blob: fde794f849551fd9a8e1ebf825336c75809b4561 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/on_device_head_serving.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace {
// The offset of the root node for the tree. The first two bytes is reserved to
// specify the size (num of bytes) of the address and the score in each node.
const int kRootNodeOffset = 2;
uint32_t ConvertByteArrayToInt(char byte_array[], uint32_t num_bytes) {
uint32_t result = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
result |= (byte_array[i] & 0xff) << (8 * i);
return result;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<OnDeviceHeadServing> OnDeviceHeadServing::Create(
const std::string& model_filename,
int max_num_matches_to_return) {
std::unique_ptr<OnDeviceHeadServing> serving = base::WrapUnique(
new OnDeviceHeadServing(model_filename, max_num_matches_to_return));
// TODO( Add DCHECK and code to report failures to UMA
// histogram.
if (!serving->OpenModelFileStream(0)) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: cannot create on device head "
<< "serving instance because model file cannot be opened";
return nullptr;
char sizes[2];
if (!serving->ReadNextNumBytes(2, sizes)) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: failed to read size information "
<< "in the first 2 bytes of the model file: " << model_filename;
return nullptr;
serving->address_size_ = sizes[0];
serving->score_size_ = sizes[1];
if (!serving->AreSizesValid()) {
return nullptr;
return serving;
OnDeviceHeadServing::OnDeviceHeadServing(const std::string& model_filename,
uint32_t max_num_matches_to_return)
: model_filename_(model_filename),
max_num_matches_to_return_(max_num_matches_to_return) {}
OnDeviceHeadServing::~OnDeviceHeadServing() {
bool OnDeviceHeadServing::AreSizesValid() {
bool is_score_size_valid = (score_size_ >= 2 && score_size_ <= 4);
bool is_address_size_valid = (address_size_ >= 3 && address_size_ <= 4);
if (!is_score_size_valid) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: score size [" << score_size_
<< "] is not valid; valid size should 2, 3 or 4 bytes.";
if (!is_address_size_valid) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: address size [" << address_size_
<< "] is not valid; valid size should be 3 or 4 bytes.";
return is_score_size_valid && is_address_size_valid;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>>
OnDeviceHeadServing::GetSuggestionsForPrefix(const std::string& prefix) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>> suggestions;
if (prefix.empty()) {
return suggestions;
MatchCandidate start_match;
if (FindStartNode(prefix, &start_match)) {
suggestions = DoSearch(start_match);
return suggestions;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>> OnDeviceHeadServing::DoSearch(
const MatchCandidate& start_match) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>> suggestions;
CandidateQueue leaf_queue, non_leaf_queue;
uint32_t min_score_in_queues = start_match.score;
InsertCandidateToQueue(start_match, &leaf_queue, &non_leaf_queue);
// Do the search until there is no non leaf candidates in the queue.
while (!non_leaf_queue.empty()) {
// Always fetch the intermediate node with highest score at the back of the
// queue.
auto next_candidates = ReadTreeNode(non_leaf_queue.back());
min_score_in_queues = GetMinScoreFromQueues(leaf_queue, non_leaf_queue);
for (const auto& candidate : next_candidates) {
if (candidate.score > min_score_in_queues ||
(leaf_queue.size() + non_leaf_queue.size() <
max_num_matches_to_return_)) {
InsertCandidateToQueue(candidate, &leaf_queue, &non_leaf_queue);
// If there are too many candidates in the queues, remove the one with
// lowest score since it will never be shown to users.
if (leaf_queue.size() + non_leaf_queue.size() >
max_num_matches_to_return_) {
if (leaf_queue.empty() ||
(!non_leaf_queue.empty() &&
leaf_queue.front().score > non_leaf_queue.front().score)) {
} else {
min_score_in_queues = GetMinScoreFromQueues(leaf_queue, non_leaf_queue);
while (!leaf_queue.empty()) {
std::make_pair(leaf_queue.back().text, leaf_queue.back().score));
return suggestions;
void OnDeviceHeadServing::InsertCandidateToQueue(
const MatchCandidate& candidate,
CandidateQueue* leaf_queue,
CandidateQueue* non_leaf_queue) {
CandidateQueue* queue_ptr =
candidate.is_complete_suggestion ? leaf_queue : non_leaf_queue;
if (queue_ptr->empty() || candidate.score > queue_ptr->back().score) {
} else {
auto iter = queue_ptr->begin();
for (; iter != queue_ptr->end() && candidate.score > iter->score; ++iter) {
queue_ptr->insert(iter, candidate);
uint32_t OnDeviceHeadServing::GetMinScoreFromQueues(
const CandidateQueue& queue_1,
const CandidateQueue& queue_2) {
uint32_t min_score = 0x1 << (score_size_ * 8 - 1);
if (!queue_1.empty()) {
min_score = std::min(min_score, queue_1.front().score);
if (!queue_2.empty()) {
min_score = std::min(min_score, queue_2.front().score);
return min_score;
bool OnDeviceHeadServing::FindStartNode(const std::string& prefix,
MatchCandidate* start_match) {
if (start_match == nullptr) {
return false;
start_match->text = "";
start_match->score = 0;
start_match->address = kRootNodeOffset;
start_match->is_complete_suggestion = false;
while (start_match->text.size() < prefix.size()) {
auto children = ReadTreeNode(*start_match);
bool has_match = false;
for (auto const& child : children) {
// The way we build the model ensures that there will be only one child
// matching the given prefix at each node.
if (!child.text.empty() &&
(base::StartsWith(child.text, prefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::StartsWith(prefix, child.text,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE))) {
// A leaf only partially matching the given prefix cannot be the right
// start node.
