blob: 015119777c696b4f9056ccaea242aed98e5bf5a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.SysUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.SelectionPopupController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.BrowserControlsState;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class defines the bottom sheet that has multiple states and a persistently showing toolbar.
* Namely, the states are:
* - PEEK: Only the toolbar is visible at the bottom of the screen.
* - HALF: The sheet is expanded to consume around half of the screen.
* - FULL: The sheet is expanded to its full height.
* All the computation in this file is based off of the bottom of the screen instead of the top
* for simplicity. This means that the bottom of the screen is 0 on the Y axis.
public class BottomSheet extends FrameLayout
implements BottomSheetSwipeDetector.SwipeableBottomSheet, NativePageHost {
/** The different states that the bottom sheet can have. */
public @interface SheetState {}
* SHEET_STATE_NONE is for internal use only and indicates the sheet is not currently
* transitioning between states.
private static final int SHEET_STATE_NONE = -1;
public static final int SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN = 0;
public static final int SHEET_STATE_PEEK = 1;
public static final int SHEET_STATE_HALF = 2;
public static final int SHEET_STATE_FULL = 3;
public static final int SHEET_STATE_SCROLLING = 4;
/** The different reasons that the sheet's state can change. */
@IntDef({StateChangeReason.NONE, StateChangeReason.SWIPE, StateChangeReason.BACK_PRESS,
StateChangeReason.TAP_SCRIM, StateChangeReason.NAVIGATION,
public @interface StateChangeReason {
int NONE = 0;
int SWIPE = 1;
int BACK_PRESS = 2;
int TAP_SCRIM = 3;
/** The different priorities that the sheet's content can have. */
@IntDef({ContentPriority.HIGH, ContentPriority.LOW})
public @interface ContentPriority {
int HIGH = 0;
int LOW = 1;
* The base duration of the settling animation of the sheet. 218 ms is a spec for material
* design (this is the minimum time a user is guaranteed to pay attention to something).
public static final long BASE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 218;
/** The amount of time it takes to transition sheet content in or out. */
private static final long TRANSITION_DURATION_MS = 150;
* The fraction of the way to the next state the sheet must be swiped to animate there when
* released. This is the value used when there are 3 active states. A smaller value here means
* a smaller swipe is needed to move the sheet around.
private static final float THRESHOLD_TO_NEXT_STATE_3 = 0.5f;
/** This is similar to {@link #THRESHOLD_TO_NEXT_STATE_3} but for 2 states instead of 3. */
private static final float THRESHOLD_TO_NEXT_STATE_2 = 0.3f;
/** The height ratio for the sheet in the SHEET_STATE_HALF state. */
private static final float HALF_HEIGHT_RATIO = 0.65f;
/** The fraction of the width of the screen that, when swiped, will cause the sheet to move. */
private static final float SWIPE_ALLOWED_FRACTION = 0.2f;
* The minimum swipe velocity (dp/ms) that should be considered as a user opening the bottom
* sheet intentionally. This is specifically for the 'velocity' swipe logic.
private static final float SHEET_SWIPE_MIN_DP_PER_MS = 0.2f;
* Information about the different scroll states of the sheet. Order is important for these,
* they go from smallest to largest.
private static final int[] sStates =
private final float[] mStateRatios = new float[4];
/** The interpolator that the height animator uses. */
private final Interpolator mInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator(1.0f);
/** The list of observers of this sheet. */
private final ObserverList<BottomSheetObserver> mObservers = new ObserverList<>();
/** The visible rect for the screen taking the keyboard into account. */
private final Rect mVisibleViewportRect = new Rect();
/** An out-array for use with getLocationInWindow to prevent constant allocations. */
private final int[] mCachedLocation = new int[2];
/** The minimum distance between half and full states to allow the half state. */
private final float mMinHalfFullDistance;
/** The height of the shadow that sits above the toolbar. */
private final int mToolbarShadowHeight;
/** The {@link BottomSheetMetrics} used to record user actions and histograms. */
private final BottomSheetMetrics mMetrics;
/** For detecting scroll and fling events on the bottom sheet. */
private BottomSheetSwipeDetector mGestureDetector;
/** The animator used to move the sheet to a fixed state when released by the user. */
private ValueAnimator mSettleAnimator;
/** The animator set responsible for swapping the bottom sheet content. */
private AnimatorSet mContentSwapAnimatorSet;
/** The height of the toolbar. */
private float mToolbarHeight;
/** The width of the view that contains the bottom sheet. */
private float mContainerWidth;
/** The height of the view that contains the bottom sheet. */
private float mContainerHeight;
* The current offset of the sheet from the bottom of the screen in px. This does not include
* added offset from the scrolling of the browser controls which allows the sheet's toolbar to
* show and hide in-sync with the top toolbar.
