blob: d15896bc3cf24fa71d3717ff99903d865750c27e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.List;
* Provides methods needed for querying and managing browsing history.
public interface HistoryProvider {
* Observer to be notified of browsing history events.
public interface BrowsingHistoryObserver {
* Called after {@link BrowsingHistoryBridge#queryHistory(String, long)} is complete.
* @param items The items that matched the #queryHistory() parameters.
* @param hasMorePotentialMatches Whether there are more items that match the query text.
* This will be false once the entire local history database
* and remote web history has been searched.
void onQueryHistoryComplete(List<HistoryItem> items,
boolean hasMorePotentialMatches);
* Called when history has been deleted through something other than a call to
* BrowsingHistoryBridge#removeItems(). For example, if two instances of the history page
* are open and the user removes items in one instance, the other instance will be notified
* via this method.
void onHistoryDeleted();
* Called after querying history to indicate whether other forms of browsing history were
* found.
* @param hasOtherForms Whether other forms of browsing history were found.
void hasOtherFormsOfBrowsingData(boolean hasOtherForms);
* Sets the {@link BrowsingHistoryObserver} to be notified of browsing history events.
void setObserver(BrowsingHistoryObserver observer);
* Query browsing history. Only one query may be in-flight at any time. See
* BrowsingHistoryService::QueryHistory.
* @param query The query search text. May be empty.
void queryHistory(String query);
* Fetches more results using the previous query's text, only valid to call
* after queryHistory is called.
void queryHistoryContinuation();
* Adds the HistoryItem to the list of items being removed. The removal will not be committed
* until {@link #removeItems()} is called.
* @param item The item to mark for removal.
void markItemForRemoval(HistoryItem item);
* Removes all items that have been marked for removal through #markItemForRemoval().
void removeItems();
* Destroys the HistoryProvider.
void destroy();