blob: f456195656bcd19d755a7bb20c0c823fe0395770 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Extract histogram names from the description XML file.
For more information on the format of the XML file, which is self-documenting,
see histograms.xml; however, here is a simple example to get you started. The
XML below will generate the following five histograms:
<histogram name="HistogramTime" units="milliseconds">
<summary>A brief description.</summary>
<details>This is a more thorough description of this histogram.</details>
<histogram name="HistogramEnum" enum="MyEnumType">
<summary>This histogram sports an enum value type.</summary>
<enum name="MyEnumType">
<summary>This is an example enum type, where the values mean little.</summary>
<int value="1" label="FIRST_VALUE">This is the first value.</int>
<int value="2" label="SECOND_VALUE">This is the second value.</int>
<histogram_suffixes name="BrowserType" separator="_">
<suffix name="Chrome"/>
<suffix name="IE"/>
<suffix name="Firefox"/>
<affected-histogram name="HistogramEnum"/>
import copy
import datetime
import HTMLParser
import logging
import re
import xml.dom.minidom
BASIC_EMAIL_REGEXP = r'^[\w\-\+\%\.]+\@[\w\-\+\%\.]+$'
'Please list the metric\'s owners. Add more owner tags as needed.')
'Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.')
EXPIRY_MILESTONE_RE = re.compile(r'M[0-9]{2,3}\Z')
class Error(Exception):
def _GetTextFromChildNodes(node):
"""Returns a string concatenation of the text of the given node's children.
Comments are ignored, consecutive lines of text are joined with a single
space, and paragraphs are maintained so that long text is more readable on
node: The DOM Element whose children's text is to be extracted, processed,
and returned.
paragraph_break = '\n\n'
text_parts = []
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeType != xml.dom.minidom.Node.COMMENT_NODE:
child_text = child.toxml()
if not child_text:
# If the given node has the below XML representation, then the text
# added to the list is 'Some words.\n\nWords.'
# <tag>
# Some
# words.
# <!--Child comment node.-->
# Words.
# </tag>
# In the case of the first child text node, raw_paragraphs would store
# ['\n Some\n words.', ' '], and in the case of the second,
# raw_paragraphs would store ['', ' Words.\n'].
raw_paragraphs = child_text.split(paragraph_break)
# In the case of the first child text node, processed_paragraphs would
# store ['Some words.', ''], and in the case of the second,
# processed_paragraphs would store ['Words.'].
processed_paragraphs = [NormalizeString(text)
for text in raw_paragraphs
if text]
return ''.join(text_parts).strip()
def NormalizeString(text):
r"""Replaces all white space sequences with a single space.
Also, unescapes any HTML escaped characters, e.g. &quot; or &gt;.
text: The string to normalize, '\n\n a \n b&gt;c '.
The normalized string 'a b>c'.
line = ' '.join(text.split())
# Unescape using default ASCII encoding. Unescapes any HTML escaped character
# like &quot; etc.
return HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(line)
def _NormalizeAllAttributeValues(node):
"""Recursively normalizes all tag attribute values in the given tree.
node: The minidom node to be normalized.
The normalized minidom node.
if node.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
for a in node.attributes.keys():
node.attributes[a].value = NormalizeString(node.attributes[a].value)
for c in node.childNodes:
return node
def _ExpandHistogramNameWithSuffixes(suffix_name, histogram_name,
"""Creates a new histogram name based on a histogram suffix.
suffix_name: The suffix string to apply to the histogram name. May be empty.
histogram_name: The name of the histogram. May be of the form
Group.BaseName or BaseName.
histogram_suffixes_node: The histogram_suffixes XML node.
A string with the expanded histogram name.
Error: if the expansion can't be done.
if histogram_suffixes_node.hasAttribute('separator'):
separator = histogram_suffixes_node.getAttribute('separator')
separator = '_'
if histogram_suffixes_node.hasAttribute('ordering'):
ordering = histogram_suffixes_node.getAttribute('ordering')
ordering = 'suffix'
parts = ordering.split(',')
ordering = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1:
placement = int(parts[1])
placement = 1
if ordering not in ['prefix', 'suffix']:
logging.error('ordering needs to be prefix or suffix, value is %s',
raise Error()
if not suffix_name:
return histogram_name
if ordering == 'suffix':
return histogram_name + separator + suffix_name
# For prefixes, the suffix_name is inserted between the "cluster" and the
# "remainder", e.g. Foo.BarHist expanded with gamma becomes Foo.gamma_BarHist.
sections = histogram_name.split('.')