private float mCurrentOffsetPx;
/** The current state that the sheet is in. */
private int mCurrentState = SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN;
/** The target sheet state. This is the state that the sheet is currently moving to. */
private int mTargetState = SHEET_STATE_NONE;
/** Used for getting the current tab. */
protected TabModelSelector mTabModelSelector;
/** The fullscreen manager for information about toolbar offsets. */
private ChromeFullscreenManager mFullscreenManager;
/** A handle to the content being shown by the sheet. */
protected BottomSheetContent mSheetContent;
/** A handle to the find-in-page toolbar. */
private View mFindInPageView;
/** A handle to the FrameLayout that holds the content of the bottom sheet. */
private TouchRestrictingFrameLayout mBottomSheetContentContainer;
* The last ratio sent to observers of onTransitionPeekToHalf(). This is used to ensure the
* final value sent to these observers is 1.0f.
private float mLastPeekToHalfRatioSent;
* The last offset ratio sent to observers of onSheetOffsetChanged(). This is used to ensure the
* min and max values are provided at least once (0 and 1).
private float mLastOffsetRatioSent;
/** The FrameLayout used to hold the bottom sheet toolbar. */
private TouchRestrictingFrameLayout mToolbarHolder;
* The default toolbar view. This is shown when the current bottom sheet content doesn't have
* its own toolbar and when the bottom sheet is closed.
protected View mDefaultToolbarView;
/** Whether the {@link BottomSheet} and its children should react to touch events. */
private boolean mIsTouchEnabled;
/** Whether the sheet is currently open. */
private boolean mIsSheetOpen;
/** The activity displaying the bottom sheet. */
protected ChromeActivity mActivity;
/** A delegate for when the action bar starts showing. */
private ViewShiftingActionBarDelegate mActionBarDelegate;
/** Whether {@link #destroy()} has been called. **/
private boolean mIsDestroyed;
/** The token used to enable browser controls persistence. */
private int mPersistentControlsToken;
/** Conversion ratio of dp to px. */
private float mDpToPx;
/** Whether or not scroll events are currently being blocked for the 'velocity' swipe logic. */
private boolean mVelocityLogicBlockSwipe;
* An interface defining content that can be displayed inside of the bottom sheet for Chrome
* Home.
public interface BottomSheetContent {
* Gets the {@link View} that holds the content to be displayed in the Chrome Home bottom
* sheet.
* @return The content view.
View getContentView();
* Get the {@link View} that contains the toolbar specific to the content being
* displayed. If null is returned, the omnibox is used.
* @return The toolbar view.
View getToolbarView();
* @return The vertical scroll offset of the content view.
int getVerticalScrollOffset();
* Called to destroy the {@link BottomSheetContent} when it is no longer in use.
void destroy();
* @return The priority of this content.
int getPriority();
* @return Whether swiping the sheet down hard enough will cause the sheet to be dismissed.
boolean swipeToDismissEnabled();
* Returns whether the provided bottom sheet state is in one of the stable open or closed
* states: {@link #SHEET_STATE_FULL}, {@link #SHEET_STATE_PEEK} or {@link #SHEET_STATE_HALF}
* @param sheetState A {@link SheetState} to test.
public static boolean isStateStable(@SheetState int sheetState) {
switch (sheetState) {
return true;
return false;
case SHEET_STATE_NONE: // Should never be tested, internal only value.
assert false;
return false;
public boolean shouldGestureMoveSheet(MotionEvent initialEvent, MotionEvent currentEvent) {
// If the sheet is scrolling off-screen or in the process of hiding, gestures should not
// affect it.
if (getCurrentOffsetPx() < getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK)
|| getOffsetFromBrowserControls() > 0) {
return false;
// If the sheet is already open, the experiment is not enabled, or accessibility is enabled
// there is no need to restrict the swipe area.
if (mActivity == null || isSheetOpen() || AccessibilityUtil.isAccessibilityEnabled()) {
return true;
if (currentEvent.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
mVelocityLogicBlockSwipe = false;
float scrollDistanceDp = MathUtils.distance(initialEvent.getX(), initialEvent.getY(),
currentEvent.getX(), currentEvent.getY())
/ mDpToPx;
long timeDeltaMs = currentEvent.getEventTime() - initialEvent.getDownTime();
String logicType = FeatureUtilities.getChromeHomeSwipeLogicType();
// By default, the entire toolbar is swipable.
float startX = mVisibleViewportRect.left;
float endX = mDefaultToolbarView.getWidth() + mVisibleViewportRect.left;
if (ChromeSwitches.CHROME_HOME_SWIPE_LOGIC_RESTRICT_AREA.equals(logicType)) {
// Determine an area in the middle of the toolbar that is swipable. This will only
// trigger if the expand button is disabled.
float allowedSwipeWidth = mContainerWidth * SWIPE_ALLOWED_FRACTION;
startX = mVisibleViewportRect.left + (mContainerWidth - allowedSwipeWidth) / 2;
endX = startX + allowedSwipeWidth;
} else if (ChromeSwitches.CHROME_HOME_SWIPE_LOGIC_VELOCITY.equals(logicType)
|| (ChromeFeatureList.isInitialized()
&& ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(
if (mVelocityLogicBlockSwipe) return false;
double dpPerMs = scrollDistanceDp / (double) timeDeltaMs;
mVelocityLogicBlockSwipe = true;
return false;
return true;
return currentEvent.getRawX() > startX && currentEvent.getRawX() < endX;
* Constructor for inflation from XML.