if (child.is_complete_suggestion && child.text.size() < prefix.size()) {
start_match->text = child.text;
start_match->is_complete_suggestion = child.is_complete_suggestion;
start_match->score = child.score;
start_match->address = child.address;
has_match = true;
if (!has_match) {
return false;
return start_match->text.size() >= prefix.size();
uint32_t OnDeviceHeadServing::ReadMaxScoreAsRoot(uint32_t address,
MatchCandidate* leaf_candidate,
bool* is_successful) {
if (is_successful == nullptr) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: a boolean var is_successful "
<< "is required when calling function ReadMaxScoreAsRoot";
return 0;
uint32_t max_score_block = ReadNextNumBytesAsInt(score_size_, is_successful);
if (!*is_successful) {
return 0;
// The 1st bit is the indicator so removing it when rebuilding the max
// score as root.
uint32_t max_score = max_score_block >> 1;
// Read the leaf_score and set leaf_candidate when the indicator is 1.
if ((max_score_block & 0x1) == 0x1 && leaf_candidate != nullptr) {
uint32_t leaf_score = ReadNextNumBytesAsInt(score_size_, is_successful);
if (!*is_successful) {
return 0;
leaf_candidate->score = leaf_score;
leaf_candidate->is_complete_suggestion = true;
return max_score;
bool OnDeviceHeadServing::ReadNextChild(MatchCandidate* candidate) {
if (candidate == nullptr) {
return false;
// Read block [length of text];
bool is_successful;
uint32_t text_length = ReadNextNumBytesAsInt(1, &is_successful);
if (!is_successful) {
return false;
// This is the end of the node.
if (text_length == 0) {
return false;
// Read block [text].
char* text_buf = new char[text_length];
if (!ReadNextNumBytes(text_length, text_buf)) {
delete[] text_buf;
return false;
std::string text(text_buf, text_length);
delete[] text_buf;
// Append the text in this child such that the MatchCandidate object always
// contains the string representing the path from the root node to here.
candidate->text = base::StrCat({candidate->text, text});
// Read block [1 bit indicator + address/leaf_score]
// First read the 1 bit indicator.
char first_byte;
if (!ReadNextNumBytes(1, &first_byte)) {
return false;
bool is_leaf_score = (first_byte & 0x1) == 0x0;
uint32_t length_of_leftover =
(is_leaf_score ? score_size_ : address_size_) - 1;
char* leftover = new char[length_of_leftover];
is_successful = ReadNextNumBytes(length_of_leftover, leftover);
if (is_successful) {
char* last_block = new char[length_of_leftover + 1];
std::memcpy(last_block, &first_byte, 1);
std::memcpy(last_block + 1, leftover, length_of_leftover);
// Remove the 1 bit indicator when re-constructing the score/address.
uint32_t score_or_address =
ConvertByteArrayToInt(last_block, length_of_leftover + 1) >> 1;
if (is_leaf_score) {
// Address is not required for leaf child.
candidate->score = score_or_address;
candidate->is_complete_suggestion = true;
} else {
// For non leaf child, score has been set as the max_score_as_root
// found at the beginning of the current node.
candidate->address = score_or_address;
candidate->is_complete_suggestion = false;
delete[] last_block;
delete[] leftover;
return is_successful;
OnDeviceHeadServing::ReadTreeNode(const MatchCandidate& current) {
std::vector<MatchCandidate> candidates;
// The current candidate passed in is a leaf node and we shall stop here.
if (current.is_complete_suggestion) {
return candidates;
bool is_successful;
MatchCandidate leaf_candidate;
leaf_candidate.is_complete_suggestion = false;
uint32_t max_score_as_root =
ReadMaxScoreAsRoot(current.address, &leaf_candidate, &is_successful);
if (!is_successful) {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: read max_score_as_root failed at "
<< "address [" << current.address << "]";
return candidates;
// The max_score_as_root block may contain a leaf node which corresponds to a
// valid suggestion. Its score was set in function ReadMaxScoreAsRoot.
if (leaf_candidate.is_complete_suggestion) {
leaf_candidate.text = current.text;
// Read child blocks until we reach the end of the node.
while (true) {
MatchCandidate candidate;
candidate.text = current.text;
candidate.score = max_score_as_root;
if (!ReadNextChild(&candidate)) {
return candidates;
bool OnDeviceHeadServing::ReadNextNumBytes(uint32_t num_bytes, char* buf) {
uint32_t address = model_filestream_.tellg();, num_bytes);
if ( {
DVLOG(1) << "On Device Head Serving: ifstream read error at address ["
<< address << "], when trying to read [" << num_bytes << "] bytes";
return false;
return true;
uint32_t OnDeviceHeadServing::ReadNextNumBytesAsInt(uint32_t num_bytes,
bool* is_successful) {
char* buf = new char[num_bytes];
*is_successful = ReadNextNumBytes(num_bytes, buf);
if (!*is_successful) {
delete[] buf;
return 0;
uint32_t result = ConvertByteArrayToInt(buf, num_bytes);
delete[] buf;
return result;
bool OnDeviceHeadServing::OpenModelFileStream(const uint32_t start_address) {
// First close the file if it's still open.
if (model_filestream_.is_open()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Previous file is still open";
}, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!model_filestream_.is_open()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to open model file from [" << model_filename_ << "]";
return false;
if (start_address > 0) {
return true;
void OnDeviceHeadServing::MaybeCloseModelFileStream() {
if (model_filestream_.is_open()) {