blob: 9b0ab6e6ced219e4f512f65ba15156b7e9a98393 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Apple Inc. All
* rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved.
* (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Document_h
#define Document_h
#include <memory>
#include "bindings/core/v8/ExceptionState.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptValue.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/TraceWrapperMember.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/ContainerNode.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentEncodingData.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentInit.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentLifecycle.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentTiming.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "core/dom/MutationObserver.h"
#include "core/dom/SynchronousMutationNotifier.h"
#include "core/dom/SynchronousMutationObserver.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/dom/TextLinkColors.h"
#include "core/dom/TreeScope.h"
#include "core/dom/UserActionElementSet.h"
#include "core/dom/ViewportDescription.h"
#include "core/dom/custom/V0CustomElement.h"
#include "core/frame/DOMTimerCoordinator.h"
#include "core/frame/HostsUsingFeatures.h"
#include "core/html/parser/ParserSynchronizationPolicy.h"
#include "core/page/PageVisibilityState.h"
#include "platform/Length.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "platform/WebTaskRunner.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ClientHintsPreferences.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/ReferrerPolicy.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFocusType.h"
#include "public/platform/WebInsecureRequestPolicy.h"
namespace blink {
namespace mojom {
enum class EngagementLevel : int32_t;
class AnimationClock;
class DocumentTimeline;
class AXObjectCache;
class Attr;
class CDATASection;
class CSSStyleSheet;
class CanvasFontCache;
class ChromeClient;
class CompositorPendingAnimations;
class Comment;
class ComputedStyle;
class ConsoleMessage;
class ContextFeatures;
class V0CustomElementMicrotaskRunQueue;
class V0CustomElementRegistrationContext;
class DOMImplementation;
class DOMWindow;
class DocumentFragment;
class DocumentLoader;
class DocumentMarkerController;
class DocumentNameCollection;
class DocumentParser;
class DocumentState;
class DocumentType;
class Element;
class ElementDataCache;
class ElementRegistrationOptions;
class Event;
class EventFactoryBase;
class EventListener;
template <typename EventType>
class EventWithHitTestResults;
class ExceptionState;
class FloatQuad;
class FloatRect;
class FormController;
class FrameRequestCallback;
class FrameView;
class HTMLAllCollection;
class HTMLBodyElement;
class HTMLCollection;
class HTMLDialogElement;
class HTMLElement;
class HTMLFrameOwnerElement;
class HTMLHeadElement;
class HTMLImportLoader;
class HTMLImportsController;
class HTMLLinkElement;
class HTMLScriptElementOrSVGScriptElement;
class HitTestRequest;
class IdleRequestCallback;
class IdleRequestOptions;
class IntersectionObserverController;
class LayoutPoint;
class LayoutView;
class LayoutViewItem;
class LiveNodeListBase;
class LocalDOMWindow;
class Locale;
class LocalFrame;
class Location;
class MediaQueryListListener;
class MediaQueryMatcher;
class NodeFilter;
class NodeIterator;
class NthIndexCache;
class OriginAccessEntry;
class Page;
class ProcessingInstruction;
class PropertyRegistry;
class QualifiedName;
class Range;
class ResizeObserverController;
class ResourceFetcher;
class RootScrollerController;
class SVGDocumentExtensions;
class SVGUseElement;
class ScriptElementBase;
class ScriptRunner;
class ScriptableDocumentParser;
class ScriptedAnimationController;
class ScriptedIdleTaskController;
class SecurityOrigin;
class SegmentedString;
class SelectorQueryCache;
class SerializedScriptValue;
class Settings;
class SnapCoordinator;
class StringOrDictionary;
class StyleEngine;
class StyleResolver;
class StyleSheetList;
class TextAutosizer;
class Touch;
class TouchList;
class TransformSource;
class TreeWalker;
class VisitedLinkState;
class WebMouseEvent;
struct AnnotatedRegionValue;
struct FocusParams;
struct IconURL;
using MouseEventWithHitTestResults = EventWithHitTestResults<WebMouseEvent>;
using ExceptionCode = int;
enum NodeListInvalidationType {
kDoNotInvalidateOnAttributeChanges = 0,
const int kNumNodeListInvalidationTypes = kInvalidateOnAnyAttrChange + 1;
enum DocumentClass {
kDefaultDocumentClass = 0,
kHTMLDocumentClass = 1,
kXHTMLDocumentClass = 1 << 1,
kImageDocumentClass = 1 << 2,
kPluginDocumentClass = 1 << 3,
kMediaDocumentClass = 1 << 4,
kSVGDocumentClass = 1 << 5,
kXMLDocumentClass = 1 << 6,
enum ShadowCascadeOrder {
enum CreateElementFlags {
kCreatedByParser = 1 << 0,
// Synchronous custom elements flag:
// TODO(kojii): Remove these flags, add an option not to queue upgrade, and
// let parser/DOM methods to upgrade synchronously when necessary.
kSynchronousCustomElements = 0 << 1,
kAsynchronousCustomElements = 1 << 1,
// Aliases by callers.
// Clone a node:
kCreatedByCloneNode = kAsynchronousCustomElements,
kCreatedByImportNode = kCreatedByCloneNode,
kCreatedByCreateElement = kSynchronousCustomElements,
kCreatedByFragmentParser = kCreatedByParser | kAsynchronousCustomElements,
// Collect data about deferred loading of offscreen cross-origin documents. All
// cross-origin documents log Created. Only those that would load log a reason.
// We can then see the % of cross-origin documents that never have to load.
// See
// Logged to UMA, don't re-arrange entries without creating a new histogram.
enum class WouldLoadReason {
// If outer and inner frames aren't in the same process we can't determine
// if the inner frame is visible, so just load it.
// TODO(dgrogan): Revisit after is fixed.
using DocumentClassFlags = unsigned char;
class CORE_EXPORT Document : public ContainerNode,
public TreeScope,
public SecurityContext,
public ExecutionContext,
public SynchronousMutationNotifier,
public Supplementable<Document> {
static Document* Create(const DocumentInit& initializer = DocumentInit()) {
return new Document(initializer);
~Document() override;
MediaQueryMatcher& GetMediaQueryMatcher();
void MediaQueryAffectingValueChanged();
using SecurityContext::GetSecurityOrigin;
using SecurityContext::GetContentSecurityPolicy;
using TreeScope::GetElementById;
bool CanContainRangeEndPoint() const override { return true; }
SelectorQueryCache& GetSelectorQueryCache();
// Focus Management.