* @param context An Android context.
* @param atts The XML attributes.
public BottomSheet(Context context, AttributeSet atts) {
super(context, atts);
mMinHalfFullDistance =
mToolbarShadowHeight =
mMetrics = new BottomSheetMetrics();
mGestureDetector = new BottomSheetSwipeDetector(context, this);
mIsTouchEnabled = true;
* Called when the activity containing the {@link BottomSheet} is destroyed.
public void destroy() {
mIsDestroyed = true;
mIsTouchEnabled = false;
* Handle a back press event.
* - If the navigation stack is empty, the sheet will be opened to the half state.
* - If the tab switcher is visible, {@link ChromeActivity} will handle the event.
* - If the sheet is open it will be closed unless it was opened by a back press.
* @return True if the sheet handled the back press.
public boolean handleBackPress() {
if (isSheetOpen()) {
setSheetState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK, true, StateChangeReason.BACK_PRESS);
return true;
return false;
* Sets whether the {@link BottomSheet} and its children should react to touch events.
public void setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mIsTouchEnabled = enabled;
/** Immediately end all animations and null the animators. */
public void endAnimations() {
if (mSettleAnimator != null) mSettleAnimator.end();
mSettleAnimator = null;
* Immediately end the bottom sheet content transition animations and null the animator.
public void endTransitionAnimations() {
if (mContentSwapAnimatorSet == null || !mContentSwapAnimatorSet.isRunning()) return;
mContentSwapAnimatorSet = null;
* @return An action bar delegate that appropriately moves the sheet when the action bar is
* shown.
public ActionBarDelegate getActionBarDelegate() {
return mActionBarDelegate;
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
// If touch is disabled, act like a black hole and consume touch events without doing
// anything with them.
if (!mIsTouchEnabled) return true;
if (!canMoveSheet()) return false;
return mGestureDetector.onInterceptTouchEvent(e);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
// If touch is disabled, act like a black hole and consume touch events without doing
// anything with them.
if (!mIsTouchEnabled) return true;
if (isToolbarAndroidViewHidden()) return false;
return true;
public boolean gatherTransparentRegion(Region region) {
// TODO(mdjones): Figure out what this should actually be set to since the view animates
// without necessarily calling this method again.
return true;
* @return Whether or not the toolbar Android View is hidden due to being scrolled off-screen.
public boolean isToolbarAndroidViewHidden() {
return mFullscreenManager == null || mFullscreenManager.getBottomControlOffset() > 0
|| mToolbarHolder.getVisibility() != VISIBLE;
public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
assert heightSize != 0;
int height = heightSize + mToolbarShadowHeight;
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
* Adds layout change listeners to the views that the bottom sheet depends on. Namely the
* heights of the root view and control container are important as they are used in many of the
* calculations in this class.
* @param root The container of the bottom sheet.
* @param activity The activity displaying the bottom sheet.
public void init(View root, ChromeActivity activity) {
mTabModelSelector = activity.getTabModelSelector();
mFullscreenManager = activity.getFullscreenManager();
mToolbarHolder =
(TouchRestrictingFrameLayout) findViewById(;
mDefaultToolbarView = mToolbarHolder.findViewById(;
mToolbarHeight = activity.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(
mActivity = activity;
mActionBarDelegate = new ViewShiftingActionBarDelegate(mActivity, this);
getLayoutParams().height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
mBottomSheetContentContainer =
(TouchRestrictingFrameLayout) findViewById(;
ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), R.color.modern_primary_color));
mDpToPx = mActivity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
// Listen to height changes on the root.
root.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
private int mPreviousKeyboardHeight;
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
// Compute the new height taking the keyboard into account.
// TODO(mdjones): Share this logic with LocationBarLayout:
float previousWidth = mContainerWidth;
float previousHeight = mContainerHeight;
mContainerWidth = right - left;
mContainerHeight = bottom - top;
if (previousWidth != mContainerWidth || previousHeight != mContainerHeight) {
int heightMinusKeyboard = (int) mContainerHeight;
int keyboardHeight = 0;
// Reset mVisibleViewportRect regardless of sheet open state as it is used outside
// of calculating the keyboard height.
if (isSheetOpen()) {
int decorHeight = mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight();
heightMinusKeyboard = Math.min(decorHeight, mVisibleViewportRect.height());
keyboardHeight = (int) (mContainerHeight - heightMinusKeyboard);
if (keyboardHeight != mPreviousKeyboardHeight) {
// If the keyboard height changed, recompute the padding for the content area.
