blob: 8e0dcba97ac969d7dd0b7b3113ea66d282e99b6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage_h
#define AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage_h
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "platform/graphics/StaticBitmapImage.h"
#include "platform/graphics/TextureHolder.h"
#include "platform/wtf/WeakPtr.h"
#include <memory>
class GrContext;
namespace blink {
class WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper;
class TextureHolder;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage final
: public StaticBitmapImage {
~AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage() override;
// SkImage with a texture backing.
static scoped_refptr<AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage> CreateFromSkImage(
// Can specify the GrContext that created the texture backing. Ideally all
// callers would use this option. The |mailbox| is a name for the texture
// backing, allowing other contexts to use the same backing.
static scoped_refptr<AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage>
CreateFromWebGLContextImage(const gpu::Mailbox&,
const gpu::SyncToken&,
unsigned texture_id,
IntSize mailbox_size);
bool CurrentFrameKnownToBeOpaque(MetadataMode = kUseCurrentMetadata) override;
IntSize Size() const override;
bool IsTextureBacked() const override { return true; }
void Draw(PaintCanvas*,
const PaintFlags&,
const FloatRect& dst_rect,
const FloatRect& src_rect,
ImageDecodingMode) override;
bool IsValid() const final;
WebGraphicsContext3DProvider* ContextProvider() const final;
WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper()
const final;
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> MakeUnaccelerated() final;
void CopyToTexture(WebGraphicsContext3DProvider*,
GLenum dest_target,
GLuint dest_texture_id,
bool flip_y,
const IntPoint& dest_point,
const IntRect& source_sub_rectangle) override;
bool HasMailbox() const final {
return texture_holder_->IsMailboxTextureHolder();
// To be called on sender thread before performing a transfer
void Transfer() final;
void EnsureMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) final;
gpu::Mailbox GetMailbox() final { return texture_holder_->GetMailbox(); }
gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() final {
return texture_holder_->GetSyncToken();
void UpdateSyncToken(gpu::SyncToken) final;
// Call this immediately after creation in cases where the source SkImage
// was a snapshot of an SkSurface that may be rendered to after
void RetainOriginalSkImageForCopyOnWrite();
PaintImage PaintImageForCurrentFrame() override;
void Abandon() final;
AcceleratedStaticBitmapImage(const gpu::Mailbox&,
const gpu::SyncToken&,
unsigned texture_id,
IntSize mailbox_size);
void CreateImageFromMailboxIfNeeded();
void CheckThread();
void WaitSyncTokenIfNeeded();
std::unique_ptr<TextureHolder> texture_holder_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
bool detach_thread_at_next_check_ = false;
// For RetainOriginalSkImageForCopyOnWrite()
sk_sp<SkImage> original_skia_image_;
scoped_refptr<WebTaskRunner> original_skia_image_task_runner_;
PlatformThreadId original_skia_image_thread_id_;
} // namespace blink