blob: 6133e477c77f11b5858a60933dcd87b252876282 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace views {
class WebView;
namespace weblayer {
class Browser;
class ErrorPageDelegate;
class FaviconFetcher;
class FaviconFetcherDelegate;
class FullscreenDelegate;
class GoogleAccountsDelegate;
class NavigationController;
class NewTabDelegate;
class TabObserver;
class WebMessageHostFactory;
// Represents a tab that is navigable.
class Tab {
virtual ~Tab() = default;
// Returns the Browser that owns this.
virtual Browser* GetBrowser() = 0;
// Sets the ErrorPageDelegate. If none is set, a default action will be taken
// for any given interaction with an error page.
virtual void SetErrorPageDelegate(ErrorPageDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Sets the FullscreenDelegate. Setting a non-null value implicitly enables
// fullscreen.
virtual void SetFullscreenDelegate(FullscreenDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Sets the NewBrowserDelegate. Setting a null value implicitly disables
// popups.
virtual void SetNewTabDelegate(NewTabDelegate* delegate) = 0;
virtual void SetGoogleAccountsDelegate(GoogleAccountsDelegate* delegate) = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(TabObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(TabObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual NavigationController* GetNavigationController() = 0;
using JavaScriptResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::Value)>;
// Executes the script, and returns the result to the callback if provided. If
// |use_separate_isolate| is true, runs the script in a separate v8 Isolate.
// This uses more memory, but separates the injected scrips from scripts in
// the page. This prevents any potentially malicious interaction between
// first-party scripts in the page, and injected scripts. Use with caution,
// only pass false for this argument if you know this isn't an issue or you
// need to interact with first-party scripts.
virtual void ExecuteScript(const std::u16string& script,
bool use_separate_isolate,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Returns the tab's guid.
virtual const std::string& GetGuid() = 0;
// Allows the embedder to get and set arbitrary data on the tab. This will be
// saved and restored with the browser, so it is important to keep this data
// as small as possible.
virtual void SetData(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& data) = 0;
virtual const std::map<std::string, std::string>& GetData() = 0;
// Adds a new WebMessageHostFactory. For any urls that match
// |allowed_origin_rules| a JS object is registered using the name
// |js_object_name| (in the global namespace). Script may use the object to
// send and receive messages and is available at page load time.
// The page is responsible for initiating the connection. That is,
// WebMessageHostFactory::CreateHost() is called once the page posts a
// message to the JS object.
// |allowed_origin_rules| is a set of rules used to determine which pages
// this applies to. '*' may be used to match anything. If not '*' the format
// is 'scheme://host:port':
// . scheme: The scheme, which can not be empty or contain '*'.
// . host: The host to match against. Can not contain '/' and may start with
// '*.' to match against a specific subdomain.
// . port (optional): matches a specific port.
// Returns an empty string on success. On failure, the return string gives
// an error message.
virtual std::u16string AddWebMessageHostFactory(
std::unique_ptr<WebMessageHostFactory> factory,
const std::u16string& js_object_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& allowed_origin_rules) = 0;
// Removes the WebMessageHostFactory registered under |js_object_name|.
virtual void RemoveWebMessageHostFactory(
const std::u16string& js_object_name) = 0;
// Creates a FaviconFetcher that notifies a FaviconFetcherDelegate when
// the favicon changes.
// A page may provide any number of favicons. The preferred image size
// used depends upon the platform. If a previously cached icon is available,
// it is used, otherwise the icon is downloaded.
// |delegate| may be called multiple times for the same navigation. This
// happens when the page dynamically updates the favicon, but may also happen
// if a cached icon is determined to be out of date.
virtual std::unique_ptr<FaviconFetcher> CreateFaviconFetcher(
FaviconFetcherDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Sets the target language for translation such that whenever the translate
// UI shows in this Tab, the target language will be |targetLanguage|. Notes:
// - |targetLanguage| should be specified as the language code (e.g., "de" for
// German).
// - Passing an empty string causes behavior to revert to default.
// - Specifying a non-empty target language will also result in the following
// behaviors (all of which are intentional as part of the semantics of
// having a target language):
// - Translation is initiated automatically (note that the infobar UI is
// present)
// - Translation occurs even for languages/sites that the user has
// blocklisted
// - Translation occurs even for pages in the user's default locale
// - Translation does *not* occur nor is the infobar UI shown for pages in
// the specified target language
virtual void SetTranslateTargetLanguage(
const std::string& translate_target_lang) = 0;
// TODO: this isn't a stable API, so use it now for expediency in the C++ API,
// but if we ever want to have backward or forward compatibility in C++ this
// will have to be something else.
virtual void AttachToView(views::WebView* web_view) = 0;
} // namespace weblayer