blob: a38bc207b74f93e5ba66dd43f7c424fceb862c11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/omnibox_match_cell_view.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/layout_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_theme.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/omnibox_popup_contents_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/omnibox_text_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/rounded_omnibox_results_frame.h"
#include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_field_trial.h"
#include "extensions/common/image_util.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/material_design/material_design_controller.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/canvas_image_source.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/image_view.h"
namespace {
// The minimum vertical margin that should be used above and below each
// suggestion.
static constexpr int kMinVerticalMargin = 1;
// The vertical padding to provide each RenderText in addition to the height of
// the font. Where possible, RenderText uses this additional space to vertically
// center the cap height of the font instead of centering the entire font.
static constexpr int kVerticalPadding = 4;
// TODO(dschuyler): Perhaps this should be based on the font size
// instead of hardcoded to 2 dp (e.g. by adding a space in an
// appropriate font to the beginning of the description, then reducing
// the additional padding here to zero).
static constexpr int kAnswerIconToTextPadding = 2;
// The edge length of the rich suggestions images.
static constexpr int kRichImageSize = 32;
static constexpr int kRichImageCornerRadius = 4;
// Returns the horizontal offset that ensures icons align vertically with the
// Omnibox icon.
int GetIconAlignmentOffset() {
// The horizontal bounds of a result is the width of the selection highlight
// (i.e. the views::Background). The traditional popup is designed with its
// selection shape mimicking the internal shape of the omnibox border. Inset
// to be consistent with the border drawn in BackgroundWith1PxBorder.
int offset = LocationBarView::GetBorderThicknessDip();
// The touch-optimized popup selection always fills the results frame. So to
// align icons, inset additionally by the frame alignment inset on the left.
if (ui::MaterialDesignController::IsTouchOptimizedUiEnabled())
offset += RoundedOmniboxResultsFrame::kLocationBarAlignmentInsets.left();
return offset;
// Returns the margins that should appear at the top and bottom of the result.
// |is_old_style_answer| indicates whether the vertical margin is for a omnibox
// result displaying an answer to the query.
gfx::Insets GetVerticalInsets(int text_height, bool is_old_style_answer) {
// Regardless of the text size, we ensure a minimum size for the content line
// here. This minimum is larger for hybrid mouse/touch devices to ensure an
// adequately sized touch target.
using Md = ui::MaterialDesignController;
const int kIconVerticalPad = base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt(
Md::GetMode() == Md::MATERIAL_HYBRID ? 8 : 4);
const int min_height_for_icon =
GetLayoutConstant(LOCATION_BAR_ICON_SIZE) + (kIconVerticalPad * 2);
const int min_height_for_text = text_height + 2 * kMinVerticalMargin;
int min_height = std::max(min_height_for_icon, min_height_for_text);
// Make sure the minimum height of an omnibox result matches the height of the
// location bar view / non-results section of the omnibox popup in touch.
if (Md::IsTouchOptimizedUiEnabled()) {
min_height = std::max(
min_height, RoundedOmniboxResultsFrame::GetNonResultSectionHeight());
if (is_old_style_answer) {
// Answer matches apply the normal margin at the top and the minimum
// allowable margin at the bottom.
const int top_margin = gfx::ToCeiledInt((min_height - text_height) / 2.f);
return gfx::Insets(top_margin, 0, kMinVerticalMargin, 0);
const int total_margin = min_height - text_height;
// Ceiling the top margin to account for |total_margin| being an odd number.
const int top_margin = gfx::ToCeiledInt(total_margin / 2.f);
const int bottom_margin = total_margin - top_margin;
return gfx::Insets(top_margin, 0, bottom_margin, 0);
// Returns the padding width between elements.
