blob: d6795eea90d8143ff031c3f92c65f52f0a94c4c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/capture_mode/capture_mode_types.h"
#include "ash/capture_mode/user_nudge_controller.h"
#include "ash/projector/test/mock_projector_client.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes_posix.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace gfx {
class Point;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ui::test {
class EventGenerator;
} // namespace ui::test
namespace views {
class View;
} // namespace views
// Functions that are used by capture mode related unit tests and only meant to
// be used in ash_unittests.
namespace ash {
class CaptureModeController;
class CaptureModeBarView;
class CaptureModeToggleButton;
// Starts the capture mode session with given `source` and `type`.
CaptureModeController* StartCaptureSession(CaptureModeSource source,
CaptureModeType type);
void ClickOnView(const views::View* view,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
// Waits until the recording is in progress.
void WaitForRecordingToStart();
// Moves the mouse and updates the cursor's display manually to imitate what a
// real mouse move event does in shell.
// TODO( Unit tests should be able to simulate mouse input
// without having to call |CursorManager::SetDisplay|.
void MoveMouseToAndUpdateCursorDisplay(
const gfx::Point& point,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
// Starts recording immediately without the 3-seconds count down.
void StartVideoRecordingImmediately();
// Returns the whole file path where the screen capture file is saved to. The
// returned file path could be either under the default downloads folder or the
// custom folder.
base::FilePath WaitForCaptureFileToBeSaved();
// Creates and returns the custom folder path. The custom folder is created in
// the default downloads folder with given `custom_folder_name`.
base::FilePath CreateCustomFolderInUserDownloadsPath(
const std::string& custom_folder_name);
// Sends a press release key combo `count` times.
void SendKey(ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator,
int flags = ui::EF_NONE,
int count = 1);
// Wait for a specific `seconds`.
void WaitForSeconds(int seconds);
// To avoid flaky failures due to mouse devices blocking entering tablet mode,
// we detach all mouse devices. This shouldn't affect testing the cursor
// status.
void SwitchToTabletMode();
// Open the `view` by touch.
void TouchOnView(const views::View* view,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
// Clicks or taps on the `view` based on whether the user is in clamshell or
// tablet mode.
void ClickOrTapView(const views::View* view,
bool in_table_mode,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
CaptureModeBarView* GetCaptureModeBarView();
CaptureModeToggleButton* GetFullscreenToggleButton();
CaptureModeToggleButton* GetRegionToggleButton();
UserNudgeController* GetUserNudgeController();
bool IsLayerStackedRightBelow(ui::Layer* layer, ui::Layer* sibling);
// Defines a helper class to allow setting up and testing the Projector feature
// in multiple test fixtures. Note that this helper initializes the Projector-
// related features in its constructor, so test fixtures that use this should
// also initialize their `ScopedFeatureList` in their constructors to avoid
// DCHECKing when nested ScopedFeatureLists being destroyed in a different order
// than they are initialized.
class ProjectorCaptureModeIntegrationHelper {
const ProjectorCaptureModeIntegrationHelper&) = delete;
ProjectorCaptureModeIntegrationHelper& operator=(
const ProjectorCaptureModeIntegrationHelper&) = delete;
~ProjectorCaptureModeIntegrationHelper() = default;
MockProjectorClient* projector_client() { return &projector_client_; }
// Sets up the projector feature. Must be called after `AshTestBase::SetUp()`
// has been called.
void SetUp();
// Starts a new projector capture session.
void StartProjectorModeSession();
base::test::ScopedFeatureList scoped_feature_list_;
MockProjectorClient projector_client_;
} // namespace ash