Element* ActiveElement() const;
bool hasFocus() const;
// DOM methods & attributes for Document
bool ShouldMergeWithLegacyDescription(ViewportDescription::Type) const;
bool ShouldOverrideLegacyDescription(ViewportDescription::Type) const;
void SetViewportDescription(const ViewportDescription&);
ViewportDescription GetViewportDescription() const;
Length ViewportDefaultMinWidth() const { return viewport_default_min_width_; }
String OutgoingReferrer() const override;
ReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicy() const override;
void SetDoctype(DocumentType*);
DocumentType* doctype() const { return doc_type_.Get(); }
DOMImplementation& implementation();
Element* documentElement() const { return document_element_.Get(); }
// Returns whether the Document has an AppCache manifest.
bool HasAppCacheManifest() const;
Location* location() const;
Element* createElement(const AtomicString& name,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
DocumentFragment* createDocumentFragment();
Text* createTextNode(const String& data);
Comment* createComment(const String& data);
CDATASection* createCDATASection(const String& data, ExceptionState&);
ProcessingInstruction* createProcessingInstruction(const String& target,
const String& data,
Attr* createAttribute(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionState&);
Attr* createAttributeNS(const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
const AtomicString& qualified_name,
bool should_ignore_namespace_checks = false);
Node* importNode(Node* imported_node, bool deep, ExceptionState&);
Element* createElementNS(const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
const AtomicString& qualified_name,
Element* createElement(const QualifiedName&, CreateElementFlags);
Element* ElementFromPoint(int x, int y) const;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> ElementsFromPoint(int x, int y) const;
Range* caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y);
Element* scrollingElement();
// When calling from C++ code, use this method. scrollingElement() is
// just for the web IDL implementation.
Element* ScrollingElementNoLayout();
void AddNonAttachedStyle(const Node&, RefPtr<ComputedStyle>);
ComputedStyle* GetNonAttachedStyle(const Node&) const;
String readyState() const;
AtomicString characterSet() const { return Document::EncodingName(); }
AtomicString EncodingName() const;
void SetContent(const String&);
String SuggestedMIMEType() const;
void SetMimeType(const AtomicString&);
AtomicString contentType() const; // DOM 4 document.contentType
const AtomicString& ContentLanguage() const { return content_language_; }
void SetContentLanguage(const AtomicString&);
String xmlEncoding() const { return xml_encoding_; }
String xmlVersion() const { return xml_version_; }
enum StandaloneStatus { kStandaloneUnspecified, kStandalone, kNotStandalone };
bool xmlStandalone() const { return xml_standalone_ == kStandalone; }
StandaloneStatus XmlStandaloneStatus() const {
return static_cast<StandaloneStatus>(xml_standalone_);
bool HasXMLDeclaration() const { return has_xml_declaration_; }
void SetXMLEncoding(const String& encoding) {
xml_encoding_ = encoding;
} // read-only property, only to be set from XMLDocumentParser
void setXMLVersion(const String&, ExceptionState&);
void setXMLStandalone(bool, ExceptionState&);
void SetHasXMLDeclaration(bool has_xml_declaration) {
has_xml_declaration_ = has_xml_declaration ? 1 : 0;
String origin() const;
String suborigin() const;
String visibilityState() const;
PageVisibilityState GetPageVisibilityState() const;
bool hidden() const;
void DidChangeVisibilityState();
// If the document is "prefetch only", it will not be fully contstructed,
// and should never be displayed. Only a few resources will be loaded and
// scanned, in order to warm up caches.
bool IsPrefetchOnly() const;
Node* adoptNode(Node* source, ExceptionState&);
HTMLCollection* images();
HTMLCollection* embeds();
HTMLCollection* applets();
HTMLCollection* links();
HTMLCollection* forms();
HTMLCollection* anchors();
HTMLCollection* scripts();
HTMLAllCollection* all();
HTMLCollection* WindowNamedItems(const AtomicString& name);
DocumentNameCollection* DocumentNamedItems(const AtomicString& name);
// "defaultView" attribute defined in HTML spec.
LocalDOMWindow* defaultView() const;
bool IsHTMLDocument() const { return document_classes_ & kHTMLDocumentClass; }
bool IsXHTMLDocument() const {
return document_classes_ & kXHTMLDocumentClass;
bool IsXMLDocument() const { return document_classes_ & kXMLDocumentClass; }
bool IsImageDocument() const {
return document_classes_ & kImageDocumentClass;
bool IsSVGDocument() const { return document_classes_ & kSVGDocumentClass; }
bool IsPluginDocument() const {
return document_classes_ & kPluginDocumentClass;
bool IsMediaDocument() const {
return document_classes_ & kMediaDocumentClass;
bool HasSVGRootNode() const;
bool IsFrameSet() const;
bool IsSrcdocDocument() const { return is_srcdoc_document_; }
bool IsMobileDocument() const { return is_mobile_document_; }
StyleResolver* GetStyleResolver() const;
StyleResolver& EnsureStyleResolver() const;
bool IsViewSource() const { return is_view_source_; }
void SetIsViewSource(bool);
bool SawElementsInKnownNamespaces() const {
return saw_elements_in_known_namespaces_;
bool CanExecuteScripts(ReasonForCallingCanExecuteScripts) override;
bool IsRenderingReady() const;
bool IsScriptExecutionReady() const {
return HaveImportsLoaded() && HaveScriptBlockingStylesheetsLoaded();
// This is a DOM function.
StyleSheetList& StyleSheets();
StyleEngine& GetStyleEngine() {
return *style_engine_.Get();
bool GotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad() {
return goto_anchor_needed_after_stylesheets_load_;
void SetGotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad(bool b) {
goto_anchor_needed_after_stylesheets_load_ = b;
void ScheduleUseShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement&);
void UnscheduleUseShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement&);
void EvaluateMediaQueryList();
FormController& GetFormController();
DocumentState* FormElementsState() const;
void SetStateForNewFormElements(const Vector<String>&);
FrameView* View() const; // can be null
LocalFrame* GetFrame() const { return frame_; } // can be null
Page* GetPage() const; // can be null
Settings* GetSettings() const; // can be null
float DevicePixelRatio() const;
Range* createRange();
NodeIterator* createNodeIterator(Node* root,
unsigned what_to_show,
TreeWalker* createTreeWalker(Node* root, unsigned what_to_show, NodeFilter*);
// Special support for editing
Text* CreateEditingTextNode(const String&);
void SetupFontBuilder(ComputedStyle& document_style);
bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdate() const;
bool NeedsLayoutTreeUpdateForNode(const Node&) const;
// Update ComputedStyles and attach LayoutObjects if necessary, but don't
// lay out.