if len(sections) <= placement:
'Prefix histogram_suffixes expansions require histogram names which '
'include a dot separator. Histogram name is %s, histogram_suffixes is '
'%s, and placment is %d', histogram_name,
histogram_suffixes_node.getAttribute('name'), placement)
raise Error()
cluster = '.'.join(sections[0:placement]) + '.'
remainder = '.'.join(sections[placement:])
return cluster + suffix_name + separator + remainder
def ExtractEnumsFromXmlTree(tree):
"""Extracts all <enum> nodes in the tree into a dictionary."""
enums = {}
have_errors = False
last_name = None
for enum in tree.getElementsByTagName('enum'):
name = enum.getAttribute('name')
if last_name is not None and name.lower() < last_name.lower():
logging.error('Enums %s and %s are not in alphabetical order', last_name,
have_errors = True
last_name = name
if name in enums:
logging.error('Duplicate enum %s', name)
have_errors = True
enum_dict = {}
enum_dict['name'] = name
enum_dict['values'] = {}
for int_tag in enum.getElementsByTagName('int'):
value_dict = {}
int_value = int(int_tag.getAttribute('value'))
if int_value in enum_dict['values']:
logging.error('Duplicate enum value %d for enum %s', int_value, name)
have_errors = True
value_dict['label'] = int_tag.getAttribute('label')
value_dict['summary'] = _GetTextFromChildNodes(int_tag)
enum_dict['values'][int_value] = value_dict
enum_int_values = sorted(enum_dict['values'].keys())
last_int_value = None
for int_tag in enum.getElementsByTagName('int'):
int_value = int(int_tag.getAttribute('value'))
if last_int_value is not None and int_value < last_int_value:
logging.error('Enum %s int values %d and %d are not in numerical order',
name, last_int_value, int_value)
have_errors = True
left_item_index = bisect.bisect_left(enum_int_values, int_value)
if left_item_index == 0:
logging.warning('Insert value %d at the beginning', int_value)
left_int_value = enum_int_values[left_item_index - 1]
left_label = enum_dict['values'][left_int_value]['label']
logging.warning('Insert value %d after %d ("%s")', int_value,
left_int_value, left_label)
last_int_value = int_value
summary_nodes = enum.getElementsByTagName('summary')
if summary_nodes:
enum_dict['summary'] = _GetTextFromChildNodes(summary_nodes[0])
enums[name] = enum_dict
return enums, have_errors
def _ExtractOwners(histogram):
"""Extracts owners information from the given histogram element.
histogram: A DOM Element corresponding to a histogram.
A tuple of owner-related info, e.g. ([''], True)
The first element is a list of the owners' email addresses, excluding the
owner placeholder string. The second element is a boolean indicating
whether the histogram has an owner. A histogram whose owner is the owner
placeholder string has an owner.
email_pattern = re.compile(BASIC_EMAIL_REGEXP)
owners = []
has_owner = False
for owner_node in histogram.getElementsByTagName('owner'):
owner_text = _GetTextFromChildNodes(owner_node)
is_email = email_pattern.match(owner_text)
if owner_text and (is_email or OWNER_PLACEHOLDER in owner_text):
has_owner = True
if is_email:
return owners, has_owner
def _ValidateDateString(date_str):
"""Checks if |date_str| matches 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
date_str: string
True iff |date_str| matches 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
_ = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, EXPIRY_DATE_PATTERN).date()
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def _ValidateMilestoneString(milestone_str):
"""Check if |milestone_str| matches 'M*'."""
return EXPIRY_MILESTONE_RE.match(milestone_str) is not None
def _ProcessBaseHistogramAttribute(node, histogram_entry):
if node.hasAttribute('base'):
is_base = node.getAttribute('base').lower() == 'true'
histogram_entry['base'] = is_base
if is_base and 'obsolete' not in histogram_entry:
histogram_entry['obsolete'] = DEFAULT_BASE_HISTOGRAM_OBSOLETE_REASON
def _ExtractHistogramsFromXmlTree(tree, enums):
"""Extracts all <histogram> nodes in the tree into a dictionary."""
