blob: 4c901c9913a96e9fc0841da37027349c812793a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browsing_data/site_data_size_collector.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/arc/session/arc_session_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/settings_page_ui_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cryptohome/rpc.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h"
#include "components/arc/mojom/storage_manager.mojom.h"
#include "components/arc/session/connection_observer.h"
#include "components/arc/storage_manager/arc_storage_manager.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
class Profile;
namespace content {
class WebUIDataSource;
} // namespace content
namespace crostini {
enum class CrostiniResult;
} // namespace crostini
namespace chromeos {
namespace settings {
class StorageHandler
: public ::settings::SettingsPageUIHandler,
public arc::ConnectionObserver<arc::mojom::StorageManagerInstance>,
public arc::ArcSessionManager::Observer,
public chromeos::disks::DiskMountManager::Observer {
// Enumeration for device state about remaining space. These values must be
// kept in sync with settings.StorageSpaceState in JS code.
enum StorageSpaceState {
StorageHandler(Profile* profile, content::WebUIDataSource* html_source);
~StorageHandler() override;
// ::settings::SettingsPageUIHandler:
void RegisterMessages() override;
void OnJavascriptAllowed() override;
void OnJavascriptDisallowed() override;
// arc::ConnectionObserver<arc::mojom::StorageManagerInstance>:
void OnConnectionReady() override;
void OnConnectionClosed() override;
// arc::ArcSessionManager::Observer:
void OnArcPlayStoreEnabledChanged(bool enabled) override;
// chromeos::disks::DiskMountManager::Observer:
void OnMountEvent(chromeos::disks::DiskMountManager::MountEvent event,
chromeos::MountError error_code,
const chromeos::disks::DiskMountManager::MountPointInfo&
mount_info) override;
// Handlers of JS messages.
void HandleUpdateAndroidEnabled(const base::ListValue* unused_args);
void HandleUpdateStorageInfo(const base::ListValue* unused_args);
void HandleOpenDownloads(const base::ListValue* unused_args);
void HandleOpenArcStorage(const base::ListValue* unused_args);
void HandleUpdateExternalStorages(const base::ListValue* unused_args);
// Requests updating disk space information.
void UpdateSizeStat();
// Callback to update the UI about disk space information.
void OnGetSizeStat(int64_t* total_size, int64_t* available_size);
// Requests updating the size of Downloads directory.
void UpdateDownloadsSize();
// Callback to update the UI about the size of Downloads directory.
void OnGetDownloadsSize(int64_t size);
// Requests updating the size of browsing data.
void UpdateBrowsingDataSize();
// Callback to receive the cache size.
void OnGetCacheSize(bool is_upper_limit, int64_t size);
// Callback to update the UI about the size of browsing data.
void OnGetBrowsingDataSize(bool is_site_data, int64_t size);
// Requests updating the flag that hides the Android size UI.
void UpdateAndroidRunning();
// Requests updating the space size used by Android apps and cache.
void UpdateAndroidSize();
// Callback to update the UI about Android apps and cache.
void OnGetAndroidSize(bool succeeded, arc::mojom::ApplicationsSizePtr size);
// Requests updating the space size used by Crostini VMs and their apps and
// cache.
void UpdateCrostiniSize();
// Callback to update the UI about Crostini VMs and their apps and cache.
void OnGetCrostiniSize(crostini::CrostiniResult result, int64_t size);
// Requests updating the total size of other users' data.
void UpdateOtherUsersSize();
// Callback to save the fetched user sizes and update the UI.
void OnGetOtherUserSize(base::Optional<cryptohome::BaseReply> reply);
// Updates list of external storages.
void UpdateExternalStorages();
// Returns true if the volume from |source_path| can be used as Android
// storage.
bool IsEligibleForAndroidStorage(std::string source_path);
// Total size of cache data in browsing data.
int64_t browser_cache_size_;
// True if we have already received the size of http cache.
bool has_browser_cache_size_;
// Total size of site data in browsing data.
int64_t browser_site_data_size_;
// True if we have already received the size of site data.
bool has_browser_site_data_size_;
// Helper to compute the total size of all types of site date.
std::unique_ptr<SiteDataSizeCollector> site_data_size_collector_;
// The list of other users whose directory sizes will be accumulated as the
// size of "Other users".
user_manager::UserList other_users_;
// Fetched sizes of user directories.
std::vector<int64_t> user_sizes_;
// Flags indicating fetch operations for storage sizes are ongoing.
bool updating_downloads_size_;
bool updating_browsing_data_size_;
bool updating_android_size_;
bool updating_crostini_size_;
bool updating_other_users_size_;
// A flag for keeping track of the mojo connection status to the ARC
// container.
bool is_android_running_;
Profile* const profile_;
const std::string source_name_;
ScopedObserver<arc::ArcSessionManager, arc::ArcSessionManager::Observer>
const re2::RE2 special_volume_path_pattern_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StorageHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace settings
} // namespace chromeos