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree();
// Same as updateStyleAndLayoutTree() except ignoring pending stylesheets.
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeIgnorePendingStylesheets();
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForNode(const Node*);
void UpdateStyleAndLayout();
void LayoutUpdated();
enum RunPostLayoutTasks {
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(
RunPostLayoutTasks = kRunPostLayoutTasksAsyhnchronously);
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheetsForNode(Node*);
PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> StyleForElementIgnoringPendingStylesheets(Element*);
PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> StyleForPage(int page_index);
// Returns true if page box (margin boxes and page borders) is visible.
bool IsPageBoxVisible(int page_index);
// Returns the preferred page size and margins in pixels, assuming 96
// pixels per inch. pageSize, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom,
// marginLeft must be initialized to the default values that are used if
// auto is specified.
void PageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(int page_index,
DoubleSize& page_size,
int& margin_top,
int& margin_right,
int& margin_bottom,
int& margin_left);
ResourceFetcher* Fetcher() const { return fetcher_.Get(); }
void Initialize();
virtual void Shutdown();
void AttachLayoutTree(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override {
void DetachLayoutTree(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override {
// If you have a Document, use layoutView() instead which is faster.
void GetLayoutObject() const = delete;
LayoutView* GetLayoutView() const { return layout_view_; }
LayoutViewItem GetLayoutViewItem() const;
Document& AxObjectCacheOwner() const;
AXObjectCache* ExistingAXObjectCache() const;
AXObjectCache* AxObjectCache() const;
void ClearAXObjectCache();
// to get visually ordered hebrew and arabic pages right
bool VisuallyOrdered() const { return visually_ordered_; }
DocumentLoader* Loader() const;
// This is the DOM API enteredDocument is the responsible
// document of the entry settings object.
void open(Document* entered_document, ExceptionState&);
// This is used internally and does not handle exceptions.
void open();
DocumentParser* ImplicitOpen(ParserSynchronizationPolicy);
// This is the DOM API document.close()
void close(ExceptionState&);
// This is used internally and does not handle exceptions.
void close();
void CheckCompleted();
bool DispatchBeforeUnloadEvent(ChromeClient&,
bool is_reload,
bool& did_allow_navigation);
void DispatchUnloadEvents();
enum PageDismissalType {
PageDismissalType PageDismissalEventBeingDispatched() const;
void CancelParsing();
void write(const SegmentedString& text,
Document* entered_document = nullptr,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
void write(const String& text,
Document* entered_document = nullptr,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
void writeln(const String& text,
Document* entered_document = nullptr,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
void write(LocalDOMWindow*, const Vector<String>& text, ExceptionState&);
void writeln(LocalDOMWindow*, const Vector<String>& text, ExceptionState&);
bool WellFormed() const { return well_formed_; }
// Return the document URL, or an empty URL if it's unavailable.
// This is not an implementation of web-exposed Document.prototype.URL.
const KURL& Url() const { return url_; }
void SetURL(const KURL&);
// Bind the url to document.url, if unavailable bind to about:blank.
KURL urlForBinding();
// To understand how these concepts relate to one another, please see the
// comments surrounding their declaration.
const KURL& BaseURL() const;
void SetBaseURLOverride(const KURL&);
const KURL& BaseURLOverride() const { return base_url_override_; }
KURL ValidBaseElementURL() const;
const AtomicString& BaseTarget() const { return base_target_; }
void ProcessBaseElement();
// Creates URL based on passed relative url and this documents base URL.
// Depending on base URL value it is possible that parent document
// base URL will be used instead. Uses completeURLWithOverride internally.
KURL CompleteURL(const String&) const;
// Creates URL based on passed relative url and passed base URL override.
// Depending on baseURLOverride value it is possible that parent document
// base URL will be used instead of it. See baseURLForOverride function
// for details.
KURL CompleteURLWithOverride(const String&,
const KURL& base_url_override) const;
// Determines which base URL should be used given specified override.
// If override is empty or is about:blank url and parent document exists
// base URL of parent will be returned, passed base URL override otherwise.
const KURL& BaseURLForOverride(const KURL& base_url_override) const;
// Determines whether a new document should take on the same origin as that of
// the document which created it.
static bool ShouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner(const KURL&);
String UserAgent() const final;
void DisableEval(const String& error_message) final;
CSSStyleSheet& ElementSheet();
virtual DocumentParser* CreateParser();
DocumentParser* Parser() const { return parser_.Get(); }
ScriptableDocumentParser* GetScriptableDocumentParser() const;
// FinishingPrinting denotes that the non-printing layout state is being
// restored.
enum PrintingState { kNotPrinting, kPrinting, kFinishingPrinting };
bool Printing() const { return printing_ == kPrinting; }
bool FinishingOrIsPrinting() {
return printing_ == kPrinting || printing_ == kFinishingPrinting;
void SetPrinting(PrintingState state) { printing_ = state; }
bool PaginatedForScreen() const { return paginated_for_screen_; }
void SetPaginatedForScreen(bool p) { paginated_for_screen_ = p; }
bool Paginated() const { return Printing() || PaginatedForScreen(); }
enum CompatibilityMode { kQuirksMode, kLimitedQuirksMode, kNoQuirksMode };
void SetCompatibilityMode(CompatibilityMode);
CompatibilityMode GetCompatibilityMode() const { return compatibility_mode_; }
String compatMode() const;
bool InQuirksMode() const { return compatibility_mode_ == kQuirksMode; }
bool InLimitedQuirksMode() const {
return compatibility_mode_ == kLimitedQuirksMode;
bool InNoQuirksMode() const { return compatibility_mode_ == kNoQuirksMode; }
enum DocumentReadyState { kLoading, kInteractive, kComplete };
void SetReadyState(DocumentReadyState);
bool IsLoadCompleted();
enum ParsingState { kParsing, kInDOMContentLoaded, kFinishedParsing };
void SetParsingState(ParsingState);
bool Parsing() const { return parsing_state_ == kParsing; }
bool HasFinishedParsing() const { return parsing_state_ == kFinishedParsing; }
bool ShouldScheduleLayout() const;
int ElapsedTime() const;
bool CanCreateHistoryEntry() const;
TextLinkColors& GetTextLinkColors() { return text_link_colors_; }
VisitedLinkState& GetVisitedLinkState() const { return *visited_link_state_; }
MouseEventWithHitTestResults PerformMouseEventHitTest(const HitTestRequest&,
const LayoutPoint&,
const WebMouseEvent&);
/* Newly proposed CSS3 mechanism for selecting alternate
stylesheets using the DOM. May be subject to change as
spec matures. - dwh
String preferredStylesheetSet() const;
String selectedStylesheetSet() const;
void setSelectedStylesheetSet(const String&);
bool SetFocusedElement(Element*, const FocusParams&);
void ClearFocusedElement();
Element* FocusedElement() const { return focused_element_.Get(); }
UserActionElementSet& UserActionElements() { return user_action_elements_; }
const UserActionElementSet& UserActionElements() const {
return user_action_elements_;
void SetAutofocusElement(Element*);
Element* AutofocusElement() const { return autofocus_element_.Get(); }
void SetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint(Node*);
Element* SequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint(WebFocusType) const;
void SetActiveHoverElement(Element*);
Element* ActiveHoverElement() const { return active_hover_element_.Get(); }
Element* HoverElement() const { return hover_element_.Get(); }
void RemoveFocusedElementOfSubtree(Node*, bool among_children_only = false);
void HoveredElementDetached(Element&);
void ActiveChainNodeDetached(Element&);
void UpdateHoverActiveState(const HitTestRequest&, Element*);
// Updates for :target (CSS3 selector).
