blob: 0fad34b5f6c2a30aadfd6fed657e274cf8a34bae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch_delegate_proxy.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch_registration_id.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch_request_info.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch_scheduler.h"
#include "content/common/background_fetch/background_fetch_types.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
namespace content {
class BackgroundFetchDataManager;
// The JobController will be responsible for coordinating communication with the
// DownloadManager. It will get requests from the RequestManager and dispatch
// them to the DownloadService. It lives entirely on the IO thread.
// Lifetime: It is created lazily only once a Background Fetch registration
// starts downloading, and it is destroyed once no more communication with the
// DownloadService or Offline Items Collection is necessary (i.e. once the
// registration has been aborted, or once it has completed/failed and the
// waitUntil promise has been resolved so UpdateUI can no longer be called).
class CONTENT_EXPORT BackgroundFetchJobController
: public BackgroundFetchDelegateProxy::Controller {
using ErrorCallback =
using FinishedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const BackgroundFetchRegistrationId&,
using ProgressCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const BackgroundFetchRegistration&)>;
using RequestFinishedCallback =
BackgroundFetchDataManager* data_manager,
BackgroundFetchDelegateProxy* delegate_proxy,
const BackgroundFetchRegistrationId& registration_id,
const BackgroundFetchOptions& options,
const SkBitmap& icon,
uint64_t bytes_downloaded,
ProgressCallback progress_callback,
FinishedCallback finished_callback);
~BackgroundFetchJobController() override;
// Initializes the job controller with the status of the active and completed
// downloads, as well as the title to use.
// Only called when this has been loaded from the database.
void InitializeRequestStatus(
int completed_downloads,
int total_downloads,
bool start_paused);
// Gets the number of bytes downloaded for jobs that are currently running.
uint64_t GetInProgressDownloadedBytes();
// Returns a unique_ptr to a BackgroundFetchRegistration object
// created with member fields.
std::unique_ptr<BackgroundFetchRegistration> NewRegistration() const;
const BackgroundFetchRegistrationId& registration_id() const {
return registration_id_;
base::WeakPtr<BackgroundFetchJobController> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// BackgroundFetchDelegateProxy::Controller implementation:
void DidStartRequest(
const scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo>& request) override;
void DidUpdateRequest(
const scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo>& request,
uint64_t bytes_downloaded) override;
void DidCompleteRequest(
const scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo>& request) override;
void AbortFromDelegate(
blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchFailureReason failure_reason) override;
void GetUploadData(
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
BackgroundFetchDelegate::GetUploadDataCallback callback) override;
// Aborts the fetch. |callback| will run with the result of marking the
// registration for deletion.
void Abort(blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchFailureReason failure_reason,
ErrorCallback callback);
// Request processing callbacks.
void StartRequest(scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo> request,
RequestFinishedCallback request_finished_callback);
void DidPopNextRequest(
blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchError error,
scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo> request_info);
void MarkRequestAsComplete(
scoped_refptr<BackgroundFetchRequestInfo> request_info);
// Called after the request is completely processed, and the next one can be
// started.
void DidMarkRequestAsComplete(blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchError error);
// Whether there are more requests to process as part of this job.
bool HasMoreRequests();
// Called when the job completes or has been aborted. |callback| will run
// with the result of marking the registration for deletion.
void Finish(blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchFailureReason reason_to_abort,
ErrorCallback callback);
void DidGetUploadData(BackgroundFetchDelegate::GetUploadDataCallback callback,
blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchError error,
std::vector<BackgroundFetchSettledFetch> fetches);
// Manager for interacting with the DB. It is owned by the
// BackgroundFetchContext.
BackgroundFetchDataManager* data_manager_;
// Proxy for interacting with the BackgroundFetchDelegate across thread
// boundaries. It is owned by the BackgroundFetchContext.
BackgroundFetchDelegateProxy* delegate_proxy_;
// The registration ID of the fetch this controller represents.
BackgroundFetchRegistrationId registration_id_;
// Options for the represented background fetch registration.
BackgroundFetchOptions options_;
// Icon for the represented background fetch registration.
SkBitmap icon_;
// Number of bytes downloaded for the active request.
uint64_t active_request_downloaded_bytes_ = 0;
// Finished callback to invoke when the active request has finished.
RequestFinishedCallback active_request_finished_callback_;
// Cache of downloaded byte count stored by the DataManager, to enable
// delivering progress events without having to read from the database.
uint64_t complete_requests_downloaded_bytes_cache_;
// Callback run each time download progress updates.
ProgressCallback progress_callback_;
// Number of requests that comprise the whole job.
int total_downloads_ = 0;
// Number of the requests that have been completed so far.
int completed_downloads_ = 0;
// The reason background fetch was aborted.
blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchFailureReason failure_reason_ =
// Custom callback that runs after the controller is finished.
FinishedCallback finished_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BackgroundFetchJobController> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content