// This shrinks the content size while retaining the default background color
// where the keyboard is appearing. If the sheet is not showing, resize the
// sheet to its default state.
// Setting the padding is posted in a runnable for the sake of Android J.
// See
final int finalPadding = keyboardHeight;
post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mBottomSheetContentContainer.setPadding(0, 0, 0, finalPadding);
// A layout on the toolbar holder is requested so that the toolbar
// doesn't disappear under certain scenarios on Android J.
// See
if (previousHeight != mContainerHeight
|| mPreviousKeyboardHeight != keyboardHeight) {
// If we are in the middle of a touch event stream (i.e. scrolling while
// keyboard is up) don't set the sheet state. Instead allow the gesture detector
// to position the sheet and make sure the keyboard hides.
if (mGestureDetector.isScrolling()) {
} else {
setSheetState(mCurrentState, false);
mPreviousKeyboardHeight = keyboardHeight;
// Listen to height changes on the toolbar.
mToolbarHolder.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
// Make sure the size of the layout actually changed.
if (bottom - top == oldBottom - oldTop && right - left == oldRight - oldLeft) {
if (!mGestureDetector.isScrolling()) {
// This onLayoutChange() will be called after the user enters fullscreen video
// mode. Ensure the sheet state is reset to peek so that the sheet does not
// open over the fullscreen video. See
if (mFullscreenManager != null
&& mFullscreenManager.getPersistentFullscreenMode() && isSheetOpen()) {
setSheetState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK, false);
} else {
setSheetState(mCurrentState, false);
mFullscreenManager.addListener(new FullscreenListener() {
public void onToggleOverlayVideoMode(boolean enabled) {
if (isSheetOpen()) setSheetState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK, false);
public void onControlsOffsetChanged(
float topOffset, float bottomOffset, boolean needsAnimate) {
if (getSheetState() == SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN) return;
if (getCurrentOffsetPx() > getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK)) return;
// Updating the offset will automatically account for the browser controls.
setSheetOffsetFromBottom(getCurrentOffsetPx(), StateChangeReason.SWIPE);
public void onContentOffsetChanged(float offset) {}
public void onBottomControlsHeightChanged(int bottomControlsHeight) {}
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
// Trigger a relayout on window focus to correct any positioning issues when leaving Chrome
// previously. This is required as a layout is not triggered when coming back to Chrome
// with the keyboard previously shown.
if (hasWindowFocus) requestLayout();
public int loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params, boolean incognito) {
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onLoadUrl(params.getUrl());
assert mTabModelSelector != null;
int tabLoadStatus = TabLoadStatus.DEFAULT_PAGE_LOAD;
if (getActiveTab() != null && getActiveTab().isIncognito() == incognito) {
tabLoadStatus = getActiveTab().loadUrl(params);
} else {
// If no compatible tab is active behind the sheet, open a new one.
params, TabModel.TabLaunchType.FROM_CHROME_UI, getActiveTab(), incognito);
return tabLoadStatus;
public boolean isIncognito() {
if (getActiveTab() == null) return false;
return getActiveTab().isIncognito();
public int getParentId() {
return Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;
public Tab getActiveTab() {
return mTabModelSelector != null ? mTabModelSelector.getCurrentTab() : null;
public boolean isVisible() {
return mCurrentState != SHEET_STATE_PEEK;
public boolean isContentScrolledToTop() {
return mSheetContent == null || mSheetContent.getVerticalScrollOffset() <= 0;
public float getCurrentOffsetPx() {
return mCurrentOffsetPx;
public float getMinOffsetPx() {
return (swipeToDismissEnabled() ? getHiddenRatio() : getPeekRatio()) * mContainerHeight;
public boolean isTouchEventInToolbar(MotionEvent event) {
// This check only tests for collision for the Y component since the sheet is the full width
// of the screen. We only care if the touch event is above the bottom of the toolbar since
// we won't receive an event if the touch is outside the sheet.
return mCachedLocation[1] + mToolbarHolder.getHeight() > event.getRawY();
* @return Whether flinging down hard enough will close the sheet.
private boolean swipeToDismissEnabled() {
return mSheetContent != null ? mSheetContent.swipeToDismissEnabled() : true;
* @return The minimum sheet state that the user can swipe to. i.e. flinging down will either
* close the sheet or peek it.
private @SheetState int getMinSwipableSheetState() {
return swipeToDismissEnabled() ? SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN : SHEET_STATE_PEEK;
public float getMaxOffsetPx() {
return getFullRatio() * mContainerHeight;
* Show content in the bottom sheet's content area.