void SetCSSTarget(Element*);
Element* CssTarget() const { return css_target_; }
void ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdateIfNeeded();
bool HasPendingForcedStyleRecalc() const;
void RegisterNodeList(const LiveNodeListBase*);
void UnregisterNodeList(const LiveNodeListBase*);
void RegisterNodeListWithIdNameCache(const LiveNodeListBase*);
void UnregisterNodeListWithIdNameCache(const LiveNodeListBase*);
bool ShouldInvalidateNodeListCaches(
const QualifiedName* attr_name = nullptr) const;
void InvalidateNodeListCaches(const QualifiedName* attr_name);
void AttachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
void DetachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
void MoveNodeIteratorsToNewDocument(Node&, Document&);
void AttachRange(Range*);
void DetachRange(Range*);
void DidMoveTreeToNewDocument(const Node& root);
// nodeChildrenWillBeRemoved is used when removing all node children at once.
void NodeChildrenWillBeRemoved(ContainerNode&);
// nodeWillBeRemoved is only safe when removing one node at a time.
void NodeWillBeRemoved(Node&);
bool CanAcceptChild(const Node& new_child,
const Node* old_child,
ExceptionState&) const;
void DidInsertText(const CharacterData&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void DidRemoveText(const CharacterData&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void DidMergeTextNodes(const Text& merged_node,
const Text& node_to_be_removed,
unsigned old_length);
void DidSplitTextNode(const Text& old_node);
void ClearDOMWindow() { dom_window_ = nullptr; }
LocalDOMWindow* domWindow() const { return dom_window_; }
// Helper functions for forwarding LocalDOMWindow event related tasks to the
// LocalDOMWindow if it exists.
void SetWindowAttributeEventListener(const AtomicString& event_type,
EventListener* GetWindowAttributeEventListener(
const AtomicString& event_type);
static void RegisterEventFactory(std::unique_ptr<EventFactoryBase>);
static Event* createEvent(ScriptState*,
const String& event_type,
// keep track of what types of event listeners are registered, so we don't
// dispatch events unnecessarily
enum ListenerType {
// 5 bits remaining
bool HasListenerType(ListenerType listener_type) const {
return (listener_types_ & listener_type);
void AddListenerTypeIfNeeded(const AtomicString& event_type);
bool HasMutationObserversOfType(MutationObserver::MutationType type) const {
return mutation_observer_types_ & type;
bool HasMutationObservers() const { return mutation_observer_types_; }
void AddMutationObserverTypes(MutationObserverOptions types) {
mutation_observer_types_ |= types;
IntersectionObserverController* GetIntersectionObserverController();
IntersectionObserverController& EnsureIntersectionObserverController();
ResizeObserverController* GetResizeObserverController() const {
return resize_observer_controller_;
ResizeObserverController& EnsureResizeObserverController();
void UpdateViewportDescription();
// Returns the owning element in the parent document. Returns nullptr if
// this is the top level document or the owner is remote.
HTMLFrameOwnerElement* LocalOwner() const;
void WillChangeFrameOwnerProperties(int margin_width,
int margin_height,
bool is_display_none);
// Returns true if this document belongs to a frame that the parent document
// made invisible (for instance by setting as style display:none).
bool IsInInvisibleSubframe() const;
String title() const { return title_; }
void setTitle(const String&);
Element* TitleElement() const { return title_element_.Get(); }
void SetTitleElement(Element*);
void RemoveTitle(Element* title_element);
const AtomicString& dir();
void setDir(const AtomicString&);
String cookie(ExceptionState&) const;
void setCookie(const String&, ExceptionState&);
const AtomicString& referrer() const;
String domain() const;
void setDomain(const String& new_domain, ExceptionState&);
String lastModified() const;
// The cookieURL is used to query the cookie database for this document's
// cookies. For example, if the cookie URL is, we'll
// use the non-Secure cookies for when computing
// document.cookie.
// Q: How is the cookieURL different from the document's URL?
// A: The two URLs are the same almost all the time. However, if one
// document inherits the security context of another document, it
// inherits its cookieURL but not its URL.
const KURL& CookieURL() const { return cookie_url_; }
void SetCookieURL(const KURL& url) { cookie_url_ = url; }
const KURL FirstPartyForCookies() const;
// The following implements the rule from HTML 4 for what valid names are.
// To get this right for all the XML cases, we probably have to improve this
// or move it and make it sensitive to the type of document.
static bool IsValidName(const String&);
// The following breaks a qualified name into a prefix and a local name.
// It also does a validity check, and returns false if the qualified name
// is invalid. It also sets ExceptionCode when name is invalid.
static bool ParseQualifiedName(const AtomicString& qualified_name,
AtomicString& prefix,
AtomicString& local_name,
// Checks to make sure prefix and namespace do not conflict (per DOM Core 3)
static bool HasValidNamespaceForElements(const QualifiedName&);
static bool HasValidNamespaceForAttributes(const QualifiedName&);
// "body element" as defined by HTML5
// (
// That is, the first body or frameset child of the document element.
