blob: af99c8f9334148843e86a77a146f5b854d5efbde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/heap_page.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/visitor.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsHashTableDeleteValue(const void* value) {
return value == reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1);
} // namespace
class BasePage;
// Base visitor used to mark Oilpan objects on any thread.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MarkingVisitorCommon : public Visitor {
enum MarkingMode {
// Default visitor mode used for regular marking.
// Visitor mode recording slots for compaction during marking.
void VisitWeak(const void*, const void*, TraceDescriptor, WeakCallback) final;
void VisitWeakContainer(const void*,
const void* const*,
const void*) final;
void VisitEphemeron(const void*, const void*, TraceCallback) final;
// This callback mechanism is needed to account for backing store objects
// containing intra-object pointers, all of which must be relocated/rebased
// with respect to the moved-to location.
// For Blink, |HeapLinkedHashSet<>| is currently the only abstraction which
// relies on this feature.
void RegisterBackingStoreCallback(const void*, MovingObjectCallback) final;
void RegisterMovableSlot(const void* const*) final;
void RegisterWeakCallback(WeakCallback, const void*) final;
// Flush private segments remaining in visitor's worklists to global pools.
void FlushCompactionWorklists();
size_t marked_bytes() const { return marked_bytes_; }
int task_id() const { return task_id_; }
// Account for object's live bytes. Should only be adjusted when
// actually tracing through an already marked object. Logically, this means
// accounting for the bytes when transitioning from grey to black.
ALWAYS_INLINE void AccountMarkedBytes(HeapObjectHeader*);
MarkingVisitorCommon(ThreadState*, MarkingMode, int task_id);
~MarkingVisitorCommon() override = default;
// Try to mark an object without tracing. Returns true when the object was not
// marked upon calling.
bool MarkHeaderNoTracing(HeapObjectHeader*);
MarkingWorklist::View marking_worklist_;
WriteBarrierWorklist::View write_barrier_worklist_;
NotFullyConstructedWorklist::View not_fully_constructed_worklist_;
WeakCallbackWorklist::View weak_callback_worklist_;
MovableReferenceWorklist::View movable_reference_worklist_;
WeakTableWorklist::View weak_table_worklist_;
BackingStoreCallbackWorklist::View backing_store_callback_worklist_;
size_t marked_bytes_ = 0;
const MarkingMode marking_mode_;
int task_id_;
ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkingVisitorCommon::AccountMarkedBytes(
HeapObjectHeader* header) {
marked_bytes_ +=
? reinterpret_cast<LargeObjectPage*>(PageFromObject(header))
: header->size();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool MarkingVisitorCommon::MarkHeaderNoTracing(
HeapObjectHeader* header) {
DCHECK(State()->IsIncrementalMarking() || State()->InAtomicMarkingPause());
// A GC should only mark the objects that belong in its heap.
// Never mark free space objects. This would e.g. hint to marking a promptly
// freed backing store.
return header->TryMark<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kAtomic>();
// Base visitor used to mark Oilpan objects on any thread.
template <class Specialized>
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MarkingVisitorBase : public MarkingVisitorCommon {
void Visit(const void* object, TraceDescriptor desc) final;
// Unused cross-component visit methods.
void Visit(const TraceWrapperV8Reference<v8::Value>&) override {}
MarkingVisitorBase(ThreadState* state, MarkingMode marking_mode, int task_id)
: MarkingVisitorCommon(state, marking_mode, task_id) {}
~MarkingVisitorBase() override = default;
// Marks an object and adds a tracing callback for processing of the object.
void MarkHeader(HeapObjectHeader*, const TraceDescriptor&);
template <class Specialized>
inline void MarkingVisitorBase<Specialized>::Visit(const void* object,
TraceDescriptor desc) {
if (desc.base_object_payload == BlinkGC::kNotFullyConstructedObject) {
// This means that the objects are not-yet-fully-constructed. See comments
// on GarbageCollectedMixin for how those objects are handled.
