blob: 000f23bb597319181bac8965b13ae13480fac789 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/power/power_button_controller.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
namespace ui {
class KeyEvent;
} // namespace ui
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ash {
class PowerButtonMenuView;
class PowerButtonScreenshotController;
// Helper class used by tests to access PowerButtonController's internal state.
class PowerButtonControllerTestApi {
explicit PowerButtonControllerTestApi(PowerButtonController* controller);
// Returns true when |controller_->pre_shutdown_timer_| is running.
bool PreShutdownTimerIsRunning() const;
// If |controller_->pre_shutdown_timer_| is running, stops it, runs its task,
// and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
bool TriggerPreShutdownTimeout() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns true when |power_button_menu_timer_| is running.
bool PowerButtonMenuTimerIsRunning() const;
// If |controller_->power_button_menu_timer_| is running, stops it, runs its
// task, and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
bool TriggerPowerButtonMenuTimeout() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Sends |event| to |controller_->display_controller_|.
void SendKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Gets the bounds of the menu view in screen.
gfx::Rect GetMenuBoundsInScreen() const;
// Gets the PowerButtonMenuView of the |controller_|'s menu, which is used by
// GetMenuBoundsInScreen.
PowerButtonMenuView* GetPowerButtonMenuView() const;
// True if the menu is opened.
bool IsMenuOpened() const;
// True if |controller_|'s menu has a sign out item.
bool MenuHasSignOutItem() const;
PowerButtonScreenshotController* GetScreenshotController();
void SetPowerButtonType(PowerButtonController::ButtonType button_type);
void SetTickClock(const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
void SetShowMenuAnimationDone(bool show_menu_animation_done);
PowerButtonController* controller_; // Not owned.
} // namespace ash