blob: 78dedf187b9397b4a718b71421f8dc3ef70e0a32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "unicode/coll.h"
class SkBitmap;
class TableModelObserver;
// The model driving the TableView.
class TableModel {
// See HasGroups, get GetGroupID for details as to how this is used.
struct Group {
// The title text for the group.
std::wstring title;
// Unique id for the group.
int id;
typedef std::vector<Group> Groups;
// Number of rows in the model.
virtual int RowCount() = 0;
// Returns the value at a particular location in text.
virtual std::wstring GetText(int row, int column_id) = 0;
// Returns the small icon (16x16) that should be displayed in the first
// column before the text. This is only used when the TableView was created
// with the ICON_AND_TEXT table type. Returns an isNull() bitmap if there is
// no bitmap.
virtual SkBitmap GetIcon(int row);
// Returns the tooltip, if any, to show for a particular row. If there are
// multiple columns in the row, this will only be shown when hovering over
// column zero.
virtual std::wstring GetTooltip(int row);
// If true, this row should be indented.
virtual bool ShouldIndent(int row);
// Returns true if the TableView has groups. Groups provide a way to visually
// delineate the rows in a table view. When groups are enabled table view
// shows a visual separator for each group, followed by all the rows in
// the group.
// On win2k a visual separator is not rendered for the group headers.
virtual bool HasGroups();
// Returns the groups.
// This is only used if HasGroups returns true.
virtual Groups GetGroups();
// Returns the group id of the specified row.
// This is only used if HasGroups returns true.
virtual int GetGroupID(int row);
// Sets the observer for the model. The TableView should NOT take ownership
// of the observer.
virtual void SetObserver(TableModelObserver* observer) = 0;
// Compares the values in the column with id |column_id| for the two rows.
// Returns a value < 0, == 0 or > 0 as to whether the first value is
// <, == or > the second value.
// This implementation does a case insensitive locale specific string
// comparison.
virtual int CompareValues(int row1, int row2, int column_id);
// Reset the collator.
void ClearCollator();
virtual ~TableModel() {}
// Returns the collator used by CompareValues.
icu::Collator* GetCollator();
// TableColumn specifies the title, alignment and size of a particular column.
struct TableColumn {
enum Alignment {
TableColumn(int id, const std::wstring& title,
Alignment alignment, int width);
TableColumn(int id, const std::wstring& title,
Alignment alignment, int width, float percent);
// It's common (but not required) to use the title's IDS_* tag as the column
// id. In this case, the provided conveniences look up the title string on
// bahalf of the caller.
TableColumn(int id, Alignment alignment, int width);
TableColumn(int id, Alignment alignment, int width, float percent);
// A unique identifier for the column.
int id;
// The title for the column.
std::wstring title;
// Alignment for the content.
Alignment alignment;
// The size of a column may be specified in two ways:
// 1. A fixed width. Set the width field to a positive number and the
// column will be given that width, in pixels.
// 2. As a percentage of the available width. If width is -1, and percent is
// > 0, the column is given a width of
// available_width * percent / total_percent.
// 3. If the width == -1 and percent == 0, the column is autosized based on
// the width of the column header text.
// Sizing is done in four passes. Fixed width columns are given
// their width, percentages are applied, autosized columns are autosized,
// and finally percentages are applied again taking into account the widths
// of autosized columns.
int width;
float percent;
// The minimum width required for all items in this column
// (including the header)
// to be visible.
int min_visible_width;
// Is this column sortable? Default is false
bool sortable;
#endif // APP_TABLE_MODEL_H_