blob: 2928dea91927c64bc44813ca42e2ef8ed15381bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "cc/benchmarks/micro_benchmark_controller.h"
#include "cc/test/fake_impl_task_runner_provider.h"
#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host_client.h"
#include "cc/test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/tree_synchronizer.h"
namespace cc {
class MutatorHost;
class TestTaskGraphRunner;
// FakeImplTaskRunnerProvider uses DebugScopedSetImplThread to set its task
// runner to look like the impl thread. This means it needs to outlive the
// LayerTreeHost so that the task runner remains impl-thread bound. This helper
// class is inherited before LayerTreeHost to ensure it's constructed first and
// destructed last.
class TaskRunnerProviderHolder {
FakeImplTaskRunnerProvider& task_runner_provider() {
return task_runner_provider_;
FakeImplTaskRunnerProvider task_runner_provider_;
class FakeLayerTreeHost : private TaskRunnerProviderHolder,
public LayerTreeHost {
static std::unique_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> Create(
FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
TestTaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
MutatorHost* mutator_host);
static std::unique_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> Create(
FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
TestTaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
MutatorHost* mutator_host,
const LayerTreeSettings& settings);
static std::unique_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> Create(
FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
TestTaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
MutatorHost* mutator_host,
const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
CompositorMode mode);
static std::unique_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHost> Create(
FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
TestTaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner,
MutatorHost* mutator_host,
const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
CompositorMode mode,
InitParams params);
~FakeLayerTreeHost() override;
void SetNeedsCommit() override;
void SetNeedsUpdateLayers() override {}
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHostImpl> CreateLayerTreeHostImplInternal(
LayerTreeHostImplClient* client,
MutatorHost* mutator_host,
const LayerTreeSettings& settings,
TaskRunnerProvider* task_runner_provider,
raw_ptr<RasterDarkModeFilter>& dark_mode_filter,
int id,
raw_ptr<TaskGraphRunner>& task_graph_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> image_worker_task_runner,
LayerTreeHostSchedulingClient* scheduling_client,
RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation,
std::unique_ptr<UkmRecorderFactory>& ukm_recorder_factory,
base::WeakPtr<CompositorDelegateForInput>& compositor_delegate_weak_ptr)
// This method is exposed for tests that don't use a Proxy (the
// initialization of which would call the overridden CreateLayerTreeHostImpl
// above). This method will create a FakeLayerTreeHostImpl which is owned by
// this object and can be accessed via host_impl(). This classs ensures that
// the FakeLayerTreeHost doesn't then try to create a second
// FakeLayerTreeHostImpl via a proxy.
void CreateFakeLayerTreeHostImpl();
CommitState* GetPendingCommitState() { return pending_commit_state(); }
ThreadUnsafeCommitState& GetThreadUnsafeCommitState() {
return thread_unsafe_commit_state();
LayerImpl* CommitAndCreateLayerImplTree();
LayerImpl* CommitAndCreatePendingTree();
FakeLayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl() { return host_impl_; }
LayerTreeImpl* active_tree() {
return host_impl_->active_tree();
LayerTreeImpl* pending_tree() {
return host_impl_->pending_tree();
using LayerTreeHost::InitializeForTesting;
using LayerTreeHost::InitializeSingleThreaded;
using LayerTreeHost::ScheduleMicroBenchmark;
using LayerTreeHost::SendMessageToMicroBenchmark;
using LayerTreeHost::SetUIResourceManagerForTesting;
void UpdateLayers() { LayerTreeHost::UpdateLayers(); }
MicroBenchmarkController* GetMicroBenchmarkController() {
return &micro_benchmark_controller_;
bool needs_commit() { return needs_commit_; }
void reset_needs_commit() { needs_commit_ = false; }
FakeLayerTreeHost(FakeLayerTreeHostClient* client,
LayerTreeHost::InitParams params,
CompositorMode mode);
raw_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHostClient> client_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHostImpl> host_impl_ = nullptr;
bool needs_commit_ = false;
// Used only if created via CreateFakeLayerTreeHostImpl to provide ownership
// and lifetime management. Normally the Proxy object owns the LTHI which
// will be the case if the test initializes a Proxy and the Impl is created
// via the overriden CreateLayerTreeHostImpl. Tests without a Proxy that
// manually create an Impl will call CreateFakeLayerTreeHostImpl and this
// class will own that object. Calls should be made on the |host_impl_|
// pointer as that'll always be set to the correct object.
std::unique_ptr<FakeLayerTreeHostImpl> owned_host_impl_;
} // namespace cc