int HorizontalPadding() {
return GetLayoutConstant(LOCATION_BAR_ELEMENT_PADDING) +
// PlaceholderImageSource:
class PlaceholderImageSource : public gfx::CanvasImageSource {
PlaceholderImageSource(const gfx::Size& canvas_size, SkColor color);
~PlaceholderImageSource() override;
// CanvasImageSource override:
void Draw(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
SkColor color_;
gfx::Size size_;
PlaceholderImageSource::PlaceholderImageSource(const gfx::Size& canvas_size,
SkColor color)
: gfx::CanvasImageSource(canvas_size, false),
size_(canvas_size) {}
PlaceholderImageSource::~PlaceholderImageSource() = default;
void PlaceholderImageSource::Draw(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
cc::PaintFlags flags;
kRichImageCornerRadius, flags);
} // namespace
// OmniboxImageView:
class OmniboxImageView : public views::ImageView {
bool CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const override { return false; }
// OmniboxMatchCellView:
OmniboxMatchCellView::OmniboxMatchCellView(OmniboxResultView* result_view)
: is_old_style_answer_(false),
is_search_type_(false) {
AddChildView(icon_view_ = new OmniboxImageView());
AddChildView(image_view_ = new OmniboxImageView());
AddChildView(content_view_ = new OmniboxTextView(result_view));
AddChildView(description_view_ = new OmniboxTextView(result_view));
AddChildView(separator_view_ = new OmniboxTextView(result_view));
const base::string16& separator =
OmniboxMatchCellView::~OmniboxMatchCellView() = default;
gfx::Size OmniboxMatchCellView::CalculatePreferredSize() const {
const int text_height = content_view_->GetLineHeight();
int height = text_height +
GetVerticalInsets(text_height, is_old_style_answer_).height();
if (is_rich_suggestion_ || is_old_style_answer_) {
height += GetDescriptionHeight();
return gfx::Size(0, height);
bool OmniboxMatchCellView::CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const {
return false;
int OmniboxMatchCellView::GetDescriptionHeight() const {
int icon_width = icon_view_->width();
int answer_icon_size = image_view_->visible()
? image_view_->height() + kAnswerIconToTextPadding
: 0;
int deduction = GetIconAlignmentOffset() + icon_width +
(HorizontalPadding() * 3) + answer_icon_size;
int description_width = std::max(width() - deduction, 0);
return description_view_->GetHeightForWidth(description_width) +
void OmniboxMatchCellView::OnMatchUpdate(const OmniboxResultView* result_view,
const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
is_old_style_answer_ = !!match.answer;
is_rich_suggestion_ =
(base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kOmniboxNewAnswerLayout) &&
!!match.answer) ||
(base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(omnibox::kOmniboxRichEntitySuggestions) &&
is_search_type_ = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type);
if (is_old_style_answer_ || is_rich_suggestion_) {
// Multi-line layout doesn't use the separator.
// Set up default (placeholder) image.
SkColor color = result_view->GetColor(OmniboxPart::RESULTS_BACKGROUND);
color = SkColorSetA(color, 0x40); // 25% transparency (arbitrary).
gfx::Size(kRichImageSize, kRichImageSize), color));
} else {
// Single-line layout doesn't use the image.
if (is_rich_suggestion_) {
// All rich suggestions don't use the old (small) icon.
const char* OmniboxMatchCellView::GetClassName() const {
return "OmniboxMatchCellView";
void OmniboxMatchCellView::Layout() {
if (is_rich_suggestion_) {
} else if (is_old_style_answer_) {
} else {
void OmniboxMatchCellView::LayoutOldStyleAnswer() {
const int text_height = content_view_->GetLineHeight();
int x = GetIconAlignmentOffset() + HorizontalPadding();
int y = GetVerticalInsets(text_height, /*is_old_style_answer=*/true).top();
gfx::Point(x, y + (text_height - icon_view_->height()) / 2));
x += icon_view_->width() + HorizontalPadding();
content_view_->SetBounds(x, y, width() - x, text_height);
y += text_height;
if (image_view_->visible()) {
// The description may be multi-line. Using the view height results in
// an image that's too large, so we use the line height here instead.
int image_edge_length = description_view_->GetLineHeight();
image_view_->SetBounds(x, y + (kVerticalPadding / 2), image_edge_length,
image_view_->SetImageSize(gfx::Size(image_edge_length, image_edge_length));
x += image_view_->width() + kAnswerIconToTextPadding;
int description_width = width() - x;
x, y, description_width,
description_view_->GetHeightForWidth(description_width) +
void OmniboxMatchCellView::LayoutRichSuggestion() {
const int text_height = content_view_->GetLineHeight();
int x = GetIconAlignmentOffset() + HorizontalPadding();
int y = GetVerticalInsets(text_height, /*is_old_style_answer=*/false).top();
image_view_->SetImageSize(gfx::Size(kRichImageSize, kRichImageSize));
image_view_->SetBounds(x, y + (text_height * 2 - kRichImageSize) / 2,
kRichImageSize, kRichImageSize);
x += kRichImageSize + HorizontalPadding();
content_view_->SetBounds(x, y, width() - x, text_height);
y += text_height;
int description_width = width() - x;
x, y, description_width,
description_view_->GetHeightForWidth(description_width) +
void OmniboxMatchCellView::LayoutSplit() {
const int text_height = content_view_->GetLineHeight();
int x = GetIconAlignmentOffset() + HorizontalPadding();
int y = GetVerticalInsets(text_height, /*is_old_style_answer=*/false).top();
gfx::Point(x, y + (text_height - icon_view_->height()) / 2));
x += icon_view_->width() + HorizontalPadding();
int content_width = content_view_->CalculatePreferredSize().width();
int description_width = description_view_->CalculatePreferredSize().width();
gfx::Size separator_size = separator_view_->CalculatePreferredSize();
content_width, separator_size.width(), description_width, width() - x,
/*description_on_separate_line=*/false, !is_search_type_, &content_width,
content_view_->SetBounds(x, y, content_width, text_height);
if (description_width != 0) {
x += content_view_->width();
separator_view_->SetBounds(x, y, separator_view_->width(), text_height);
x += separator_view_->width();
description_view_->SetBounds(x, y, description_width, text_height);
} else {