blob: 1b7de60703598f37242f8f3c7ea219c51dd7366f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/graphics/SquashingDisallowedReasons.h"
#include "platform/wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
namespace blink {
const SquashingDisallowedReasonStringMap kSquashingDisallowedReasonStringMap[] =
"Cannot be squashed since this layer scrolls with respect to the "
"squashing layer"},
"Cannot be squashed as the squashing layer would become too sparse"},
"Cannot be squashed because this layer has a different clipping "
"container than the squashing layer"},
"Cannot be squashed because this layer has a different opacity "
"ancestor than the squashing layer"},
"Cannot be squashed because this layer has a different transform "
"ancestor than the squashing layer"},
"Cannot be squashed because this layer has a different filter "
"ancestor than the squashing layer, or this layer has a filter"},
"Cannot be squashed without breaking paint order"},
"squashingVideoIsDisallowed", "Squashing video is not supported"},
"Squashing a layer that clips composited descendants is not "
"Squashing a frame, iframe or plugin is not supported."},
"Squashing a layer with blending is not supported."},
"Cannot be squashed because this layer has a different nearest fixed "
"position layer than the squashing layer"},
"Squashing a scroll child with composited descendants is not "
"Cannot squash into a layer that is animating."},
"Cannot squash layers with different 3D contexts."},
"Cannot squash layers that are inside fragmentation contexts."},
"Cannot squash layers that must apply a border radius clip to their "
const size_t kNumberOfSquashingDisallowedReasons =
} // namespace blink