blob: 5ad9eb0f127dea40c4d4d8e2342f0ee8e1aa7e4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/arc_app_id_provider_impl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/arc_support_host.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/android_management_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/session_manager/session_manager_client.h"
#include "components/arc/session/arc_session_runner.h"
#include "components/arc/session/arc_stop_reason.h"
class ArcAppLauncher;
class Profile;
namespace arc {
class ArcAndroidManagementChecker;
class ArcDataRemover;
class ArcFastAppReinstallStarter;
class ArcPaiStarter;
class ArcTermsOfServiceNegotiator;
enum class ProvisioningResult : int;
// This class is responsible for handing stages of ARC life-cycle.
class ArcSessionManager : public ArcSessionRunner::Observer,
public ArcSupportHost::ErrorDelegate,
public chromeos::SessionManagerClient::Observer {
// Represents each State of ARC session.
// NOT_INITIALIZED: represents the state that the Profile is not yet ready
// so that this service is not yet initialized, or Chrome is being shut
// down so that this is destroyed.
// STOPPED: ARC session is not running, or being terminated.
// NEGOTIATING_TERMS_OF_SERVICE: Negotiating Google Play Store "Terms of
// Service" with a user. There are several ways for the negotiation,
// including opt-in flow, which shows "Terms of Service" page on ARC
// support app, and OOBE flow, which shows "Terms of Service" page as a
// part of Chrome OOBE flow.
// If user does not accept the Terms of Service, disables Google Play
// Store, which triggers RequestDisable() and the state will be set to
// STOPPED, then.
// CHECKING_ANDROID_MANAGEMENT: Checking Android management status. Note that
// the status is checked for each ARC session starting, but this is the
// state only for the first boot case (= opt-in case). The second time and
// later the management check is running in parallel with ARC session
// starting, and in such a case, State is ACTIVE, instead.
// REMOVING_DATA_DIR: When ARC is disabled, the data directory is removed.
// While removing is processed, ARC cannot be started. This is the state.
// ACTIVE: ARC is running.
// STOPPING: ARC is being shut down.
// State transition should be as follows:
// NOT_INITIALIZED -> STOPPED: when the primary Profile gets ready.
// ...(any)... -> NOT_INITIALIZED: when the Chrome is being shutdown.
// ...(any)... -> STOPPED: on error.
// In the first boot case:
// accepts "Terms Of Service"
// CHECKING_ANDROID_MANAGEMENT -> ACTIVE: when the auth token is
// successfully fetched.
// In the second (or later) boot case:
// STOPPED -> ACTIVE: when arc.enabled preference is checked that it is
// true. Practically, this is when the primary Profile gets ready.
// In the disabling case:
// STOPPING: Eventually change the state to STOPPED. Do nothing
// immediately.
// REMOVING_DATA_DIR: Eventually state will become STOPPED. Do nothing
// immediately.
// TODO(hidehiko): Fix the state machine, and update the comment including
// relationship with |enable_requested_|.
enum class State {
// Observer for those services outside of ARC which want to know ARC events.
class Observer {
// Called to notify that whether Google Play Store is enabled or not, which
// is represented by "arc.enabled" preference, is updated.
virtual void OnArcPlayStoreEnabledChanged(bool enabled) {}
// Called to notify that checking of Android management status started
// during the opt-in flow.
virtual void OnArcOptInManagementCheckStarted() {}
// Called to notify that ARC begins to start.
virtual void OnArcStarted() {}
// Called to notify that ARC has been successfully provisioned for the first
// time after OptIn.
virtual void OnArcInitialStart() {}
// Called when ARC session is stopped, and is not being restarted
// automatically.
virtual void OnArcSessionStopped(ArcStopReason stop_reason) {}
// Called when ARC session is stopped, but is being restarted automatically.
// This is called _after_ the container is actually created.
virtual void OnArcSessionRestarting() {}
// Called to notify that Android data has been removed. Used in
// browser_tests
virtual void OnArcDataRemoved() {}
// Called to notify that the error is requested by the session manager to be
// displayed in the support host. This is called even if Support UI is
// disabled. Note that this is not called in cases when the support app
// switches to an error page by itself.
virtual void OnArcErrorShowRequested(ArcSupportHost::Error error) {}
virtual ~Observer() = default;
explicit ArcSessionManager(
std::unique_ptr<ArcSessionRunner> arc_session_runner);
~ArcSessionManager() override;
static ArcSessionManager* Get();
static void SetUiEnabledForTesting(bool enabled);
static void SetArcTermsOfServiceOobeNegotiatorEnabledForTesting(bool enabled);
static void EnableCheckAndroidManagementForTesting(bool enable);
// Returns true if ARC is allowed to run for the current session.
