blob: 29a901afa4880ace9fd66b21b947dfd4db12c70f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef HighContrastImageClassifier_h
#define HighContrastImageClassifier_h
#include <vector>
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes.h"
#include "platform/graphics/Image.h"
namespace blink {
class IntRect;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT HighContrastImageClassifier {
~HighContrastImageClassifier() = default;
// Decides if a high contrast filter should be applied to the image or not.
bool ShouldApplyHighContrastFilterToImage(Image&);
bool ComputeImageFeaturesForTesting(Image& image,
std::vector<float>* features) {
return ComputeImageFeatures(image, features);
void SetRandomGeneratorForTesting() { use_testing_random_generator_ = true; }
enum class ColorMode { kColor = 0, kGrayscale = 1 };
// Computes the features vector for a given image.
bool ComputeImageFeatures(Image&, std::vector<float>*);
// Converts image to SkBitmap and returns true if successful.
bool GetBitmap(Image&, SkBitmap*);
// Given a SkBitmap, extracts a sample set of pixels (|sampled_pixels|),
// |transparency_ratio|, and |background_ratio|.
void GetSamples(const SkBitmap&,
std::vector<SkColor>* sampled_pixels,
float* transparency_ratio,
float* background_ratio);
// Given |sampled_pixels|, |transparency_ratio|, and |background_ratio| for an
// image, computes the required |features| for classification.
void GetFeatures(const std::vector<SkColor>& sampled_pixels,
const float transparency_ratio,
const float background_ratio,
std::vector<float>* features);
// Makes a decision about the image given its features.
HighContrastClassification ClassifyImage(const std::vector<float>&);
// Receives sampled pixels and color mode, and returns the ratio of color
// buckets count to all possible color buckets. If image is in color, a color
// bucket is a 4 bit per channel representation of each RGB color, and if it
// is grayscale, each bucket is a 4 bit representation of luminance.
float ComputeColorBucketsRatio(const std::vector<SkColor>&, const ColorMode);
// Gets the |required_samples_count| for a specific |block| of the given
// SkBitmap, and returns |sampled_pixels| and |transparent_pixels_count|.
void GetBlockSamples(const SkBitmap&,
const IntRect& block,
const int required_samples_count,
std::vector<SkColor>* sampled_pixels,
int* transparent_pixels_count);
// Given sampled pixels from a block of image and the number of transparent
// pixels, decides if a block is part of background or or not.
bool IsBlockBackground(const std::vector<SkColor>&, const int);
// Returns a random number in range [min, max).
int GetRandomInt(const int min, const int max);
bool use_testing_random_generator_;
int testing_random_generator_seed_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // HighContrastImageClassifier_h