HTMLElement* body() const;
// "HTML body element" as defined by CSSOM View spec
// (
// That is, the first body child of the document element.
HTMLBodyElement* FirstBodyElement() const;
void setBody(HTMLElement*, ExceptionState&);
void WillInsertBody();
HTMLHeadElement* head() const;
// Decide which element is to define the viewport's overflow policy. If
// |rootStyle| is set, use that as the style for the root element, rather than
// obtaining it on our own. The reason for this is that style may not have
// been associated with the elements yet - in which case it may have been
// calculated on the fly (without associating it with the actual element)
// somewhere.
Element* ViewportDefiningElement(
const ComputedStyle* root_style = nullptr) const;
DocumentMarkerController& Markers() const { return *markers_; }
// Support for Javascript execCommand, and related methods
// See "core/editing/commands/DocumentExecCommand.cpp" for implementations.
bool execCommand(const String& command,
bool show_ui,
const String& value,
bool IsRunningExecCommand() const { return is_running_exec_command_; }
bool queryCommandEnabled(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
bool queryCommandIndeterm(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
bool queryCommandState(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
bool queryCommandSupported(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
String queryCommandValue(const String& command, ExceptionState&);
KURL OpenSearchDescriptionURL();
// designMode support
bool InDesignMode() const { return design_mode_; }
String designMode() const;
void setDesignMode(const String&);
Document* ParentDocument() const;
Document& TopDocument() const;
Document* ContextDocument();
ScriptRunner* GetScriptRunner() { return script_runner_.Get(); }
void currentScriptForBinding(HTMLScriptElementOrSVGScriptElement&) const;
void PushCurrentScript(ScriptElementBase*);
void PopCurrentScript(ScriptElementBase*);
void SetTransformSource(std::unique_ptr<TransformSource>);
TransformSource* GetTransformSource() const {
return transform_source_.get();
void IncDOMTreeVersion() {
dom_tree_version_ = ++global_tree_version_;
uint64_t DomTreeVersion() const { return dom_tree_version_; }
uint64_t StyleVersion() const { return style_version_; }
enum PendingSheetLayout {
bool DidLayoutWithPendingStylesheets() const {
return pending_sheet_layout_ == kDidLayoutWithPendingSheets;
bool IgnoreLayoutWithPendingStylesheets() const {
return pending_sheet_layout_ == kIgnoreLayoutWithPendingSheets;
bool HasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle() const {
return has_nodes_with_placeholder_style_;
void SetHasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle() {
has_nodes_with_placeholder_style_ = true;
Vector<IconURL> IconURLs(int icon_types_mask);
Color ThemeColor() const;
// Returns the HTMLLinkElement currently in use for the Web Manifest.
// Returns null if there is no such element.
HTMLLinkElement* LinkManifest() const;
void UpdateFocusAppearanceLater();
void CancelFocusAppearanceUpdate();
bool IsDNSPrefetchEnabled() const { return is_dns_prefetch_enabled_; }
void ParseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(const String&);
void PostTask(TaskType,
const WebTraceLocation&,
const String& task_name_for_instrumentation = g_empty_string)
override; // Executes the task on context's thread asynchronously.
void TasksWereSuspended() final;
void TasksWereResumed() final;
bool TasksNeedSuspension() final;
void FinishedParsing();
void SetEncodingData(const DocumentEncodingData& new_data);
const WTF::TextEncoding& Encoding() const {
return encoding_data_.Encoding();
bool EncodingWasDetectedHeuristically() const {
return encoding_data_.WasDetectedHeuristically();
bool SawDecodingError() const { return encoding_data_.SawDecodingError(); }
void SetAnnotatedRegionsDirty(bool f) { annotated_regions_dirty_ = f; }
bool AnnotatedRegionsDirty() const { return annotated_regions_dirty_; }
bool HasAnnotatedRegions() const { return has_annotated_regions_; }
void SetHasAnnotatedRegions(bool f) { has_annotated_regions_ = f; }
const Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& AnnotatedRegions() const;
void SetAnnotatedRegions(const Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&);
void RemoveAllEventListeners() final;
const SVGDocumentExtensions* SvgExtensions();
SVGDocumentExtensions& AccessSVGExtensions();
void InitContentSecurityPolicy(ContentSecurityPolicy* = nullptr);
bool IsSecureTransitionTo(const KURL&) const;
bool AllowInlineEventHandler(Node*,
const String& context_url,
const WTF::OrdinalNumber& context_line);
void EnforceSandboxFlags(SandboxFlags mask) override;
void StatePopped(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue>);
enum LoadEventProgress {
bool LoadEventStillNeeded() const {
return load_event_progress_ == kLoadEventNotRun;
bool LoadEventFinished() const {
return load_event_progress_ >= kLoadEventCompleted;
bool UnloadStarted() const {
return load_event_progress_ >= kPageHideInProgress;
bool ProcessingBeforeUnload() const {
return load_event_progress_ == kBeforeUnloadEventInProgress;
void SuppressLoadEvent();
void SetContainsPlugins() { contains_plugins_ = true; }
bool ContainsPlugins() const { return contains_plugins_; }
bool IsContextThread() const final;
bool IsJSExecutionForbidden() const final { return false; }
bool ContainsValidityStyleRules() const {
return contains_validity_style_rules_;
void SetContainsValidityStyleRules() {
contains_validity_style_rules_ = true;
void EnqueueResizeEvent();
void EnqueueScrollEventForNode(Node*);
void EnqueueAnimationFrameTask(std::unique_ptr<WTF::Closure>);
void EnqueueAnimationFrameEvent(Event*);
// Only one event for a target/event type combination will be dispatched per
// frame.
void EnqueueUniqueAnimationFrameEvent(Event*);
void EnqueueMediaQueryChangeListeners(
void EnqueueVisualViewportScrollEvent();
void EnqueueVisualViewportResizeEvent();
void DispatchEventsForPrinting();
bool HasFullscreenSupplement() const { return has_fullscreen_supplement_; }
void SetHasFullscreenSupplement() { has_fullscreen_supplement_ = true; }
void exitPointerLock();
Element* PointerLockElement() const;
// Used to allow element that loads data without going through a FrameLoader
// to delay the 'load' event.
void IncrementLoadEventDelayCount() { ++load_event_delay_count_; }
void DecrementLoadEventDelayCount();
void CheckLoadEventSoon();
bool IsDelayingLoadEvent();
void LoadPluginsSoon();
// This calls checkCompleted() sync and thus can cause JavaScript execution.
