blob: bd6d093b0aa618df471ddef816fa5dd4098da3bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Display;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
* Utilities dealing with extracting information about VR intents.
public class VrIntentUtils {
private static final String DAYDREAM_HOME_PACKAGE = "";
// The Daydream Home app adds this extra to auto-present intents.
public static final String AUTOPRESENT_WEVBVR_EXTRA = "browser.vr.AUTOPRESENT_WEBVR";
public static final String DAYDREAM_CATEGORY = "";
// Tells Chrome not to relaunch itself when receiving a VR intent. This is used by tests since
// the relaunch logic does not work properly with the DON flow skipped.
public static final String AVOID_RELAUNCH_EXTRA =
static final String VR_FRE_INTENT_EXTRA = "";
static final String VR_FRE_CALLER_INTENT_EXTRA =
private static VrIntentHandler sHandlerInstance;
* Handles VR intent checking for VrShellDelegate.
* TODO(ymalik): There's no reason for this to be an interface, refactor
* into default implementation that tests can override.
public interface VrIntentHandler {
* Determines whether the given intent is a VR intent from Daydream Home.
* @param intent The intent to check
* @return Whether the intent is a VR intent and originated from Daydream Home
boolean isTrustedDaydreamIntent(Intent intent);
* Determines whether the given intent is a VR intent that is allowed to auto-present WebVR
* content.
* @param intent The intent to check
* @return Whether the intent should be allowed to auto-present.
boolean isTrustedAutopresentIntent(Intent intent);
private static VrIntentHandler createInternalVrIntentHandler() {
return new VrIntentHandler() {
public boolean isTrustedDaydreamIntent(Intent intent) {
return isVrIntent(intent)
&& IntentHandler.isIntentFromTrustedApp(intent, DAYDREAM_HOME_PACKAGE);
public boolean isTrustedAutopresentIntent(Intent intent) {
// Note that all auto-present intents may not have the intent extra because the user
// may have an older version of the Daydream app which doesn't add this extra.
// This is probably fine because we mostly use isTrustedDaydreamIntent above to
// start auto-presentation. We should switch those calls to use this method when
// we're sure that most clients have the change.
return isTrustedDaydreamIntent(intent)
&& IntentUtils.safeGetBooleanExtra(intent, AUTOPRESENT_WEVBVR_EXTRA, false);
* Gets the static VrIntentHandler instance.
* @return The VrIntentHandler instance
public static VrIntentHandler getHandlerInstance() {
if (sHandlerInstance == null) {
sHandlerInstance = createInternalVrIntentHandler();
return sHandlerInstance;
public static void setHandlerInstanceForTesting(VrIntentHandler handler) {
sHandlerInstance = handler;
* @return Whether or not the given intent is a VR-specific intent.
public static boolean isVrIntent(Intent intent) {
// For simplicity, we only return true here if VR is enabled on the platform and this intent
// is not fired from a recent apps page. The latter is there so that we don't enter VR mode
// when we're being resumed from the recent apps in 2D mode.
// Note that Daydream removes the Daydream category for deep-links (for no real reason). In
// addition to the category, DAYDREAM_VR_EXTRA tells us that this intent is coming directly
// from VR.
return intent != null && intent.hasCategory(DAYDREAM_CATEGORY)
&& !launchedFromRecentApps(intent) && VrShellDelegate.isVrEnabled();
* @param activity The Activity to check.
* @return Whether this Activity is launching into VR, or is already in VR.
public static boolean isLaunchingIntoVr(Activity activity) {
return VrShellDelegate.isInVr() || isVrIntent(activity.getIntent())
|| VrIntentUtils.wouldUse2DInVrRenderingMode(activity)
|| VrShellDelegate.isVrModeEnabled(activity);
* @return whether the given intent is should open in a Custom Tab.
public static boolean isCustomTabVrIntent(Intent intent) {
// TODO( Currently, only Daydream intents open in a CustomTab. We should
// probably change this once we figure out core CCT flows in VR.
if (intent == null) return false;
return IntentHandler.getUrlFromIntent(intent) != null
&& getHandlerInstance().isTrustedDaydreamIntent(intent);
* This function returns an intent that will launch a VR activity that will prompt the
* user to take off their headset and forward the freIntent to the standard
* 2D FRE activity.
* @param freCallerIntent The intent that is used to launch the caller.
* @param freIntent The intent that will be used to start the first run in 2D mode.
* @return The intermediate VR activity intent.
public static Intent setupVrFreIntent(
Context context, Intent freCallerIntent, Intent freIntent) {
if (!VrShellDelegate.isVrEnabled()) return freIntent;
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClassName(context, VrFirstRunActivity.class.getName());
intent.putExtra(VR_FRE_CALLER_INTENT_EXTRA, new Intent(freCallerIntent));
intent.putExtra(VR_FRE_INTENT_EXTRA, new Intent(freIntent));
return intent;
* @return Options that a VR-specific Chrome activity should be launched with.
public static Bundle getVrIntentOptions(Context context) {
if (!VrShellDelegate.isVrEnabled()) return null;
// These options are used to start the Activity with a custom animation to keep it hidden
// for a few hundred milliseconds - enough time for us to draw the first black view.
// The animation is sufficient to hide the 2D screenshot but not to the 2D UI while the
// WebVR page is being loaded because the animation is somehow cancelled when we try to
// enter VR (I don't know what's canceling it). To hide the 2D UI, we resort to the black
// overlay view added in {@link startWithVrIntentPreNative}.
int animation = VrShellDelegate.USE_HIDE_ANIMATION ? R.anim.stay_hidden : 0;
ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(context, animation, 0);
if (VrShellDelegate.getVrClassesWrapper().bootsToVr()) {
assert false;
} else {
return options.toBundle();
* @param intent The intent to launch in VR after going through the DON (Device On) flow.
* @param activity The activity context to launch the intent from.
public static void launchInVr(Intent intent, Activity activity) {
* @param intent The intent to possibly forward to the VR launcher.
* @return whether the intent was forwarded to the VR launcher.
public static boolean maybeForwardToVrLauncher(Intent intent, Activity activity) {
// Standalone VR devices use 2D-in-VR rendering on O+.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return false;
if (wouldUse2DInVrRenderingMode(activity) && VrShellDelegate.deviceSupportsVrLaunches()) {
Intent vrIntent = new Intent(intent);
if (vrIntent.resolveActivity(activity.getPackageManager()) != null) {
VrIntentUtils.launchInVr(vrIntent, activity);
return true;
return false;
* @param activity A context for reading the current device configuration.
* @return Whether launching a non-VR Activity would trigger the 2D-in-VR rendering path.
public static boolean wouldUse2DInVrRenderingMode(Activity activity) {
Configuration config = activity.getResources().getConfiguration();
int uiMode = config.uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK;
if (uiMode != Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_VR_HEADSET) return false;
VrClassesWrapper wrapper = VrShellDelegate.getVrClassesWrapper();
return wrapper != null && (wrapper.bootsToVr() || wrapper.supports2dInVr());
* @return Whether the intent is fired from the recent apps overview.
/* package */ static boolean launchedFromRecentApps(Intent intent) {
return ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY) != 0);
* Removes VR specific extras from the given intent to make it a non-VR intent.
public static void removeVrExtras(Intent intent) {
if (intent == null) return;
assert !isVrIntent(intent);