blob: 1943e6a650de963ff59d9fb29321f6044336bfbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/layers/layer_collections.h"
#define EXPECT_SET_NEEDS_COMMIT(expect, code_to_test) \
do { \
EXPECT_CALL(*layer_tree_host_, SetNeedsCommit()).Times((expect)); \
code_to_test; \
Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(layer_tree_host_.get()); \
} while (false)
#define EXPECT_SET_NEEDS_UPDATE(expect, code_to_test) \
do { \
EXPECT_CALL(*layer_tree_host_, SetNeedsUpdateLayers()).Times((expect)); \
code_to_test; \
Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(layer_tree_host_.get()); \
} while (false)
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace viz {
class QuadList;
namespace cc {
class LayerTreeHost;
class LayerTreeImpl;
// In tests that build layer tree and property trees directly at impl-side,
// before calling LayerTreeImpl::UpdateDrawProperties() or any function calling
// it, we should call this function to make the layer tree and property trees
// ready for draw property update.
void PrepareForUpdateDrawProperties(LayerTreeImpl*);
// Calls LayerTreeImpl::UpdateDrawProperties() after calling the above function.
// If |output_update_layer_list| is not null, it accepts layers output from
// draw_property_utils::FindLayersThatNeedUpdates().
void UpdateDrawProperties(LayerTreeImpl*,
LayerImplList* output_update_layer_list = nullptr);
// Main-thread counterpart of the above function. If |output_update_layer_list|
// is not null, it accepts layers output from
// draw_property_utils::FindLayersThatNeedUpdates().
void UpdateDrawProperties(LayerTreeHost*,
LayerList* output_update_layer_list = nullptr);
// Set device scale factor and update device viewport rect to be the root layer
// size scaled by the device scale factor.
void SetDeviceScaleAndUpdateViewportRect(LayerTreeImpl*,
float device_scale_factor);
void SetDeviceScaleAndUpdateViewportRect(LayerTreeHost*,
float device_scale_factor);
void VerifyQuadsExactlyCoverRect(const viz::QuadList& quads,
const gfx::Rect& rect);
void VerifyQuadsAreOccluded(const viz::QuadList& quads,
const gfx::Rect& occluded,
size_t* partially_occluded_count);
} // namespace cc