void DecrementLoadEventDelayCountAndCheckLoadEvent();
Touch* createTouch(DOMWindow*,
int identifier,
double page_x,
double page_y,
double screen_x,
double screen_y,
double radius_x,
double radius_y,
float rotation_angle,
float force) const;
TouchList* createTouchList(HeapVector<Member<Touch>>&) const;
const DocumentTiming& GetTiming() const { return document_timing_; }
int RequestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback*);
void CancelAnimationFrame(int id);
void ServiceScriptedAnimations(double monotonic_animation_start_time);
int RequestIdleCallback(IdleRequestCallback*, const IdleRequestOptions&);
void CancelIdleCallback(int id);
EventTarget* ErrorEventTarget() final;
void ExceptionThrown(ErrorEvent*) final;
void InitDNSPrefetch();
bool IsInDocumentWrite() const { return write_recursion_depth_ > 0; }
TextAutosizer* GetTextAutosizer();
Element* createElement(const AtomicString& local_name,
const StringOrDictionary&,
ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
Element* createElementNS(const AtomicString& namespace_uri,
const AtomicString& qualified_name,
const StringOrDictionary&,
ScriptValue registerElement(
const AtomicString& name,
const ElementRegistrationOptions&,
V0CustomElement::NameSet valid_names = V0CustomElement::kStandardNames);
V0CustomElementRegistrationContext* RegistrationContext() {
return registration_context_.Get();
V0CustomElementMicrotaskRunQueue* CustomElementMicrotaskRunQueue();
void ClearImportsController();
void CreateImportsController();
HTMLImportsController* ImportsController() const {
return imports_controller_;
HTMLImportLoader* ImportLoader() const;
void DidLoadAllImports();
void AdjustFloatQuadsForScrollAndAbsoluteZoom(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
void AdjustFloatRectForScrollAndAbsoluteZoom(FloatRect&, LayoutObject&);
void SetContextFeatures(ContextFeatures&);
ContextFeatures& GetContextFeatures() const { return *context_features_; }
ElementDataCache* GetElementDataCache() { return element_data_cache_.Get(); }
void DidLoadAllScriptBlockingResources();
void DidAddPendingStylesheetInBody();
void DidRemoveAllPendingStylesheet();
void DidRemoveAllPendingBodyStylesheets();
bool InStyleRecalc() const {
return lifecycle_.GetState() == DocumentLifecycle::kInStyleRecalc;
// Return a Locale for the default locale if the argument is null or empty.
Locale& GetCachedLocale(const AtomicString& locale = g_null_atom);
AnimationClock& GetAnimationClock();
DocumentTimeline& Timeline() const { return *timeline_; }
CompositorPendingAnimations& GetCompositorPendingAnimations() {
return *compositor_pending_animations_;
void AddToTopLayer(Element*, const Element* before = nullptr);
void RemoveFromTopLayer(Element*);
const HeapVector<Member<Element>>& TopLayerElements() const {
return top_layer_elements_;
HTMLDialogElement* ActiveModalDialog() const;
// A non-null m_templateDocumentHost implies that |this| was created by
// ensureTemplateDocument().
bool IsTemplateDocument() const { return !!template_document_host_; }
Document& EnsureTemplateDocument();
Document* TemplateDocumentHost() { return template_document_host_; }
mojom::EngagementLevel GetEngagementLevel() const {
return engagement_level_;
void SetEngagementLevel(mojom::EngagementLevel level) {
engagement_level_ = level;
// TODO(thestig): Rename these and related functions, since we can call them
// for controls outside of forms as well.
void DidAssociateFormControl(Element*);
void AddConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage*) final;
LocalDOMWindow* ExecutingWindow() const final;
LocalFrame* ExecutingFrame();
DocumentLifecycle& Lifecycle() { return lifecycle_; }
bool IsActive() const { return lifecycle_.IsActive(); }
bool IsDetached() const {
return lifecycle_.GetState() >= DocumentLifecycle::kStopping;
bool IsStopped() const {
return lifecycle_.GetState() == DocumentLifecycle::kStopped;
enum HttpRefreshType { kHttpRefreshFromHeader, kHttpRefreshFromMetaTag };
void MaybeHandleHttpRefresh(const String&, HttpRefreshType);
void UpdateSecurityOrigin(PassRefPtr<SecurityOrigin>);
void SetHasViewportUnits() { has_viewport_units_ = true; }
bool HasViewportUnits() const { return has_viewport_units_; }
void SetResizedForViewportUnits();
void ClearResizedForViewportUnits();
void UpdateActiveStyle();
AtomicString ConvertLocalName(const AtomicString&);
void PlatformColorsChanged();
DOMTimerCoordinator* Timers() final;
HostsUsingFeatures::Value& HostsUsingFeaturesValue() {
return hosts_using_features_value_;
NthIndexCache* GetNthIndexCache() const { return nth_index_cache_; }
bool IsSecureContext(
String& error_message,
const SecureContextCheck = kStandardSecureContextCheck) const override;
bool IsSecureContext(
const SecureContextCheck = kStandardSecureContextCheck) const override;
ClientHintsPreferences& GetClientHintsPreferences() {
return client_hints_preferences_;
CanvasFontCache* GetCanvasFontCache();
// Used by unit tests so that all parsing will be main thread for
// controlling parsing and chunking precisely.
static void SetThreadedParsingEnabledForTesting(bool);
static bool ThreadedParsingEnabledForTesting();
void IncrementNodeCount() { node_count_++; }
void DecrementNodeCount() {
DCHECK_GT(node_count_, 0);
int NodeCount() const { return node_count_; }
SnapCoordinator* GetSnapCoordinator();
void EnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(WebInsecureRequestPolicy);
bool MayContainV0Shadow() const { return may_contain_v0_shadow_; }
ShadowCascadeOrder GetShadowCascadeOrder() const {
return shadow_cascade_order_;
void SetShadowCascadeOrder(ShadowCascadeOrder);
bool ContainsV1ShadowTree() const {
return shadow_cascade_order_ == ShadowCascadeOrder::kShadowCascadeV1;
Element* rootScroller() const;
void setRootScroller(Element*, ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
RootScrollerController& GetRootScrollerController() const {
return *root_scroller_controller_;
bool IsInMainFrame() const;
void RecordDeferredLoadReason(WouldLoadReason);
WouldLoadReason DeferredLoadReason() { return would_load_reason_; }
const PropertyRegistry* GetPropertyRegistry() const;
PropertyRegistry* GetPropertyRegistry();
// Document maintains a counter of visible non-secure password
// fields in the page. Used to notify the embedder when all visible
// non-secure passwords fields are no longer visible.
