------------------------------------------------------------
virtual FrameScheduler* Scheduler() const = 0;
// Task queues --------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns frame-specific task runner to run tasks of this type on.
// They have the same lifetime as the frame.
virtual scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner(
TaskType) = 0;
// Returns the WebInputMethodController associated with this local frame.
virtual WebInputMethodController* GetInputMethodController() = 0;
// Loading ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns an AssociatedURLLoader that is associated with this frame. The
// loader will, for example, be cancelled when StopLoading is called.
// FIXME: StopLoading does not yet cancel an associated loader!!
virtual WebAssociatedURLLoader* CreateAssociatedURLLoader(
const WebAssociatedURLLoaderOptions&) = 0;
// This API is deprecated and only required by PepperURLLoaderHost::Close(),
// and so it should not be used on a regular basis.
virtual void StopLoading() = 0;
// Geometry -----------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: These routines do not force page layout so their results may
// not be accurate if the page layout is out-of-date.
// The scroll offset from the top-left corner of the frame in pixels.
virtual WebSize GetScrollOffset() const = 0;
virtual void SetScrollOffset(const WebSize&) = 0;
// The size of the document in this frame.
virtual WebSize DocumentSize() const = 0;
// Returns true if the contents (minus scrollbars) has non-zero area.
virtual bool HasVisibleContent() const = 0;
// Returns the visible content rect (minus scrollbars), relative to the
// document.
virtual WebRect VisibleContentRect() const = 0;
// Printing ------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispatch |beforeprint| event, and execute event handlers. They might detach
// this frame from the owner WebView.
// This function should be called before pairs of PrintBegin() and PrintEnd().
virtual void DispatchBeforePrintEvent() = 0;
// Reformats the WebFrame for printing. WebPrintParams specifies the printable
// content size, paper size, printable area size, printer DPI and print
// scaling option. If constrainToNode node is specified, then only the given
// node is printed (for now only plugins are supported), instead of the entire
// frame.
// Returns the number of pages that can be printed at the given
// page size.
virtual int PrintBegin(const WebPrintParams&,
const WebNode& constrain_to_node = WebNode()) = 0;
// Returns the page shrinking factor calculated by webkit (usually
// between 1/1.33 and 1/2). Returns 0 if the page number is invalid or
// not in printing mode.
virtual float GetPrintPageShrink(int page) = 0;
// Prints one page, and returns the calculated page shrinking factor
// (usually between 1/1.33 and 1/2). Returns 0 if the page number is
// invalid or not in printing mode.
virtual float PrintPage(int page_to_print, cc::PaintCanvas*) = 0;
// Reformats the WebFrame for screen display.
virtual void PrintEnd() = 0;
// Dispatch |afterprint| event, and execute event handlers. They might detach
// this frame from the owner WebView.
// This function should be called after pairs of PrintBegin() and PrintEnd().
virtual void DispatchAfterPrintEvent() = 0;
// Returns true on success and sets the out parameter to the print preset
// options for the document.
virtual bool GetPrintPresetOptionsForPlugin(const WebNode&,
WebPrintPresetOptions*) = 0;
// Paint Preview ------------------------------------------------------------
// Captures a full frame paint preview of the WebFrame including subframes.
virtual bool CapturePaintPreview(const WebRect& bounds,
cc::PaintCanvas* canvas) = 0;
// Focus --------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns whether the keyboard should be suppressed for the currently focused
// element.
virtual bool ShouldSuppressKeyboardForFocusedElement() = 0;
// Performance --------------------------------------------------------
virtual WebPerformance Performance() const = 0;
// Ad Tagging ---------------------------------------------------------
// True if the frame is thought (heuristically) to be created for
// advertising purposes.
virtual bool IsAdSubframe() const = 0;
// This setter is available in case the embedder has more information about
// whether or not the frame is an ad.
virtual void SetIsAdSubframe(blink::mojom::AdFrameType ad_frame_type) = 0;
// User activation -----------------------------------------------------------
// See blink::LocalFrame::NotifyUserActivation().
virtual void NotifyUserActivation() = 0;
// See blink::LocalFrame::HasStickyUserActivation().
virtual bool HasStickyUserActivation() = 0;
// See blink::LocalFrame::HasTransientUserActivation().
virtual bool HasTransientUserActivation() = 0;
// See blink::LocalFrame::ConsumeTransientUserActivation().
virtual bool ConsumeTransientUserActivation(
UserActivationUpdateSource update_source =
UserActivationUpdateSource::kRenderer) = 0;
// DevTools -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Instructs devtools to pause loading of the frame as soon as it's shown
// until explicit command from the devtools client.
virtual void WaitForDebuggerWhenShown() = 0;
// Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prints the frame into the canvas, with page boundaries drawn as one pixel
// wide blue lines. This method exists to support web tests.
virtual void PrintPagesForTesting(cc::PaintCanvas*, const WebSize&) = 0;
// Returns the bounds rect for current selection. If selection is performed
// on transformed text, the rect will still bound the selection but will
// not be transformed itself. If no selection is present, the rect will be
// empty ((0,0), (0,0)).
virtual WebRect GetSelectionBoundsRectForTesting() const = 0;
// Returns the position of the frame's origin relative to the viewport (ie the
// local root).
virtual gfx::Point GetPositionInViewportForTesting() const = 0;
virtual void SetLifecycleState(mojom::FrameLifecycleState state) = 0;
virtual void WasHidden() = 0;
virtual void WasShown() = 0;
// Grants ability to lookup a named frame via the FindFrame
// WebLocalFrameClient API. Enhanced binding security checks that check the
// agent cluster will be enabled for windows that do not have this permission.
// This should only be used for extensions and the webview tag.
virtual void SetAllowsCrossBrowsingInstanceFrameLookup() = 0;
explicit WebLocalFrame(mojom::TreeScopeType scope,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token)
: WebFrame(scope, frame_token) {}
// Inherited from WebFrame, but intentionally hidden: it never makes sense
// to directly call these on a WebLocalFrame.
bool IsWebLocalFrame() const override = 0;
WebLocalFrame* ToWebLocalFrame() override = 0;
bool IsWebRemoteFrame() const override = 0;
WebRemoteFrame* ToWebRemoteFrame() override = 0;
virtual void AddMessageToConsoleImpl(const WebConsoleMessage&,
bool discard_duplicates) = 0;
virtual void AddInspectorIssueImpl(blink::mojom::InspectorIssueCode code) = 0;
} // namespace blink