blob: 148bcfa9a23e3eee9378f0a96f9d2b824bb6dadf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media_session.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Next MinVersion: 4
enum MediaPlaybackState {
enum MediaSessionAction {
// Album art in MediaMetadata
// Spec:
struct MediaImage {
url.mojom.Url src;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 type;
array<gfx.mojom.Size> sizes;
// MediaMetadata
struct MediaMetadata {
// These are defined in the spec:
mojo_base.mojom.String16 title;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 artist;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 album;
array<MediaImage> artwork;
// The |source_title| is a human readable title for the source of the media
// session. This could be the name of the app or the name of the site playing
// media.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 source_title;
// Contains state information about a MediaSession.
struct MediaSessionInfo {
enum SessionState {
// The MediaSession is currently playing media.
// The MediaSession is currently playing at a reduced volume (ducking).
// The MediaSession is currently paused.
// The MediaSession is not currently playing media.
// The current audio focus state of the MediaSession.
SessionState state;
// If true then we will always duck this MediaSession instead of suspending.
bool force_duck;
// The playback state tells the client whether the audio is playing. This is
// different from the audio focus state as it is common for a media session
// to hold audio focus sometimes even though it is not actually playing.
[MinVersion=1] MediaPlaybackState playback_state;
// If true then the session should be controllable by the user.
[MinVersion=2] bool is_controllable;
// If true then we will stop this MediaSession instead of suspending when the
// session loses focus to a kGain focus type.
[MinVersion=4] bool prefer_stop_for_gain_focus_loss;
// Contains debugging information about a MediaSession. This will be displayed
// on the Media Internals WebUI.
struct MediaSessionDebugInfo {
// A unique name for the MediaSession.
string name;
// The owner of the MediaSession.
string owner;
// State information stored in a string e.g. Ducked.
string state;
// The observer for observing media session events.
// Next Method ID: 1
interface MediaSessionObserver {
// Call when the info associated with the session changed.
MediaSessionInfoChanged@0(MediaSessionInfo info);
// Called when the observed MediaSession has changed metadata. The metadata
// can be null to be reset, e.g. the media that was being played has been
// stopped.
MediaSessionMetadataChanged@1(MediaMetadata? metadata);
// Called when the media session action list has changed. This tells the
// observer which actions can be used to control the session.
MediaSessionActionsChanged@2(array<MediaSessionAction> action);
// A MediaSession manages the media session and audio focus for a given
// WebContents or ARC app.
// TODO( migrate media session from content/public
// to mojo.
// Next Method ID: 12
interface MediaSession {
enum SuspendType {
// Suspended by the system because a transient sound needs to be played.
// Suspended by the UI.
// Suspended by the page via script or user interaction.
// Returns information about the MediaSession.
GetMediaSessionInfo@0() => (MediaSessionInfo info);
// Returns debug information about the MediaSession.
GetDebugInfo@1() => (MediaSessionDebugInfo info);
// Let the media session start ducking such that the volume multiplier
// is reduced.
// Let the media session stop ducking such that the volume multiplier is
// recovered.
// Suspend the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
Suspend@4(SuspendType suspend_type);
// Resume the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
Resume@5(SuspendType suspend_type);
AddObserver@6(MediaSessionObserver observer);
// Skip to the previous track. If there is no previous track then this will
// be a no-op.
// Skip to the next track. If there is no next track then this will be a
// no-op.
// Seek the media session. If the media cannot seek then this will be a
// no-op. The |seek_time| is the time delta that the media will seek by and
// supports both positive and negative values. This value cannot be zero.
// The |kDefaultSeekTimeSeconds| provides a default value for seeking by a
// few seconds.
Seek@9(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta seek_time);
// Stop the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
Stop@10(SuspendType suspend_type);
// Skip ad.