// TODO(hidehiko): The name is very close to IsArcAllowedForProfile(), but
// has different meaning. Clean this up.
bool IsAllowed() const;
// Initializes ArcSessionManager. Before this runs, Profile must be set
// via SetProfile().
void Initialize();
void Shutdown();
// Sets the |profile|, and sets up Profile related fields in this instance.
// IsArcAllowedForProfile() must return true for the given |profile|.
void SetProfile(Profile* profile);
Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
const Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
State state() const { return state_; }
// Adds or removes observers.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Notifies observers that Google Play Store enabled preference is changed.
// Note: ArcPlayStoreEnabledPreferenceHandler has the main responsibility to
// notify the event. However, due to life time, it is difficult for non-ARC
// services to subscribe the handler instance directly. Instead, they can
// subscribe to ArcSessionManager, and ArcSessionManager proxies the event.
void NotifyArcPlayStoreEnabledChanged(bool enabled);
// Called from ARC support platform app when user cancels signing.
void CancelAuthCode();
// Requests to enable ARC session. This starts ARC instance, or maybe starts
// Terms Of Service negotiation if they haven't been accepted yet.
// If it is already requested to enable, no-op.
// Currently, enabled/disabled is tied to whether Google Play Store is
// enabled or disabled. Please see also TODO of
// SetArcPlayStoreEnabledForProfile().
void RequestEnable();
// Requests to disable ARC session. This stops ARC instance, or quits Terms
// Of Service negotiation if it is the middle of the process (e.g. closing
// UI for manual negotiation if it is shown). This does not remove user ARC
// data.
// If it is already requested to disable, no-op.
void RequestDisable();
// Requests to remove the ARC data.
// If ARC is stopped, triggers to remove the data. Otherwise, queues to
// remove the data after ARC stops.
// A log statement with the removal reason must be added prior to calling
// this.
void RequestArcDataRemoval();
// ArcSupportHost:::ErrorDelegate:
void OnWindowClosed() override;
void OnRetryClicked() override;
void OnSendFeedbackClicked() override;
// StopArc(), then restart. Between them data clear may happens.
// This is a special method to support enterprise device lost case.
// This can be called only when ARC is running.
void StopAndEnableArc();
ArcSupportHost* support_host() { return support_host_.get(); }
// On provisioning completion (regardless of whether successfully done or
// not), this is called with its status. On success, called with
// ProvisioningResult::SUCCESS, otherwise |result| is the error reason.
void OnProvisioningFinished(ProvisioningResult result);
// Returns the time when the sign in process started, or a null time if
// signing in didn't happen during this session.
base::TimeTicks sign_in_start_time() const { return sign_in_start_time_; }
// Returns the time when ARC was about to start, or a null time if ARC has not
// been started yet.
base::TimeTicks arc_start_time() const { return arc_start_time_; }
// Returns true if ARC requested to start.
bool enable_requested() const { return enable_requested_; }
// Returns PAI starter that is used to start Play Auto Install flow. It is
// available only on initial start.
ArcPaiStarter* pai_starter() { return pai_starter_.get(); }
// Returns Fast App Reinstall starter that is used to start Play Fast App
// Reinstall flow. It is available only on initial start.
ArcFastAppReinstallStarter* fast_app_resintall_starter() {
return fast_app_reinstall_starter_.get();
// Returns true if the current ARC run has started with skipping user ToS
// negotiation, because the user had accepted already or policy does not
// require ToS acceptance. Returns false in other cases, including one when
// ARC is not currently running.
bool is_directly_started() const { return directly_started_; }
void set_directly_started_for_testing(bool directly_started) {
directly_started_ = directly_started;
// Injectors for testing.
void SetArcSessionRunnerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<ArcSessionRunner> arc_session_runner);
ArcSessionRunner* GetArcSessionRunnerForTesting();
void SetAttemptUserExitCallbackForTesting(const base::Closure& callback);
// Returns whether the Play Store app is requested to be launched by this
// class. Should be used only for tests.
bool IsPlaystoreLaunchRequestedForTesting() const;
// Invoking StartArc() only for testing, e.g., to emulate accepting Terms of
// Service then passing Android management check successfully.
void StartArcForTesting() { StartArc(); }
// Invokes OnTermsOfServiceNegotiated as if negotiation is done for testing.
void OnTermsOfServiceNegotiatedForTesting(bool accepted) {
// Reports statuses of OptIn flow to UMA.
class ScopedOptInFlowTracker;
// RequestEnable() has a check in order not to trigger starting procedure
// twice. This method can be called to bypass that check when restarting.
