blob: 8c8534f3621de8e733ac4a279b501ddfefc52c16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
namespace features {
// # Encoding of IdentifiableSurfaces:
// When used in fieldtrial parameters, nn IdentifiableSurface is encoded as the
// decimal representation of its ToUkmMetricHash() result. An
// IdentifiableSurface::Type is encoded as the decimal representation of the
// enum value.
// Root feature for all identifiability study logic.
// If the feature is disabled, then this browser instance will not be
// participating in the identifiability study. I.e. no identifiability metrics
// will be recorded or reported.
// Enabling the feature doesn't automatically make this client part of the study
// either.
extern const base::Feature kIdentifiabilityStudy;
// Each time the key study parameters change, the study generation also
// increments. Reporting the study generation alongside metrics allows the data
// from different study generations to be grouped independently.
// Changes to the study generation resets all persisted state for the
// identifiability study.
// Parameter name: "Gen"
// Parameter type: int
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kIdentifiabilityStudyGeneration;
// Surfaces that should be excluded from reports.
// Parameter name: "BlockedHashes"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of decimal integers, each of which
// represents an IdentifiableSurface.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas should be
// escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1,2' -> '1%2C2'.
// E.g.:
// * "258, 257" : Matches IdentifiableSurface::FromTypeAndToken(kWebFeature, 1)
// and IdentifiableSurface::FromTypeAndToken(kWebFeature, 2)
// From 03/2021 the code no longer supports revoking a surface that was once
// blocked either via "BlockedHashes" or "BlockedTypes".
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
// Surface types that should be excluded from reports.
// Parameter name: "BlockedTypes"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of decimal integers, each of which
// represents an IdentifiableSurface::Type.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas should be
// escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1,2' -> '1%2C2'.
// E.g.:
// * "1, 2" : Matches all surfaces with types kWebFeature and kCanvasReadback.
// From 03/2021 the code no longer supports revoking a surface that was once
// blocked either via "BlockedHashes" or "BlockedTypes".
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyBlockedTypes;
// Number of expected identifiable surfaces that will be sampled.
// Each site you visit implicitly or explicitly observes various identifiable
// bits of information. This is the number of potentially identifiable surfaces
// that we expect will be sampled per client.
// * For now, allow (kIdentifiabilityStudyExpectedSurfaceCount or
// kIdentifiabilityStudyBlocks) and kIdentifiabilityStudyReidSurfaceBlocks to be
// specified at the same time.
// Parameter name: "Rho"
// Parameter type: int
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kIdentifiabilityStudyExpectedSurfaceCount;
// Surface types allowed in the random assignment. If the parameter is empty or
// invalid all types can be sampled. This does not have any effect on meta
// surfaces (type 7), which are sampled in any case.
// Parameter name: "AllowedRandomTypes"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of decimal integers, each of which
// represents an IdentifiableSurface::Type.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas should be
// escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1,2' -> '1%2C2'.
// E.g.:
// * "1, 2" : Matches all surfaces with types kWebFeature and kCanvasReadback.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
// Largest meaningful surface count. Based on observed data. In very rare cases
// the overall number of surfaces will exceed this limit, but based on prior
// measurements these cases account for a tiny fraction of the entire
// population.
constexpr int kMaxIdentifiabilityStudyExpectedSurfaceCount = 1500;
// The limit for the optimistic naive budget for the identifiability study.
// Each surface that's reported back via metrics reduces the available budget.
// No report sent back should exceed this budget. The unit of measurement for
// the budget is currently one _median_ identifiable surface. Some surfaces may
// be more expensive and some may be less expensive.
// This value cannot exceed kMaxIdentifiabilityStudyActiveSurfaceBudget.
// Parameter name: "Max"
// Parameter type: int
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kIdentifiabilityStudyActiveSurfaceBudget;
// This is a hardcoded maximum for the identifiability study budget. The actual
// budget cannot exceed this value even if it's sent via a server-side
// configuration.
// I.e. the following is always true:
// active_surface_budget_ <= kMaxIdentifiabilityStudyActiveSurfaceBudget
// This restriction prevents `active_surface_budget_` being increased past this
// hardcoded limit from a server-side configuration.
constexpr int kMaxIdentifiabilityStudyActiveSurfaceBudget = 40;
// Relative cost of individual surfaces.
// Parameter name: "HashCost"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of <surface-hash-in-decimal;cost-factor>
// pairs.
// By default all surfaces cost 1 _average_ surface. Exceptions are noted
// individually and by type. This parameter contains the per-surface costs.
// Costs are always specified in units of _average_ surface. The value can be
// a float expressed in decimal.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas and semicolons
// should be escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1;2,3;4' -> '1%3B2%2C3%3B4'.
// E.g.:
// * "257;0.5" : Sets the relative cost of 0.5 for
// IdentifiableSurface::FromTypeAndToken(kWebFeature, 1).
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyPerHashCost;
// Selection rate for clusters of related surfaces.
// Surface equivalence classes.
// Parameter name: "Classes"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of classes. Each class is a semicolon
// separated list of surfaces. See examples below.
// The first surface in the list is the representative surface that forms the
// basis for determining the cost for the entire class. I.e. the cost of the
// first surface in the list is assumed to be the cost of _any subset_ of
// surfaces in the set.
// Every surface in an equivalence class is assumed to be pairwise perfectly
// correlated with all other surfaces in the set. For more details see
// definition of SurfaceSetValuation::EquivalenceClassIdentifierMap.
