blob: a53664d4b66b206bf0bccbe2aa6d671ff68fbef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/config.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/scheduler.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/uploader.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/util.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequestStatus;
} // namespace net
namespace domain_reliability {
// A simple test callback that remembers whether it's been called.
class TestCallback {
// Returns a callback that can be called only once.
const base::Closure& callback() const { return callback_; }
// Returns whether the callback returned by |callback()| has been called.
bool called() const { return called_; }
void OnCalled();
base::Closure callback_;
bool called_;
class MockUploader : public DomainReliabilityUploader {
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& report_json,
const GURL& upload_url,
const UploadCallback& upload_callback)>
MockUploader(const UploadRequestCallback& callback);
virtual ~MockUploader();
virtual bool discard_uploads() const;
// DomainReliabilityUploader implementation:
virtual void UploadReport(const std::string& report_json,
const GURL& upload_url,
const UploadCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void set_discard_uploads(bool discard_uploads) OVERRIDE;
UploadRequestCallback callback_;
bool discard_uploads_;
class MockTime : public MockableTime {
// N.B.: Tasks (and therefore Timers) scheduled to run in the future will
// never be run if MockTime is destroyed before the mock time is advanced
// to their scheduled time.
virtual ~MockTime();
// MockableTime implementation:
virtual base::Time Now() OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TimeTicks NowTicks() OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<MockableTime::Timer> CreateTimer() OVERRIDE;
// Pretends that |delta| has passed, and runs tasks that would've happened
// during that interval (with |Now()| returning proper values while they
// execute!)
void Advance(base::TimeDelta delta);
// Queues |task| to be run after |delay|. (Lighter-weight than mocking an
// entire message pump.)
void AddTask(base::TimeDelta delay, const base::Closure& task);
// Key used to store tasks in the task map. Includes the time the task should
// run and a sequence number to disambiguate tasks with the same time.
struct TaskKey {
TaskKey(base::TimeTicks time, int sequence_number)
: time(time),
sequence_number(sequence_number) {}
base::TimeTicks time;
int sequence_number;
// Comparator for TaskKey; sorts by time, then by sequence number.
struct TaskKeyCompare {
bool operator() (const TaskKey& lhs, const TaskKey& rhs) const {
return lhs.time < rhs.time ||
(lhs.time == rhs.time &&
lhs.sequence_number < rhs.sequence_number);
typedef std::map<TaskKey, base::Closure, TaskKeyCompare> TaskMap;
void AdvanceToInternal(base::TimeTicks target_ticks);
int elapsed_sec() { return (now_ticks_ - epoch_ticks_).InSeconds(); }
base::Time now_;
base::TimeTicks now_ticks_;
base::TimeTicks epoch_ticks_;
int task_sequence_number_;
TaskMap tasks_;
scoped_ptr<const DomainReliabilityConfig> MakeTestConfig();
scoped_ptr<const DomainReliabilityConfig> MakeTestConfigWithDomain(
const std::string& domain);
DomainReliabilityScheduler::Params MakeTestSchedulerParams();
} // namespace domain_reliability