* @param content The {@link BottomSheetContent} to show, or null if no content should be shown.
public void showContent(@Nullable final BottomSheetContent content) {
// If an animation is already running, end it.
if (mContentSwapAnimatorSet != null) mContentSwapAnimatorSet.end();
// If the desired content is already showing, do nothing.
if (mSheetContent == content) return;
List<Animator> animators = new ArrayList<>();
mContentSwapAnimatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
mContentSwapAnimatorSet.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// Add an animator for the toolbar transition if needed.
View newToolbar = content != null && content.getToolbarView() != null
? content.getToolbarView()
: mDefaultToolbarView;
View oldToolbar = mSheetContent != null && mSheetContent.getToolbarView() != null
? mSheetContent.getToolbarView()
: mDefaultToolbarView;
if (newToolbar != oldToolbar) {
// For the toolbar transition, make sure we don't detach the default toolbar view.
Animator transitionAnimator = getViewTransitionAnimator(
newToolbar, oldToolbar, mToolbarHolder, mDefaultToolbarView != oldToolbar);
if (transitionAnimator != null) animators.add(transitionAnimator);
// Add an animator for the content transition if needed.
View oldContent = mSheetContent != null ? mSheetContent.getContentView() : null;
if (content == null) {
if (oldContent != null) mBottomSheetContentContainer.removeView(oldContent);
} else {
View contentView = content.getContentView();
Animator transitionAnimator = getViewTransitionAnimator(
contentView, oldContent, mBottomSheetContentContainer, true);
if (transitionAnimator != null) animators.add(transitionAnimator);
// Temporarily make the background of the toolbar holder a solid color so the transition
// doesn't appear to show a hole in the toolbar.
int colorId = R.color.modern_primary_color;
if (!mIsSheetOpen) {
// If the sheet is closed, the bottom sheet content container is invisible, so
// background color is needed on the toolbar holder to prevent a blank rectangle from
// appearing during the content transition.
ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), colorId));
ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), colorId));
// Set color on the content view to compensate for a JellyBean bug (
if (content != null) {
ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), colorId));
// Return early if there are no animators to run.
if (animators.isEmpty()) {
// If the existing content is null or the tab switcher assets are showing, end the animation
// immediately.
if (mSheetContent == null || isInOverviewMode() || SysUtils.isLowEndDevice()) {
* Called when the animation to swap BottomSheetContent ends.
* @param content The BottomSheetContent showing at the end of the animation.
private void onContentSwapAnimationEnd(BottomSheetContent content) {
if (mIsDestroyed) return;
mContentSwapAnimatorSet = null;
* Creates a transition animation between two views. The old view is faded out completely
* before the new view is faded in. There is an option to detach the old view or not.
* @param newView The new view to transition to.
* @param oldView The old view to transition from.
* @param parent The parent for newView and oldView.
* @param detachOldView Whether or not to detach the old view once faded out.
* @return An animator that runs the specified animation or null if no animation should be run.
private Animator getViewTransitionAnimator(final View newView, final View oldView,
final ViewGroup parent, final boolean detachOldView) {
if (newView == oldView) return null;
AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
List<Animator> animators = new ArrayList<>();
&& !ValueAnimator.areAnimatorsEnabled()) {
if (oldView != null) {
// Post a runnable to remove the old view to prevent issues related to the keyboard
// showing while swapping contents. See
post(() -> { swapViews(newView, oldView, parent, detachOldView); });
} else {
if (parent != newView.getParent()) parent.addView(newView);
return null;
// Fade out the old view.
if (oldView != null) {
ValueAnimator fadeOutAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(oldView, View.ALPHA, 0);
fadeOutAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
swapViews(newView, oldView, parent, detachOldView);
} else {
// Normally the new view is added at the end of the fade-out animation of the old view,
// if there is no old view, attach the new one immediately.
if (parent != newView.getParent()) parent.addView(newView);
// Fade in the new view.
ValueAnimator fadeInAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(newView, View.ALPHA, 1);
return animatorSet;
* Removes the oldView (or sets it to invisible) and adds the new view to the specified parent.
* @param newView The new view to transition to.
* @param oldView The old view to transition from.
* @param parent The parent for newView and oldView.
* @param detachOldView Whether or not to detach the old view once faded out.
private void swapViews(final View newView, final View oldView, final ViewGroup parent,
final boolean detachOldView) {
if (detachOldView && oldView.getParent() != null) {
} else {
if (parent != newView.getParent()) parent.addView(newView);
* A notification that the sheet is exiting the peek state into one that shows content.
