blob: b7cbc9e9fab00cfe3ce04e614334d57e422054fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/dynamic_module_resolver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_url_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/referrer_script_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise_resolver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/modulescript/module_script_fetch_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/modulator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/module_script.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/v8_throw_exception.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/fetch_client_settings_object_snapshot.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
class DynamicImportTreeClient final : public ModuleTreeClient {
static DynamicImportTreeClient* Create(
const KURL& url,
Modulator* modulator,
ScriptPromiseResolver* promise_resolver) {
return MakeGarbageCollected<DynamicImportTreeClient>(url, modulator,
DynamicImportTreeClient(const KURL& url,
Modulator* modulator,
ScriptPromiseResolver* promise_resolver)
: url_(url), modulator_(modulator), promise_resolver_(promise_resolver) {}
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
// Implements ModuleTreeClient:
void NotifyModuleTreeLoadFinished(ModuleScript*) final;
const KURL url_;
const Member<Modulator> modulator_;
const Member<ScriptPromiseResolver> promise_resolver_;
// Implements steps 2.[5-8] of
// <specdef
// href=",-specifier,-promisecapability)">
void DynamicImportTreeClient::NotifyModuleTreeLoadFinished(
ModuleScript* module_script) {
// [nospec] Abort the steps if the browsing context is discarded.
if (!modulator_->HasValidContext()) {
// The promise_resolver_ should have ::Detach()-ed at this point,
// so ::Reject() is not necessary.
ScriptState* script_state = modulator_->GetScriptState();
ScriptState::Scope scope(script_state);
v8::Isolate* isolate = script_state->GetIsolate();
// <spec step="2.5">If result is null, then:</spec>
if (!module_script) {
// <spec step="2.5.1">Let completion be Completion { [[Type]]: throw,
// [[Value]]: a new TypeError, [[Target]]: empty }.</spec>
v8::Local<v8::Value> error = V8ThrowException::CreateTypeError(
"Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: " + url_.GetString());
// <spec step="2.5.2">Perform FinishDynamicImport(referencingScriptOrModule,
// specifier, promiseCapability, completion).</spec>
// <spec step="2.5.3">Return.</spec>
// <spec step="2.6">Run the module script result, with the rethrow errors
// boolean set to true.</spec>
ScriptValue error = modulator_->ExecuteModule(
module_script, Modulator::CaptureEvalErrorFlag::kCapture);
// <spec step="2.7">If running the module script throws an exception,
// ...</spec>
if (!error.IsEmpty()) {
// <spec step="2.7">... then perform
// FinishDynamicImport(referencingScriptOrModule, specifier,
// promiseCapability, the thrown exception completion).</spec>
// Note: "the thrown exception completion" is |error|.
// <spec
// href=""
// step="1">If completion is an abrupt completion, then perform !
// Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « completion.[[Value]]
// »).</spec>
// <spec step="2.8">Otherwise, perform
// FinishDynamicImport(referencingScriptOrModule, specifier,
// promiseCapability, NormalCompletion(undefined)).</spec>
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.1">Assert: completion is a normal completion and
// completion.[[Value]] is undefined.</spec>
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.2">Let moduleRecord be !
// HostResolveImportedModule(referencingScriptOrModule, specifier).</spec>
// Note: We skip invocation of ScriptModuleResolver here. The
// result of HostResolveImportedModule is guaranteed to be |module_script|.
ScriptModule record = module_script->Record();
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.3">Assert: Evaluate has already been invoked on moduleRecord and
// successfully completed.</spec>
// Because |error| is empty, we are sure that ExecuteModule() above was
// successfully completed.
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.4">Let namespace be GetModuleNamespace(moduleRecord).</spec>
v8::Local<v8::Value> module_namespace = record.V8Namespace(isolate);
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.5">If namespace is an abrupt completion, perform !
// Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « namespace.[[Value]]
// »).</spec>
// Note: Blink's implementation never allows |module_namespace| to be
// an abrupt completion.
// <spec
// href=""
// step="2.6">Otherwise, perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]],
// undefined, « namespace.[[Value]] »).</spec>
void DynamicImportTreeClient::Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) {
} // namespace
void DynamicModuleResolver::Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) {
// <specdef
// href=",-specifier,-promisecapability)">
void DynamicModuleResolver::ResolveDynamically(
const String& specifier,
const KURL& referrer_resource_url,
const ReferrerScriptInfo& referrer_info,
ScriptPromiseResolver* promise_resolver) {
<< "ResolveDynamically should be called from V8 callback, within a valid "
// <spec step="1">Let referencing script be
// referencingScriptOrModule.[[HostDefined]].</spec>
// <spec step="2">Run the following steps in parallel:</spec>
// <spec step="2.1">Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier
// given referencing script's base URL and specifier.</spec>
KURL base_url = referrer_info.BaseURL();
if (base_url.IsNull()) {
// ReferrerScriptInfo::BaseURL returns null if it should defer to referrer
// resource url.
base_url = referrer_resource_url;
if (base_url.IsNull()) {
// In some cases, "referencing script" may not exist. Use the document's
// base URL as last resort.
// TODO(kouhei): Revisit this after
// resolved.
base_url = ExecutionContext::From(modulator_->GetScriptState())->BaseURL();
KURL url = modulator_->ResolveModuleSpecifier(specifier, base_url);
if (!url.IsValid()) {
// <spec step="2.2">If url is failure, then:</spec>
// <spec step="2.2.1">Let completion be Completion { [[Type]]: throw,
// [[Value]]: a new TypeError, [[Target]]: empty }.</spec>
v8::Isolate* isolate = modulator_->GetScriptState()->GetIsolate();
v8::Local<v8::Value> error = V8ThrowException::CreateTypeError(
isolate, "Failed to resolve module specifier '" + specifier + "'");
// <spec step="2.2.2">Perform FinishDynamicImport(referencingScriptOrModule,
// specifier, promiseCapability, completion).</spec>
// <spec
// href=""
// step="1">If completion is an abrupt completion, then perform !
// Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « completion.[[Value]]
// »).</spec>
// <spec step="2.2.3">Return.</spec>
// <spec step="2.3">Let options be the descendant script fetch options for
// referencing script's fetch options.</spec>
// <spec href="">
// For any given script fetch options options, the descendant script fetch
// options are a new script fetch options whose items all have the same
// values, except for the integrity metadata, which is instead the empty
// string.</spec>
ScriptFetchOptions options(referrer_info.Nonce(), IntegrityMetadataSet(),
String(), referrer_info.ParserState(),
// <spec step="2.4">Fetch a module script graph given url, referencing
// script's settings object, "script", and options. Wait until the algorithm
// asynchronously completes with result.</spec>
auto* tree_client =
DynamicImportTreeClient::Create(url, modulator_.Get(), promise_resolver);
// TODO(kouhei): ExecutionContext::From(modulator_->GetScriptState()) is
// highly discouraged since it breaks layering. Rewrite this.
auto* execution_context =
url, execution_context->CreateFetchClientSettingsObjectSnapshot(),
mojom::RequestContextType::SCRIPT, options,
ModuleScriptCustomFetchType::kNone, tree_client);
// Steps 2.[5-8] are implemented at
// DynamicImportTreeClient::NotifyModuleLoadFinished.
// <spec step="3">Return undefined.</spec>
} // namespace blink