blob: 7fd1491275f0855b42a0fa267f99f84be1d8a3e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/sampling_heap_profiler/lock_free_address_hash_set.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
namespace base {
// This singleton class implements Poisson sampling of the incoming allocations
// stream. It hooks onto base::allocator and base::PartitionAlloc.
// An extra custom allocator can be hooked via SetHooksInstallCallback method.
// The only control parameter is sampling interval that controls average value
// of the sampling intervals. The actual intervals between samples are
// randomized using Poisson distribution to mitigate patterns in the allocation
// stream.
// Once accumulated allocation sizes fill up the current sample interval,
// a sample is generated and sent to the observers via |SampleAdded| call.
// When the corresponding memory that triggered the sample is freed observers
// get notified with |SampleRemoved| call.
class BASE_EXPORT PoissonAllocationSampler {
enum AllocatorType : uint32_t { kMalloc, kPartitionAlloc };
class SamplesObserver {
virtual ~SamplesObserver() = default;
virtual void SampleAdded(void* address,
size_t size,
size_t total,
AllocatorType type,
const char* context) = 0;
virtual void SampleRemoved(void* address) = 0;
// The instance of this class makes sampler do not report samples generated
// within the object scope for the current thread.
// It allows observers to allocate/deallocate memory while holding a lock
// without a chance to get into reentrancy problems.
// The current implementation doesn't support ScopedMuteThreadSamples nesting.
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedMuteThreadSamples {
static bool IsMuted();
// Must be called early during the process initialization. It creates and
// reserves a TLS slot.
static void Init();
// This is an entry point for plugging in an external allocator.
// Profiler will invoke the provided callback upon initialization.
// The callback should install hooks onto the corresponding memory allocator
// and make them invoke PoissonAllocationSampler::RecordAlloc and
// PoissonAllocationSampler::RecordFree upon corresponding allocation events.
// If the method is called after profiler is initialized, the callback
// is invoked right away.
static void SetHooksInstallCallback(void (*hooks_install_callback)());
void AddSamplesObserver(SamplesObserver*);
// Note: After an observer is removed it is still possible to receive
// a notification to that observer. This is not a problem currently as
// the only client of this interface is the base::SamplingHeapProfiler,
// which is a singleton.
// If there's a need for this functionality in the future, one might
// want to put observers notification loop under a reader-writer lock.
void RemoveSamplesObserver(SamplesObserver*);
void SetSamplingInterval(size_t sampling_interval);
void SuppressRandomnessForTest(bool suppress);
static void RecordAlloc(void* address,
const char* context);
ALWAYS_INLINE static void RecordFree(void* address);
static PoissonAllocationSampler* Get();
PoissonAllocationSampler(const PoissonAllocationSampler&) = delete;
PoissonAllocationSampler& operator=(const PoissonAllocationSampler&) = delete;
~PoissonAllocationSampler() = delete;
static void InstallAllocatorHooksOnce();
static bool InstallAllocatorHooks();
static size_t GetNextSampleInterval(size_t base_interval);
static LockFreeAddressHashSet& sampled_addresses_set();
void DoRecordAlloc(intptr_t accumulated_bytes,
size_t size,
void* address,
AllocatorType type,
const char* context);
void DoRecordFree(void* address);
void BalanceAddressesHashSet();
Lock mutex_;
// The |observers_| list is guarded by |mutex_|, however a copy of it
// is made before invoking the observers (to avoid performing expensive
// operations under the lock) as such the SamplesObservers themselves need
// to be thread-safe and support being invoked racily after
// RemoveSamplesObserver().
std::vector<SamplesObserver*> observers_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
static PoissonAllocationSampler* instance_;
friend class NoDestructor<PoissonAllocationSampler>;
friend class SamplingHeapProfilerTest;
friend class ScopedMuteThreadSamples;
// static
ALWAYS_INLINE void PoissonAllocationSampler::RecordFree(void* address) {
if (UNLIKELY(address == nullptr))
if (UNLIKELY(sampled_addresses_set().Contains(address)))
} // namespace base