* @param reason The reason the sheet was opened, if any.
private void onSheetOpened(@StateChangeReason int reason) {
if (mIsSheetOpen) return;
mIsSheetOpen = true;
// Make sure the toolbar is visible before expanding the sheet.
Tab tab = getActiveTab();
if (isToolbarAndroidViewHidden() && tab != null) {
tab.updateBrowserControlsState(BrowserControlsState.SHOWN, false);
// Browser controls should stay visible until the sheet is closed.
mPersistentControlsToken =
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onSheetOpened(reason);
* A notification that the sheet has returned to the peeking state.
* @param reason The {@link StateChangeReason} that the sheet was closed, if any.
private void onSheetClosed(@StateChangeReason int reason) {
if (!mIsSheetOpen) return;
mIsSheetOpen = false;
// Update the browser controls since they are permanently shown while the sheet is open.
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onSheetClosed(reason);
* Updates the bottom sheet's state ratios and adjusts the sheet's state if necessary.
private void updateSheetStateRatios() {
if (mContainerHeight <= 0) return;
// Though mStateRatios is a static constant, the peeking ratio is computed here because
// the correct toolbar height and container height are not know until those views are
// inflated. The other views are a specific DP distance from the top and bottom and are
// also updated.
mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN] = 0;
mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_PEEK] = (mToolbarHeight + mToolbarShadowHeight) / mContainerHeight;
// The max height ratio will be greater than 1 to account for the toolbar shadow.
mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_FULL] =
(mContainerHeight + mToolbarShadowHeight) / mContainerHeight;
if (mCurrentState == SHEET_STATE_HALF && isSmallScreen()) {
setSheetState(SHEET_STATE_FULL, false);
* Cancels and nulls the height animation if it exists.
private void cancelAnimation() {
if (mSettleAnimator == null) return;
mSettleAnimator = null;
* Creates the sheet's animation to a target state.
* @param targetState The target state.
* @param reason The reason the sheet started animation.
private void createSettleAnimation(
@SheetState final int targetState, @StateChangeReason final int reason) {
mTargetState = targetState;
mSettleAnimator =
ValueAnimator.ofFloat(getCurrentOffsetPx(), getSheetHeightForState(targetState));
// When the animation is canceled or ends, reset the handle to null.
mSettleAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {
if (mIsDestroyed) return;
mSettleAnimator = null;
setInternalCurrentState(targetState, reason);
mTargetState = SHEET_STATE_NONE;
mSettleAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animator) {
setSheetOffsetFromBottom((Float) animator.getAnimatedValue(), reason);
if (targetState != SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN) {
setInternalCurrentState(SHEET_STATE_SCROLLING, reason);
* @return Get the height in px that the peeking bar is offset due to the browser controls.
private float getOffsetFromBrowserControls() {
float peekHeight = getPeekRatio() * mContainerHeight;
return peekHeight * mFullscreenManager.getBrowserControlHiddenRatio();
* Sets the sheet's offset relative to the bottom of the screen.
* @param offset The offset that the sheet should be.
private void setSheetOffsetFromBottom(float offset, @StateChangeReason int reason) {
mCurrentOffsetPx = offset;
// The browser controls offset is added here so that the sheet's toolbar behaves like the
// browser controls do.
float translationY = (mContainerHeight - mCurrentOffsetPx) + getOffsetFromBrowserControls();
if (MathUtils.areFloatsEqual(translationY, getTranslationY())) return;
float peekHeight = getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK);
boolean isAtPeekingHeight = MathUtils.areFloatsEqual(getCurrentOffsetPx(), peekHeight);
if (isSheetOpen() && (getCurrentOffsetPx() < peekHeight || isAtPeekingHeight)) {
} else if (!isSheetOpen() && getCurrentOffsetPx() > peekHeight) {
public void setSheetOffset(float offset, boolean shouldAnimate) {
if (shouldAnimate) {
float velocityY = getCurrentOffsetPx() - offset;
int targetState = getTargetSheetState(offset, -velocityY);
setSheetState(targetState, true, BottomSheet.StateChangeReason.SWIPE);
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onSheetReleased();
} else {
BottomSheet.SHEET_STATE_SCROLLING, BottomSheet.StateChangeReason.SWIPE);
setSheetOffsetFromBottom(offset, BottomSheet.StateChangeReason.SWIPE);
* Deselects any text in the active tab's web contents and dismisses the text controls.
private void dismissSelectedText() {
Tab activeTab = getActiveTab();
if (activeTab == null) return;
WebContents webContents = activeTab.getWebContents();
if (webContents == null) return;
* This is the same as {@link #setSheetOffsetFromBottom(float, int)} but exclusively for
* testing.
