blob: 6abc4026154c870b3779a1f8cf13c67079d51320 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A fake implementation of the SyncScheduler. If needed, we should add default
// logic needed for tests (invoking callbacks, etc) here rather than in higher
// level test classes.
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "sync/engine/sync_scheduler.h"
namespace syncer {
class FakeSyncScheduler : public SyncScheduler {
virtual ~FakeSyncScheduler();
virtual void Start(Mode mode) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScheduleLocalNudge(
ModelTypeSet types,
const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScheduleLocalRefreshRequest(
ModelTypeSet types,
const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScheduleInvalidationNudge(
syncer::ModelType type,
scoped_ptr<InvalidationInterface> interface,
const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScheduleConfiguration(
const ConfigurationParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScheduleInitialSyncNudge(syncer::ModelType model_type) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetNotificationsEnabled(bool notifications_enabled) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCredentialsUpdated() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnConnectionStatusChange() OVERRIDE;
// SyncSession::Delegate implementation.
virtual void OnThrottled(
const base::TimeDelta& throttle_duration) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnTypesThrottled(
ModelTypeSet types,
const base::TimeDelta& throttle_duration) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsCurrentlyThrottled() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedShortPollIntervalUpdate(
const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedLongPollIntervalUpdate(
const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedCustomNudgeDelays(
const std::map<ModelType, base::TimeDelta>& nudge_delays) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedClientInvalidationHintBufferSize(int size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSyncProtocolError(
const SyncProtocolError& error) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedGuRetryDelay(
const base::TimeDelta& delay) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnReceivedMigrationRequest(ModelTypeSet types) OVERRIDE;
} // namespace syncer