# Process the histograms. The descriptions can include HTML tags.
histograms = {}
have_errors = False
last_name = None
for histogram in tree.getElementsByTagName('histogram'):
name = histogram.getAttribute('name')
if last_name is not None and name.lower() < last_name.lower():
logging.error('Histograms %s and %s are not in alphabetical order',
last_name, name)
have_errors = True
last_name = name
if name in histograms:
logging.error('Duplicate histogram definition %s', name)
have_errors = True
histograms[name] = histogram_entry = {}
# Handle expiry attribute.
if histogram.hasAttribute('expires_after'):
expiry_str = histogram.getAttribute('expires_after')
if (expiry_str == "never" or _ValidateMilestoneString(expiry_str) or
histogram_entry['expires_after'] = expiry_str
'Expiry of histogram %s does not match expected date format ("%s"),'
' milestone format (M*), or "never": found %s.', name,
have_errors = True
# Find <owner> tag.
owners, hasOwner = _ExtractOwners(histogram)
if owners:
histogram_entry['owners'] = owners
# Find <summary> tag.
summary_nodes = histogram.getElementsByTagName('summary')
if summary_nodes:
histogram_entry['summary'] = _GetTextFromChildNodes(summary_nodes[0])
histogram_entry['summary'] = 'TBD'
# Find <obsolete> tag.
obsolete_nodes = histogram.getElementsByTagName('obsolete')
if obsolete_nodes:
reason = _GetTextFromChildNodes(obsolete_nodes[0])
histogram_entry['obsolete'] = reason
# Non-obsolete histograms should provide a <summary>.
if not obsolete_nodes and not summary_nodes:
logging.error('histogram %s should provide a <summary>', name)
have_errors = True
# Non-obsolete histograms should specify <owner>s.
if not obsolete_nodes and not hasOwner:
logging.error('histogram %s should specify <owner>s', name)
have_errors = True
# Histograms should have either units or enum.
if (not histogram.hasAttribute('units') and
not histogram.hasAttribute('enum')):
logging.error('histogram %s should have either units or enum', name)
have_errors = True
# Handle units.
if histogram.hasAttribute('units'):
histogram_entry['units'] = histogram.getAttribute('units')
# Find <details> tag.
details_nodes = histogram.getElementsByTagName('details')
if details_nodes:
histogram_entry['details'] = _GetTextFromChildNodes(details_nodes[0])
# Handle enum types.
if histogram.hasAttribute('enum'):
enum_name = histogram.getAttribute('enum')
if enum_name not in enums:
logging.error('Unknown enum %s in histogram %s', enum_name, name)
have_errors = True
histogram_entry['enum'] = enums[enum_name]
_ProcessBaseHistogramAttribute(histogram, histogram_entry)
return histograms, have_errors
def _GetObsoleteReason(node):
"""If the node's histogram is obsolete, returns a string explanation.
Otherwise, returns None.
node: A DOM Element associated with a histogram.
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.localName == 'obsolete':
# There can be at most 1 obsolete element per node.
return _GetTextFromChildNodes(child)
return None
def _UpdateHistogramsWithSuffixes(tree, histograms):
"""Processes <histogram_suffixes> tags and combines with affected histograms.
The histograms dictionary will be updated in-place by adding new histograms
created by combining histograms themselves with histogram_suffixes targeting
these histograms.
tree: XML dom tree.
histograms: a dictionary of histograms previously extracted from the tree;
True if any errors were found.
have_errors = False
histogram_suffix_tag = 'histogram_suffixes'
suffix_tag = 'suffix'
with_tag = 'with-suffix'
# Verify order of histogram_suffixes fields first.
last_name = None
for histogram_suffixes in tree.getElementsByTagName(histogram_suffix_tag):
name = histogram_suffixes.getAttribute('name')
if last_name is not None and name.lower() < last_name.lower():
logging.error('histogram_suffixes %s and %s are not in alphabetical '
'order', last_name, name)
have_errors = True
last_name = name
# histogram_suffixes can depend on other histogram_suffixes, so we need to be
# careful. Make a temporary copy of the list of histogram_suffixes to use as a
# queue. histogram_suffixes whose dependencies have not yet been processed
# will get relegated to the back of the queue to be processed later.
reprocess_queue = []
def GenerateHistogramSuffixes():
for f in tree.getElementsByTagName(histogram_suffix_tag):
yield 0, f
for r, f in reprocess_queue:
yield r, f
for reprocess_count, histogram_suffixes in GenerateHistogramSuffixes():
# Check dependencies first
dependencies_valid = True
affected_histograms = histogram_suffixes.getElementsByTagName(
for affected_histogram in affected_histograms:
histogram_name = affected_histogram.getAttribute('name')
if histogram_name not in histograms:
# Base histogram is missing
dependencies_valid = False
missing_dependency = histogram_name
if not dependencies_valid:
reprocess_queue.append((reprocess_count + 1, histogram_suffixes))
