blob: f102efbd012807f71646bde9815bf505ea59b726 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// Class that observes changes to UILabel properties via KVO. This allows
// various classes that manage a UILabel's style via NSAttributedStrings to
// reapply their styling in response to property changes that would invalidate
// the attributed text. This class also synchronizes notifications of style
// invalidation so that property changes that occur as the result of a
// LabelObserverAction do not trigger other actions.
@interface LabelObserver : NSObject
// Returns the LabelObserver for |label|, laziliy instantiating one if
// necessary. LabelObservers are associated with the label, and will be
// deallocated upon |label|'s deallocation.
+ (instancetype)observerForLabel:(UILabel*)label;
// LabelObservers should be created via |+observerForLabel:|.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Block type that takes a label. Blocks registered for a label will be called
// when property values are updated.
typedef void (^LabelObserverAction)(UILabel* label);
// Registers |action| to be called when stylistic properties on the observed
// label are changed. Style changes include changes to the label's font,
// textColor, textAlignment, lineBreakMode, shadowColor, or shadowOffset.
- (void)addStyleChangedAction:(LabelObserverAction)action;
// Registers |action| to be called when the observed label's layout has changed.
// Layout changes include changes to the label's bounds, frame, or superview, as
// well as changes to its center, which doesn't affect the label's layout
// internally but does affect its position in its superview.
- (void)addLayoutChangedAction:(LabelObserverAction)action;
// Registers |action| to be called when the observed label's text has changed.
// Text changes include changes to the label's text or attributedText.
- (void)addTextChangedAction:(LabelObserverAction)action;