blob: 56fdde8910f102060b3f700deae7ef2db5755296 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.VisualStateCallback;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContentsObserver;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.ContentUrlConstants;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
* Routes notifications from WebContents to AwContentsClient and other listeners.
public class AwWebContentsObserver extends WebContentsObserver {
// TODO(tobiasjs) similarly to WebContentsObserver.mWebContents, mAwContents
// needs to be a WeakReference, which suggests that there exists a strong
// reference to an AwWebContentsObserver instance. This is not intentional,
// and should be found and cleaned up.
private final WeakReference<AwContents> mAwContents;
private final WeakReference<AwContentsClient> mAwContentsClient;
// Whether this webcontents has ever committed any navigation.
private boolean mCommittedNavigation;
// Temporarily stores the URL passed the last time to didFinishLoad callback.
private String mLastDidFinishLoadUrl;
public AwWebContentsObserver(
WebContents webContents, AwContents awContents, AwContentsClient awContentsClient) {
mAwContents = new WeakReference<>(awContents);
mAwContentsClient = new WeakReference<>(awContentsClient);
private AwContentsClient getClientIfNeedToFireCallback(String validatedUrl) {
AwContentsClient client = mAwContentsClient.get();
if (client != null) {
String unreachableWebDataUrl = AwContentsStatics.getUnreachableWebDataUrl();
if (unreachableWebDataUrl == null || !unreachableWebDataUrl.equals(validatedUrl)) {
return client;
return null;
public void didFinishLoad(long frameId, String validatedUrl, boolean isMainFrame) {
if (isMainFrame && getClientIfNeedToFireCallback(validatedUrl) != null) {
mLastDidFinishLoadUrl = validatedUrl;
public void didStopLoading(String validatedUrl) {
if (validatedUrl.length() == 0) validatedUrl = ContentUrlConstants.ABOUT_BLANK_DISPLAY_URL;
AwContentsClient client = getClientIfNeedToFireCallback(validatedUrl);
if (client != null && validatedUrl.equals(mLastDidFinishLoadUrl)) {
mLastDidFinishLoadUrl = null;
public void didFailLoad(
boolean isMainFrame, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {
AwContentsClient client = mAwContentsClient.get();
if (client == null) return;
String unreachableWebDataUrl = AwContentsStatics.getUnreachableWebDataUrl();
boolean isErrorUrl =
unreachableWebDataUrl != null && unreachableWebDataUrl.equals(failingUrl);
if (isMainFrame && !isErrorUrl && errorCode == NetError.ERR_ABORTED) {
// Need to call onPageFinished for backwards compatibility with the classic webview.
// See also AwContents.IoThreadClientImpl.onReceivedError.
public void titleWasSet(String title) {
AwContentsClient client = mAwContentsClient.get();
if (client == null) return;
client.updateTitle(title, true);
public void didFinishNavigation(final String url, boolean isInMainFrame, boolean isErrorPage,
boolean hasCommitted, boolean isSameDocument, boolean isFragmentNavigation,
Integer pageTransition, int errorCode, String errorDescription, int httpStatusCode) {
if (errorCode != 0) {
didFailLoad(isInMainFrame, errorCode, errorDescription, url);
if (!hasCommitted) return;
mCommittedNavigation = true;
if (!isInMainFrame) return;
AwContentsClient client = mAwContentsClient.get();
if (hasCommitted && client != null) {
boolean isReload = pageTransition != null
&& ((pageTransition & PageTransition.CORE_MASK) == PageTransition.RELOAD);
client.getCallbackHelper().postDoUpdateVisitedHistory(url, isReload);
// Only invoke the onPageCommitVisible callback when navigating to a different document,
// but not when navigating to a different fragment within the same document.
if (!isSameDocument) {
ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(() -> {
AwContents awContents = mAwContents.get();
if (awContents != null) {
0, new VisualStateCallback() {
public void onComplete(long requestId) {
AwContentsClient client1 = mAwContentsClient.get();
if (client1 == null) return;
if (client != null && isFragmentNavigation) {
public boolean didEverCommitNavigation() {
return mCommittedNavigation;