void IncrementPasswordCount();
void DecrementPasswordCount();
Document(const DocumentInit&, DocumentClassFlags = kDefaultDocumentClass);
void DidUpdateSecurityOrigin() final;
void ClearXMLVersion() { xml_version_ = String(); }
virtual Document* CloneDocumentWithoutChildren();
bool ImportContainerNodeChildren(ContainerNode* old_container_node,
ContainerNode* new_container_node,
void LockCompatibilityMode() { compatibility_mode_locked_ = true; }
ParserSynchronizationPolicy GetParserSynchronizationPolicy() const {
return parser_sync_policy_;
friend class IgnoreDestructiveWriteCountIncrementer;
friend class ThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCountIncrementer;
friend class NthIndexCache;
class NetworkStateObserver;
bool IsDocumentFragment() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
bool IsDocumentNode() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
bool IsElementNode() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
ScriptedAnimationController& EnsureScriptedAnimationController();
ScriptedIdleTaskController& EnsureScriptedIdleTaskController();
void InitSecurityContext(const DocumentInit&);
SecurityContext& GetSecurityContext() final { return *this; }
EventQueue* GetEventQueue() const final;
bool HasPendingVisualUpdate() const {
return lifecycle_.GetState() == DocumentLifecycle::kVisualUpdatePending;
bool ShouldScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate() const;
void ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate();
bool NeedsFullLayoutTreeUpdate() const;
void InheritHtmlAndBodyElementStyles(StyleRecalcChange);
void UpdateUseShadowTreesIfNeeded();
void EvaluateMediaQueryListIfNeeded();
void UpdateStyleInvalidationIfNeeded();
void UpdateStyle();
void NotifyLayoutTreeOfSubtreeChanges();
// ImplicitClose() actually does the work of closing the input stream.
void ImplicitClose();
bool ShouldComplete();
void DetachParser();
void BeginLifecycleUpdatesIfRenderingReady();
bool IsDocument() const final { return true; }
void ChildrenChanged(const ChildrenChange&) override;
String nodeName() const final;
NodeType getNodeType() const final;
bool ChildTypeAllowed(NodeType) const final;
Node* cloneNode(bool deep, ExceptionState&) final;
void CloneDataFromDocument(const Document&);
bool IsSecureContextImpl(
const SecureContextCheck privilige_context_check) const;
ShadowCascadeOrder shadow_cascade_order_ = kShadowCascadeNone;
// Same as url(), but needed for ExecutionContext to implement it without a
// performance loss for direct calls.
const KURL& VirtualURL() const final;
// Same as completeURL() for the same reason as above.
KURL VirtualCompleteURL(const String&) const final;
void UpdateTitle(const String&);
void UpdateFocusAppearanceTimerFired(TimerBase*);
void UpdateBaseURL();
void ExecuteScriptsWaitingForResources();
void LoadEventDelayTimerFired(TimerBase*);
void PluginLoadingTimerFired(TimerBase*);
void AddListenerType(ListenerType listener_type) {
listener_types_ |= listener_type;
void AddMutationEventListenerTypeIfEnabled(ListenerType);
void DidAssociateFormControlsTimerFired(TimerBase*);
void ClearFocusedElementSoon();
void ClearFocusedElementTimerFired(TimerBase*);
bool HaveScriptBlockingStylesheetsLoaded() const;
bool HaveRenderBlockingStylesheetsLoaded() const;
void StyleResolverMayHaveChanged();
void SetHoverElement(Element*);
using EventFactorySet = HashSet<std::unique_ptr<EventFactoryBase>>;
static EventFactorySet& EventFactories();
void SetNthIndexCache(NthIndexCache* nth_index_cache) {
DCHECK(!nth_index_cache_ || !nth_index_cache);
nth_index_cache_ = nth_index_cache;
const OriginAccessEntry& AccessEntryFromURL();
void SendSensitiveInputVisibility();
void SendSensitiveInputVisibilityInternal();
void RunExecutionContextTask(std::unique_ptr<ExecutionContextTask>,
bool instrumenting);
bool HaveImportsLoaded() const;
DocumentLifecycle lifecycle_;
bool has_nodes_with_placeholder_style_;
bool evaluate_media_queries_on_style_recalc_;
// If we do ignore the pending stylesheet count, then we need to add a boolean
// to track that this happened so that we can do a full repaint when the
// stylesheets do eventually load.
PendingSheetLayout pending_sheet_layout_;
Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
Member<LocalDOMWindow> dom_window_;
TraceWrapperMember<HTMLImportsController> imports_controller_;
Member<ResourceFetcher> fetcher_;
Member<DocumentParser> parser_;
Member<ContextFeatures> context_features_;
// This HashMap is used to temporaily store the ComputedStyle generated in the
// Style Resolution phase which is used in the Layout Tree construction phase.
HeapHashMap<Member<const Node>, RefPtr<ComputedStyle>> non_attached_style_;
bool well_formed_;
// Document URLs.
KURL url_; // Document.URL: The URL from which this document was retrieved.
KURL base_url_; // Node.baseURI: The URL to use when resolving relative URLs.
base_url_override_; // An alternative base URL that takes precedence over
// m_baseURL (but not m_baseElementURL).
KURL base_element_url_; // The URL set by the <base> element.
KURL cookie_url_; // The URL to use for cookie access.
std::unique_ptr<OriginAccessEntry> access_entry_from_url_;
AtomicString base_target_;
// Mime-type of the document in case it was cloned or created by XHR.