// Returns true if ARC is started directly.
bool RequestEnableImpl();
// Negotiates the terms of service to user, if necessary.
// Otherwise, move to StartAndroidManagementCheck().
void MaybeStartTermsOfServiceNegotiation();
void OnTermsOfServiceNegotiated(bool accepted);
void ShutdownSession();
void ResetArcState();
void OnArcSignInTimeout();
// Starts Android management check. This is for first boot case (= Opt-in
// or OOBE flow case). In secondary or later ARC enabling, the check should
// run in background.
void StartAndroidManagementCheck();
// Called when the Android management check is done in opt-in flow or
// OOBE flow.
void OnAndroidManagementChecked(
policy::AndroidManagementClient::Result result);
// Starts Android management check in background (in parallel with starting
// ARC). This is for secondary or later ARC enabling.
// The reason running them in parallel is for performance. The secondary or
// later ARC enabling is typically on "logging into Chrome" for the user who
// already opted in to use Google Play Store. In such a case, network is
// typically not yet ready. Thus, if we block ARC boot, it delays several
// seconds, which is not very user friendly.
void StartBackgroundAndroidManagementCheck();
// Called when the background Android management check is done. It is
// triggered when the second or later ARC boot timing.
void OnBackgroundAndroidManagementChecked(
policy::AndroidManagementClient::Result result);
// Requests to start ARC instance. Also, updates the internal state to
void StartArc();
// Requests to stop ARC instance. This resets two persistent flags:
// kArcSignedIn and kArcTermsAccepted, so that, in next enabling,
// it is started from Terms of Service negotiation.
// TODO(hidehiko): Introduce STOPPING state, and this function should
// transition to it.
void StopArc();
// ArcSessionRunner::Observer:
void OnSessionStopped(ArcStopReason reason, bool restarting) override;
void OnSessionRestarting() override;
// Starts to remove ARC data, if it is requested via RequestArcDataRemoval().
// On completion, OnArcDataRemoved() is called.
// If not requested, just skipping the data removal, and moves to
// MaybeReenableArc() directly.
void MaybeStartArcDataRemoval();
void OnArcDataRemoved(base::Optional<bool> success);
// On ARC session stopped and/or data removal completion, this is called
// so that, if necessary, ARC session is restarted.
// TODO(hidehiko): This can be removed after the racy state machine
// is fixed.
void MaybeReenableArc();
// Requests the support host (if it exists) to show the error, and notifies
// the observers.
void ShowArcSupportHostError(ArcSupportHost::Error error,
bool should_show_send_feedback);
// chromeos::SessionManagerClient::Observer:
void EmitLoginPromptVisibleCalled() override;
std::unique_ptr<ArcSessionRunner> arc_session_runner_;
// Unowned pointer. Keeps current profile.
Profile* profile_ = nullptr;
// Whether ArcSessionManager is requested to enable (starting to run ARC
// instance) or not.
bool enable_requested_ = false;
// Internal state machine. See also State enum class.
State state_ = State::NOT_INITIALIZED;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observer_list_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcAppLauncher> playstore_launcher_;
bool reenable_arc_ = false;
bool provisioning_reported_ = false;
bool directly_started_ = false;
base::OneShotTimer arc_sign_in_timer_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcSupportHost> support_host_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcDataRemover> data_remover_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcTermsOfServiceNegotiator> terms_of_service_negotiator_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcAndroidManagementChecker> android_management_checker_;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedOptInFlowTracker> scoped_opt_in_tracker_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcPaiStarter> pai_starter_;
std::unique_ptr<ArcFastAppReinstallStarter> fast_app_reinstall_starter_;
// The time when the sign in process started.
base::TimeTicks sign_in_start_time_;
// The time when ARC was about to start.
base::TimeTicks arc_start_time_;
base::Closure attempt_user_exit_callback_;
ArcAppIdProviderImpl app_id_provider_;
// Must be the last member.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcSessionManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Outputs the stringified |state| to |os|. This is only for logging purposes.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const ArcSessionManager::State& state);
} // namespace arc