* @param offset The offset to set the sheet to.
public void setSheetOffsetFromBottomForTesting(float offset) {
setSheetOffsetFromBottom(offset, StateChangeReason.NONE);
* @return The ratio of the height of the screen that the hidden state is.
float getHiddenRatio() {
return mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN];
* @return The ratio of the height of the screen that the peeking state is.
public float getPeekRatio() {
return mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_PEEK];
* @return The ratio of the height of the screen that the half expanded state is.
float getHalfRatio() {
return mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_HALF];
* @return The ratio of the height of the screen that the fully expanded state is.
float getFullRatio() {
return mStateRatios[SHEET_STATE_FULL];
* @return The height of the container that the bottom sheet exists in.
public float getSheetContainerHeight() {
return mContainerHeight;
* Sends notifications if the sheet is transitioning from the peeking to half expanded state and
* from the peeking to fully expanded state. The peek to half events are only sent when the
* sheet is between the peeking and half states.
private void sendOffsetChangeEvents() {
float offsetWithBrowserControls = getCurrentOffsetPx() - getOffsetFromBrowserControls();
// Do not send events for states less than the hidden state unless 0 has not been sent.
if (offsetWithBrowserControls <= getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN)
&& mLastOffsetRatioSent <= 0) {
float screenRatio = mContainerHeight > 0 ? offsetWithBrowserControls / mContainerHeight : 0;
// This ratio is relative to the peek and full positions of the sheet.
float hiddenFullRatio = MathUtils.clamp(
(screenRatio - getHiddenRatio()) / (getFullRatio() - getHiddenRatio()), 0, 1);
if (offsetWithBrowserControls < getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN)) {
mLastOffsetRatioSent = 0;
} else {
mLastOffsetRatioSent =
MathUtils.areFloatsEqual(hiddenFullRatio, 0) ? 0 : hiddenFullRatio;
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onSheetOffsetChanged(mLastOffsetRatioSent);
if (MathUtils.areFloatsEqual(
offsetWithBrowserControls, getSheetHeightForState(SHEET_STATE_PEEK))) {
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) o.onSheetFullyPeeked();
// This ratio is relative to the peek and half positions of the sheet.
float peekHalfRatio = MathUtils.clamp(
(screenRatio - getPeekRatio()) / (getHalfRatio() - getPeekRatio()), 0, 1);
// If the ratio is close enough to zero, just set it to zero.
if (MathUtils.areFloatsEqual(peekHalfRatio, 0f)) peekHalfRatio = 0f;
if (mLastPeekToHalfRatioSent < 1f || peekHalfRatio < 1f) {
mLastPeekToHalfRatioSent = peekHalfRatio;
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) {
* @see #setSheetState(int, boolean, int)
public void setSheetState(@SheetState int state, boolean animate) {
setSheetState(state, animate, StateChangeReason.NONE);
* Moves the sheet to the provided state.
* @param state The state to move the panel to. This cannot be SHEET_STATE_SCROLLING or
* @param animate If true, the sheet will animate to the provided state, otherwise it will
* move there instantly.
* @param reason The reason the sheet state is changing. This can be specified to indicate to
* observers that a more specific event has occurred, otherwise
public void setSheetState(
@SheetState int state, boolean animate, @StateChangeReason int reason) {
assert state != SHEET_STATE_SCROLLING && state != SHEET_STATE_NONE;
// Half state is not valid on small screens.
if (state == SHEET_STATE_HALF && isSmallScreen()) state = SHEET_STATE_FULL;
mTargetState = state;
if (animate && state != mCurrentState) {
createSettleAnimation(state, reason);
} else {
setSheetOffsetFromBottom(getSheetHeightForState(state), reason);
setInternalCurrentState(mTargetState, reason);
mTargetState = SHEET_STATE_NONE;
* @return The target state that the sheet is moving to during animation. If the sheet is
* stationary or a target state has not been determined, SHEET_STATE_NONE will be
* returned. A target state will be set when the user releases the sheet from drag
* ({@link BottomSheetObserver#onSheetReleased()}) and has begun animation to the next
* state.
public int getTargetSheetState() {
return mTargetState;
* @return The current state of the bottom sheet. If the sheet is animating, this will be the
* state the sheet is animating to.
public int getSheetState() {
return mCurrentState;
/** @return Whether the sheet is currently open. */
public boolean isSheetOpen() {
return mIsSheetOpen;
* Set the current state of the bottom sheet. This is for internal use to notify observers of
* state change events.
* @param state The current state of the sheet.
* @param reason The reason the state is changing if any.
private void setInternalCurrentState(@SheetState int state, @StateChangeReason int reason) {
if (state == mCurrentState) return;
// TODO(mdjones): This shouldn't be able to happen, but does occasionally during layout.