logging.error('histogram_suffixes %s is missing its dependency %s',
have_errors = True
# If the suffix group has an obsolete tag, all suffixes it generates inherit
# its reason.
group_obsolete_reason = _GetObsoleteReason(histogram_suffixes)
name = histogram_suffixes.getAttribute('name')
suffix_nodes = histogram_suffixes.getElementsByTagName(suffix_tag)
suffix_labels = {}
for suffix in suffix_nodes:
suffix_name = suffix.getAttribute('name')
if not suffix.hasAttribute('label'):
logging.error('suffix %s in histogram_suffixes %s should have a label',
suffix_name, name)
have_errors = True
suffix_labels[suffix_name] = suffix.getAttribute('label')
# Find owners list under current histogram_suffixes tag.
owners, _ = _ExtractOwners(histogram_suffixes)
last_histogram_name = None
for affected_histogram in affected_histograms:
histogram_name = affected_histogram.getAttribute('name')
if (last_histogram_name is not None and
histogram_name.lower() < last_histogram_name.lower()):
logging.error('Affected histograms %s and %s of histogram_suffixes %s '
'are not in alphabetical order', last_histogram_name,
histogram_name, name)
have_errors = True
last_histogram_name = histogram_name
with_suffixes = affected_histogram.getElementsByTagName(with_tag)
if with_suffixes:
suffixes_to_add = with_suffixes
suffixes_to_add = suffix_nodes
for suffix in suffixes_to_add:
suffix_name = suffix.getAttribute('name')
new_histogram_name = _ExpandHistogramNameWithSuffixes(
suffix_name, histogram_name, histogram_suffixes)
if new_histogram_name != histogram_name:
new_histogram = copy.deepcopy(histograms[histogram_name])
# Do not copy forward base histogram state to suffixed
# histograms. Any suffixed histograms that wish to remain base
# histograms must explicitly re-declare themselves as base
# histograms.
if new_histogram.get('base', False):
del new_histogram['base']
if (new_histogram.get(
del new_histogram['obsolete']
histograms[new_histogram_name] = new_histogram
suffix_label = suffix_labels.get(suffix_name, '')
# TODO(yiyaoliu): Rename these to be consistent with the new naming.
# It is kept unchanged for now to be it's used by dashboards.
if 'fieldtrial_groups' not in histograms[new_histogram_name]:
histograms[new_histogram_name]['fieldtrial_groups'] = []
if 'fieldtrial_names' not in histograms[new_histogram_name]:
histograms[new_histogram_name]['fieldtrial_names'] = []
if 'fieldtrial_labels' not in histograms[new_histogram_name]:
histograms[new_histogram_name]['fieldtrial_labels'] = []
# If no owners are added for this histogram-suffixes, it inherits the
# owners of its parents.
if owners:
histograms[new_histogram_name]['owners'] = owners
# If a suffix has an obsolete node, it's marked as obsolete for the
# specified reason, overwriting its group's obsoletion reason if the
# group itself was obsolete as well.
obsolete_reason = _GetObsoleteReason(suffix)
if not obsolete_reason:
obsolete_reason = group_obsolete_reason
# If the suffix has an obsolete tag, all histograms it generates
# inherit it.
if obsolete_reason:
histograms[new_histogram_name]['obsolete'] = obsolete_reason
_ProcessBaseHistogramAttribute(suffix, histograms[new_histogram_name])
except Error:
have_errors = True
return have_errors
def ExtractHistogramsFromDom(tree):
"""Computes the histogram names and descriptions from the XML representation.
tree: A DOM tree of XML content.
a tuple of (histograms, status) where histograms is a dictionary mapping
histogram names to dictionaries containing histogram descriptions and status
is a boolean indicating if errros were encoutered in processing.
enums, enum_errors = ExtractEnumsFromXmlTree(tree)
histograms, histogram_errors = _ExtractHistogramsFromXmlTree(tree, enums)
update_errors = _UpdateHistogramsWithSuffixes(tree, histograms)
return histograms, enum_errors or histogram_errors or update_errors
def ExtractHistograms(filename):
"""Loads histogram definitions from a disk file.
filename: a file path to load data from.
a dictionary of histogram descriptions.
Error: if the file is not well-formatted.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
tree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
histograms, had_errors = ExtractHistogramsFromDom(tree)
if had_errors:
logging.error('Error parsing %s', filename)
raise Error()
return histograms
def ExtractNames(histograms):
return sorted(histograms.keys())