blob: 0f0f7e96a0c60ed73e32f19b27c356411095bdc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace sync_preferences {
class TestingPrefServiceSyncable;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace payments {
class ContentPaymentRequestDelegate;
struct AppDescription {
std::string label;
std::string sublabel;
std::string total;
// Observe states or actions taken by the PaymentRequest in tests, supporting
// both Android and desktop.
class PaymentRequestTestObserver {
virtual void OnCanMakePaymentCalled() {}
virtual void OnCanMakePaymentReturned() {}
virtual void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentCalled() {}
virtual void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentReturned() {}
virtual void OnAppListReady() {}
virtual void OnErrorDisplayed() {}
virtual void OnNotSupportedError() {}
virtual void OnConnectionTerminated() {}
virtual void OnAbortCalled() {}
virtual void OnCompleteCalled() {}
virtual void OnUIDisplayed() {}
virtual ~PaymentRequestTestObserver() = default;
// A class to control creation and behaviour of PaymentRequests in a
// cross-platform way for testing both Android and desktop.
class PaymentRequestTestController {
// To be called from an override of BrowserTestBase::SetUpOnMainThread().
void SetUpOnMainThread();
void SetObserver(PaymentRequestTestObserver* observer);
// Sets values that will change the behaviour of PaymentRequests created in
// the future.
void SetOffTheRecord(bool is_off_the_record);
void SetValidSsl(bool valid_ssl);
void SetCanMakePaymentEnabledPref(bool can_make_payment_enabled);
void SetTwaPackageName(const std::string& twa_package_name);
void SetHasAuthenticator(bool has_authenticator);
void SetTwaPaymentApp(const std::string& method_name,
const std::string& response);
// Gets the WebContents of the Payment Handler for testing purpose, or null if
// nonexistent. To guarantee a non-null return, this function should be called
// only if: 1) PaymentRequest UI is opening. 2) PaymentHandler is opening.
content::WebContents* GetPaymentHandlerWebContents();
// Clicks the security icon on the Expandable Payment Handler toolbar for
// testing purpose. Return whether it's succeeded.
bool ClickPaymentHandlerSecurityIcon();
// Clicks the close button on the Payment Handler toolbar for testing purpose.
// Return whether it's succeeded.
bool ClickPaymentHandlerCloseButton();
// Closes the dialog.
bool CloseDialog();
// Confirms payment in a browser payment sheet, be it either PAYMENT_REQUEST
// or SECURE_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION type. Returns true if the dialog was
// available.
bool ConfirmPayment();
// Clicks opt-out on the dialog, if available. Returns true if the opt-out
// link was available, false if not.
bool ClickOptOut();
// Returns true when running on Android M or L.
bool IsAndroidMarshmallowOrLollipop();
// Sets the list of apps available for the current payment request.
void set_app_descriptions(
const std::vector<AppDescription>& app_descriptions) {
app_descriptions_ = app_descriptions;
// Returns the list of apps available for the current payment request.
const std::vector<AppDescription>& app_descriptions() const {
return app_descriptions_;
// Observers that forward through to the PaymentRequestTestObserver.
void OnCanMakePaymentCalled();
void OnCanMakePaymentReturned();
void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentCalled();
void OnHasEnrolledInstrumentReturned();
void OnAppListReady();
void OnErrorDisplayed();
void OnNotSupportedError();
void OnConnectionTerminated();
void OnAbortCalled();
void OnCompleteCalled();
void OnUIDisplayed();
raw_ptr<PaymentRequestTestObserver> observer_ = nullptr;
bool is_off_the_record_ = false;
bool valid_ssl_ = true;
bool can_make_payment_pref_ = true;
std::string twa_package_name_;
bool has_authenticator_ = false;
std::string twa_payment_app_method_name_;
std::string twa_payment_app_response_;
std::vector<AppDescription> app_descriptions_;
void UpdateDelegateFactory();
std::unique_ptr<sync_preferences::TestingPrefServiceSyncable> prefs_;
class ObserverConverter;
std::unique_ptr<ObserverConverter> observer_converter_;
base::WeakPtr<ContentPaymentRequestDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace payments