// Fix the race condition that is making this happen.
if (state == SHEET_STATE_NONE) {
setSheetState(getTargetSheetState(getCurrentOffsetPx(), 0), false);
mCurrentState = state;
if (mCurrentState == SHEET_STATE_HALF || mCurrentState == SHEET_STATE_FULL) {
announceForAccessibility(mCurrentState == SHEET_STATE_FULL
? getResources().getString(R.string.bottom_sheet_opened_full)
: getResources().getString(R.string.bottom_sheet_opened_half));
// TalkBack will announce the content description if it has changed, so wait to set the
// content description until after announcing full/half height.
if (getFocusedChild() == null) requestFocus();
setVisibility(mCurrentState == SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN ? GONE : VISIBLE);
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) {
* If the animation to settle the sheet in one of its states is running.
* @return True if the animation is running.
public boolean isRunningSettleAnimation() {
return mSettleAnimator != null;
* @return Whether a content swap animation is in progress.
public boolean isRunningContentSwapAnimation() {
return mContentSwapAnimatorSet != null && mContentSwapAnimatorSet.isRunning();
* @return The current sheet content, or null if there is no content.
public @Nullable BottomSheetContent getCurrentSheetContent() {
return mSheetContent;
* @return The {@link BottomSheetMetrics} used to record user actions and histograms.
public BottomSheetMetrics getBottomSheetMetrics() {
return mMetrics;
* Gets the height of the bottom sheet based on a provided state.
* @param state The state to get the height from.
* @return The height of the sheet at the provided state.
public float getSheetHeightForState(@SheetState int state) {
return mStateRatios[state] * mContainerHeight;
* Adds an observer to the bottom sheet.
* @param observer The observer to add.
public void addObserver(BottomSheetObserver observer) {
* Removes an observer to the bottom sheet.
* @param observer The observer to remove.
public void removeObserver(BottomSheetObserver observer) {
* Gets the target state of the sheet based on the sheet's height and velocity.
* @param sheetHeight The current height of the sheet.
* @param yVelocity The current Y velocity of the sheet. This is only used for determining the
* scroll or fling direction. If this value is positive, the movement is from
* bottom to top.
* @return The target state of the bottom sheet.
private int getTargetSheetState(float sheetHeight, float yVelocity) {
if (sheetHeight <= getMinOffsetPx()) return sStates[getMinSwipableSheetState()];
if (sheetHeight >= getMaxOffsetPx()) return SHEET_STATE_FULL;
boolean isMovingDownward = yVelocity < 0;
boolean shouldSkipHalfState = isMovingDownward || isSmallScreen();
// First, find the two states that the sheet height is between.
int nextState = sStates[getMinSwipableSheetState()];
int prevState = nextState;
for (int i = getMinSwipableSheetState(); i < sStates.length; i++) {
if (sStates[i] == SHEET_STATE_HALF && shouldSkipHalfState) continue;
prevState = nextState;
nextState = sStates[i];
// The values in PanelState are ascending, they should be kept that way in order for
// this to work.
if (sheetHeight >= getSheetHeightForState(prevState)
&& sheetHeight < getSheetHeightForState(nextState)) {
// If the desired height is close enough to a certain state, depending on the direction of
// the velocity, move to that state.
float lowerBound = getSheetHeightForState(prevState);
float distance = getSheetHeightForState(nextState) - lowerBound;
float threshold =
float thresholdToNextState = yVelocity < 0.0f ? 1 - threshold : threshold;
if ((sheetHeight - lowerBound) / distance > thresholdToNextState) {
return nextState;
return prevState;
public boolean isSmallScreen() {
// A small screen is defined by there being less than 160dp between half and full states.
float fullToHalfDiff = (getFullRatio() - getHalfRatio()) * mContainerHeight;
return fullToHalfDiff < mMinHalfFullDistance;
* @return The default toolbar view.
public @Nullable View getDefaultToolbarView() {
return mDefaultToolbarView;
* @return The height of the toolbar holder.
public int getToolbarContainerHeight() {
return mToolbarHolder != null ? mToolbarHolder.getHeight() : 0;
* @return The height of the toolbar shadow.
public int getToolbarShadowHeight() {
return mToolbarShadowHeight;
* @return Whether or not the browser is in overview mode.
protected boolean isInOverviewMode() {
return mActivity != null && mActivity.isInOverviewMode();
* Checks whether the sheet can be moved. It cannot be moved when the activity is in overview
* mode, when "find in page" is visible, or when the toolbar is hidden.
protected boolean canMoveSheet() {
if (mFindInPageView == null) mFindInPageView = findViewById(;
boolean isFindInPageVisible =
mFindInPageView != null && mFindInPageView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
return !isToolbarAndroidViewHidden() && !isFindInPageVisible;
* Called when the sheet content has changed, to update dependent state and notify observers.
* @param content The new sheet content, or null if the sheet has no content.
protected void onSheetContentChanged(@Nullable final BottomSheetContent content) {
mSheetContent = content;
for (BottomSheetObserver o : mObservers) {