blob: 99784f6292fea212889ace4c7956d12f69fff0a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
// A combination of a set and a list. Lookup semantics come from the set,
// iterator semantics come from the list.
// Iterators preserve the insertion or initialization order.
// Implementing Container, ReversibleContainer, AssociativeContainer are
// non-goals. It has the bare minimum functionality required for the use cases
// in this directory.
// It is assumed that there will be waay more lookups than mutations. Otherwise
// the underlying container choices may not be efficient.
template <typename T>
class OrderPreservingSet {
using value_type = typename std::remove_cv_t<T>;
using set_type = base::flat_set<value_type>;
using list_type = std::vector<value_type>;
using const_iterator = typename list_type::const_iterator;
OrderPreservingSet() = default;
// Initializes this object with the contents of `base_list` whose elements
// *MUST* be distinct. Preserves the order of elements in `base_list`.
explicit OrderPreservingSet(list_type&& base_list)
: list_(std::move(base_list)), set_(list_.begin(), list_.end()) {
template <typename V>
OrderPreservingSet(std::initializer_list<V> v)
: list_(v), set_(list_.begin(), list_.end()) {}
// Modifiers:
template <typename V>
bool Add(V&& v) {
auto insertion_result = set_.insert(std::forward<V>(v));
if (insertion_result.second)
return insertion_result.second;
template <typename V>
void push_back(V&& v) {
void Clear() {
void reserve(typename list_type::size_type element_count) {
// Assign the contents of `list` to this object. Elements of `list` *MUST* be
// distinct. Preserves the order of elements in `list`.
template <typename V>
OrderPreservingSet<T>& Assign(V&& list) {
list_ = std::forward<V>(list);
set_type replacement_set(list_.begin(), list_.end());
return *this;
// Assign the contents of `list` to this object. Elements of `list` *MUST* be
// distinct. Preserves the order of elements in `list`.
template <typename V>
OrderPreservingSet<T>& operator=(V&& list) {
return Assign(std::forward<V>(list));
// Inspectors:
template <typename V>
auto contains(V&& v) const {
return set_.contains(std::forward<V>(v));
// Note the absence of a find() method which would need to return
// a set_type::iterator that will clash with the list_type::iterator values
// returned by the iterators below.
// Forwards to list_type.
auto size() const { return list_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return list_.empty(); }
value_type operator[](typename list_type::size_type index) const {
return list_[index];
// Iteration is in order of insertion. Mutable iterators are not supported.
// Hence everything is const only.
const_iterator begin() const { return list_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return list_.end(); }
const_iterator rbegin() const { return list_.rbegin(); }
const_iterator rend() const { return list_.rend(); }
const list_type& AsList() const { return list_; }
// Model checking.
bool CheckModel() const {
set_type normalized(list_.begin(), list_.end());
return normalized == set_ && list_.size() == set_.size();
bool CheckModel() const { return true; }
list_type list_;
set_type set_;