AtomicString mime_type_;
Member<DocumentType> doc_type_;
TraceWrapperMember<DOMImplementation> implementation_;
Member<CSSStyleSheet> elem_sheet_;
PrintingState printing_;
bool paginated_for_screen_;
CompatibilityMode compatibility_mode_;
// This is cheaper than making setCompatibilityMode virtual.
bool compatibility_mode_locked_;
TaskHandle execute_scripts_waiting_for_resources_task_handle_;
bool has_autofocused_;
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> clear_focused_element_timer_;
Member<Element> autofocus_element_;
Member<Element> focused_element_;
Member<Range> sequential_focus_navigation_starting_point_;
Member<Element> hover_element_;
Member<Element> active_hover_element_;
Member<Element> document_element_;
UserActionElementSet user_action_elements_;
Member<RootScrollerController> root_scroller_controller_;
uint64_t dom_tree_version_;
static uint64_t global_tree_version_;
uint64_t style_version_;
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<NodeIterator>> node_iterators_;
using AttachedRangeSet = HeapHashSet<WeakMember<Range>>;
AttachedRangeSet ranges_;
unsigned short listener_types_;
MutationObserverOptions mutation_observer_types_;
TraceWrapperMember<StyleEngine> style_engine_;
TraceWrapperMember<StyleSheetList> style_sheet_list_;
Member<FormController> form_controller_;
TextLinkColors text_link_colors_;
const Member<VisitedLinkState> visited_link_state_;
bool visually_ordered_;
DocumentReadyState ready_state_;
ParsingState parsing_state_;
bool goto_anchor_needed_after_stylesheets_load_;
bool is_dns_prefetch_enabled_;
bool have_explicitly_disabled_dns_prefetch_;
bool contains_validity_style_rules_;
bool contains_plugins_;
unsigned ignore_destructive_write_count_;
unsigned throw_on_dynamic_markup_insertion_count_;
String title_;
String raw_title_;
Member<Element> title_element_;
Member<AXObjectCache> ax_object_cache_;
Member<DocumentMarkerController> markers_;
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> update_focus_appearance_timer_;
Member<Element> css_target_;
LoadEventProgress load_event_progress_;
double start_time_;
Member<ScriptRunner> script_runner_;
HeapVector<Member<ScriptElementBase>> current_script_stack_;
std::unique_ptr<TransformSource> transform_source_;
String xml_encoding_;
String xml_version_;
unsigned xml_standalone_ : 2;
unsigned has_xml_declaration_ : 1;
AtomicString content_language_;
DocumentEncodingData encoding_data_;
bool design_mode_;
bool is_running_exec_command_;
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<const LiveNodeListBase>>
// Oilpan keeps track of all registered NodeLists.
// TODO(Oilpan): improve - only need to know if a NodeList
// is currently alive or not for the different types.
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<const LiveNodeListBase>>
Member<SVGDocumentExtensions> svg_extensions_;
Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue> annotated_regions_;
bool has_annotated_regions_;
bool annotated_regions_dirty_;
std::unique_ptr<SelectorQueryCache> selector_query_cache_;
// It is safe to keep a raw, untraced pointer to this stack-allocated
// cache object: it is set upon the cache object being allocated on
// the stack and cleared upon leaving its allocated scope. Hence it
// is acceptable not to trace it -- should a conservative GC occur,
// the cache object's references will be traced by a stack walk.
NthIndexCache* nth_index_cache_ = nullptr;
DocumentClassFlags document_classes_;
bool is_view_source_;
bool saw_elements_in_known_namespaces_;
bool is_srcdoc_document_;
bool is_mobile_document_;
LayoutView* layout_view_;
WeakMember<Document> context_document_;
// For early return in Fullscreen::fromIfExists()
bool has_fullscreen_supplement_;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> top_layer_elements_;
int load_event_delay_count_;
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> load_event_delay_timer_;
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> plugin_loading_timer_;
ViewportDescription viewport_description_;
ViewportDescription legacy_viewport_description_;
Length viewport_default_min_width_;
ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy_;
DocumentTiming document_timing_;
Member<MediaQueryMatcher> media_query_matcher_;
bool write_recursion_is_too_deep_;
unsigned write_recursion_depth_;
Member<ScriptedAnimationController> scripted_animation_controller_;
Member<ScriptedIdleTaskController> scripted_idle_task_controller_;
Member<TextAutosizer> text_autosizer_;
Member<V0CustomElementRegistrationContext> registration_context_;
Member<V0CustomElementMicrotaskRunQueue> custom_element_microtask_run_queue_;
void ElementDataCacheClearTimerFired(TimerBase*);
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> element_data_cache_clear_timer_;
Member<ElementDataCache> element_data_cache_;
using LocaleIdentifierToLocaleMap =
HashMap<AtomicString, std::unique_ptr<Locale>>;
LocaleIdentifierToLocaleMap locale_cache_;
Member<DocumentTimeline> timeline_;
Member<CompositorPendingAnimations> compositor_pending_animations_;
Member<Document> template_document_;
Member<Document> template_document_host_;
TaskRunnerTimer<Document> did_associate_form_controls_timer_;
HeapHashSet<Member<SVGUseElement>> use_elements_needing_update_;
DOMTimerCoordinator timers_;
bool has_viewport_units_;
ParserSynchronizationPolicy parser_sync_policy_;
HostsUsingFeatures::Value hosts_using_features_value_;
ClientHintsPreferences client_hints_preferences_;
Member<CanvasFontCache> canvas_font_cache_;
Member<IntersectionObserverController> intersection_observer_controller_;
Member<ResizeObserverController> resize_observer_controller_;
int node_count_;
bool may_contain_v0_shadow_ = false;
Member<SnapCoordinator> snap_coordinator_;
WouldLoadReason would_load_reason_;
Member<PropertyRegistry> property_registry_;
unsigned password_count_;
TaskHandle sensitive_input_visibility_task_;
mojom::EngagementLevel engagement_level_;
Member<NetworkStateObserver> network_state_observer_;
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT Supplement<Document>;
inline bool Document::ShouldOverrideLegacyDescription(
ViewportDescription::Type origin) const {
// The different (legacy) meta tags have different priorities based on the
// type regardless of which order they appear in the DOM. The priority is
// given by the ViewportDescription::Type enum.
return origin >= legacy_viewport_description_.type;
inline void Document::ScheduleLayoutTreeUpdateIfNeeded() {
// Inline early out to avoid the function calls below.
if (HasPendingVisualUpdate())
if (ShouldScheduleLayoutTreeUpdate() && NeedsLayoutTreeUpdate())
DEFINE_NODE_TYPE_CASTS(Document, IsDocumentNode());
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, Document, document, document->Is##thisType(), \
// This is needed to avoid ambiguous overloads with the Node and TreeScope
// versions.
// Put these methods here, because they require the Document definition, but we
// really want to inline them.
inline bool Node::IsDocumentNode() const {
return this == GetDocument();
Node* EventTargetNodeForDocument(Document*);
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(TreeScope, Document, document, true, true);
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
CORE_EXPORT void showLiveDocumentInstances();
#endif // Document_h