MarkHeader(HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(desc.base_object_payload), desc);
// Marks an object and adds a tracing callback for processing of the object.
template <class Specialized>
ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkingVisitorBase<Specialized>::MarkHeader(
HeapObjectHeader* header,
const TraceDescriptor& desc) {
if (Specialized::IsInConstruction(header)) {
} else if (MarkHeaderNoTracing(header)) {
// Visitor used to mark Oilpan objects on the main thread. Also implements
// various sorts of write barriers that should only be called from the main
// thread.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT MarkingVisitor
: public MarkingVisitorBase<MarkingVisitor> {
// Returns whether an object is in construction.
static bool IsInConstruction(HeapObjectHeader* header);
// Write barrier that adds a value the |slot| refers to to the set of marked
// objects. The barrier bails out if marking is off or the object is not yet
// marked. Returns true if the value has been marked on this call.
template <typename T>
static bool WriteBarrier(T** slot);
static void GenerationalBarrier(Address slot, ThreadState* state);
// Eagerly traces an already marked backing store ensuring that all its
// children are discovered by the marker. The barrier bails out if marking
// is off and on individual objects reachable if they are already marked. The
// barrier uses the callback function through GcInfo, so it will not inline
// any templated type-specific code.
static void TraceMarkedBackingStore(const void* value);
MarkingVisitor(ThreadState*, MarkingMode);
~MarkingVisitor() override = default;
// Conservatively marks an object if pointed to by Address. The object may
// be in construction as the scan is conservative without relying on a
// Trace method.
void ConservativelyMarkAddress(BasePage*, ConstAddress);
// Marks an object dynamically using any address within its body and adds a
// tracing callback for processing of the object. The object is not allowed
// to be in construction.
void DynamicallyMarkAddress(ConstAddress);
void FlushMarkingWorklists();
// Exact version of the marking and generational write barriers.
static bool WriteBarrierSlow(void*);
static void GenerationalBarrierSlow(Address, ThreadState*);
static bool MarkValue(void*, BasePage*, ThreadState*);
static void TraceMarkedBackingStoreSlow(const void*);
// static
ALWAYS_INLINE bool MarkingVisitor::IsInConstruction(HeapObjectHeader* header) {
// No need for atomics when operating on the mutator thread where
// construction happens.
return header->IsInConstruction<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kNonAtomic>();
// static
template <typename T>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool MarkingVisitor::WriteBarrier(T** slot) {
void* value = *slot;
if (!value || IsHashTableDeleteValue(value))
return false;
// Dijkstra barrier if concurrent marking is in progress.
BasePage* value_page = PageFromObject(value);
ThreadState* thread_state = value_page->thread_state();
if (UNLIKELY(thread_state->IsIncrementalMarking()))
return MarkValue(value, value_page, thread_state);
GenerationalBarrier(reinterpret_cast<Address>(slot), thread_state);
return false;
if (!ThreadState::IsAnyIncrementalMarking())
return false;
// Avoid any further checks and dispatch to a call at this point. Aggressive
// inlining otherwise pollutes the regular execution paths.
return WriteBarrierSlow(*slot);
// static
ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkingVisitor::GenerationalBarrier(Address slot,
ThreadState* state) {
// First, check if the source object is in the last allocated region of heap.
if (LIKELY(state->Heap().IsInLastAllocatedRegion(slot)))
if (UNLIKELY(state->IsOnStack(slot)))
GenerationalBarrierSlow(slot, state);
// static
ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkingVisitor::TraceMarkedBackingStore(const void* value) {
if (!ThreadState::IsAnyIncrementalMarking())
// Avoid any further checks and dispatch to a call at this point. Aggressive
// inlining otherwise pollutes the regular execution paths.
// Visitor used to mark Oilpan objects on concurrent threads.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ConcurrentMarkingVisitor
: public MarkingVisitorBase<ConcurrentMarkingVisitor> {
// Returns whether an object is in construction.
static bool IsInConstruction(HeapObjectHeader* header);
ConcurrentMarkingVisitor(ThreadState*, MarkingMode, int);
~ConcurrentMarkingVisitor() override = default;
virtual void FlushWorklists();
// Concurrent variant of MarkingVisitorCommon::AccountMarkedBytes.
void AccountMarkedBytesSafe(HeapObjectHeader*);
bool IsConcurrent() const override { return true; }
bool ConcurrentTracingBailOut(TraceDescriptor desc) override {
return true;
ALWAYS_INLINE void ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::AccountMarkedBytesSafe(
HeapObjectHeader* header) {
marked_bytes_ +=
? static_cast<LargeObjectPage*>(PageFromObject(header))->ObjectSize()
: header->size<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kAtomic>();
// static
ALWAYS_INLINE bool ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::IsInConstruction(
HeapObjectHeader* header) {
return header->IsInConstruction<HeapObjectHeader::AccessMode::kAtomic>();
} // namespace blink