// It is an error for a surface to appear in more than one equivalence class.
// For more details see `SurfaceSetValuation`.
// E.g.:
// * "1;2;3,4;5;6" : Defines two classes: {1,2,3} and {4,5,6}. The surface
// with ID 1 defines the cost of the entire class {1,2,3}. Similarly the
// surface with ID 4 defines the cost of the entire class {4,5,6}.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
// Selection rate for clusters of related surface types.
// Parameter name: "TypeCost"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of <surface-type-in-decimal;cost-factor>
// pairs.
// By default all surfaces cost 1 _average_ surface. Exceptions are noted
// individually and by type. This parameter contains the per-type costs.
// Costs are always specified in units of _average_ surface. The value can be
// a float expressed in decimal.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas and semicolons
// should be escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1;2,3;4' -> '1%3B2%2C3%3B4'.
// E.g.:
// * "1;0.5" : Sets the relative cost of 0.5 for all surfaces of type
// kWebFeature.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyPerTypeCost;
// Surface Sampling Blocks.
// Parameter name: "Blocks"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of blocks. Each block is a semicolon
// separated list of surfaces. See examples below.
// If this parameter specifies more than one block then at the start of an
// experiment generation the browser picks one of the blocks at random (see
// `BlockWeights` for details on the random distribution). All surfaces in the
// selected block are considered to be in the active set.
// * It is valid for a single surface to be a member of multiple blocks. The
// study only uses one block.
// * The index of the selected block is persisted. If a new configuration has
// the same generation (Gen) but a different value for the `Blocks` parameter,
// the client will select the block at the same offset as the one it
// previously selected.
// * Specifying a surface that is blocked (either via `BlockedHashes` or
// `BlockedTypes`) is an error.
// * For now, allow (kIdentifiabilityStudyExpectedSurfaceCount or
// kIdentifiabilityStudyBlocks) and kIdentifiabilityStudyReidSurfaceBlocks to be
// specified at the same time.
// E.g.:
// * "1;2;3,4;5;6,7;8;9" : Defines three blocks: {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, and
// {7,8,9}.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyBlocks;
// Selection Weights for Blocks.
// Parameter name: "BlockWeights"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of relative weights expressed as
// integers.
// If this parameter is specified then it must specify a weight for each block
// that is defined using the `Blocks` parameter. Each integer defines the
// relative weight assigned to the block of surfaces at the corresponding index.
// Random selection of a block uses the multinomial distribution resulting from
// normalizing the weights.
// * All weights must be non-zero positive integers.
// * There must be exactly as many weights as there are blocks. If not, the
// client assumes that the distribution should be uniform.
// * If this parameter is not specified, then the client assumes that the blocks
// are to be selected based on a uniform distribution.
// E.g.:
// * "5,7,3" assigns the probabilities ⅓, 7/15, ⅕ respectively to the three
// blocks defined in `Blocks`.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyBlockWeights;
// Per surface relative cost.
// Parameter name: "HashCost"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of <surface;cost> pairs.
// By default all surfaces cost 1 *average* surface. Exceptions are noted
// individually and by type. This parameter contains individual costs.
// Costs are always specified in units of _average_ surface. The value can be
// a float expressed in decimal.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas and semicolons
// should be escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1;2,3;4' -> '1%3B2%2C3%3B4'.
// See SurfaceSetValuation for details on the costing model.
// E.g.:
// * "261;0.5" : Sets the relative cost of 0.5 for surface with ID 261, which
// is a surface of type kWebFeature and token 1.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyPerHashCost;
// Per type relative cost.
// Parameter name: "TypeCost"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of <surface-type;cost> pairs.
// By default all surfaces cost 1 _average_ surface. Exceptions are noted
// individually and by type. This parameter contains the per-type costs.
// Costs are always specified in units of _average_ surface. The value can be
// a float expressed in decimal.
// When specifying these values on the command-line, the commas and semicolons
// should be escaped using URL encoding. I.e. '1;2,3;4' -> '1%3B2%2C3%3B4'.
// See SurfaceSetValuation for details on the costing model.
// E.g.:
// * "1;0.5" : Sets the relative cost of 0.5 for all surfaces of type
// kWebFeature.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kIdentifiabilityStudyPerTypeCost;
// This is a hardcoded maximum for the probability of any single surface to be
// reported as part of the experiment.
// For example, given the following parameters:
// kIdentifiabilityStudyBlocks = "1;2,1;3,4;5"
// kIdentifiabilityStudyBlockWeights = "1,1,1"
// the surface 1 has probability 2/3 to be chosen.
// If, in the finch client configuration, a surface appears with total
// probability higher than this threshold, the study will be deactivated for
// this client and this client will not report any surface.
constexpr double kMaxProbabilityPerSurface = 0.5;
// Reid Surface Blocks.
// Parameter name: "ReidSurfaceBlocks"
// Parameter type: Comma separated list of blocks. Each block is a semicolon
// separated list of surfaces. See examples below.
// Each block is a list of surfaces for which we want to estimate the Reid
// score. For each block, we will collect and send to the server 1 bit of data.
// * For now, allow (kIdentifiabilityStudyExpectedSurfaceCount or
// kIdentifiabilityStudyBlocks) and kIdentifiabilityStudyReidSurfaceBlocks to be
// specified at the same time.
// E.g.:
// * "1;2;3,4;5;6,7;8;9" : Defines three blocks: {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, and
// {7,8,9}.
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
} // namespace features