blob: 11a048d38387917d38082ed63d05bcb202f5e1bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
// TODO( Clean up feedv1 features.
namespace feed {
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedContentSuggestions;
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV2;
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV2Autoplay;
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV2Hearts;
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV2Scrolling;
extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kDisableTriggerTypes;
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kSuppressRefreshDurationMinutes;
extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kTimeoutDurationSeconds;
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kThrottleBackgroundFetches;
extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kOnlySetLastRefreshAttemptOnSuccess;
// Determines whether conditions should be reached before enabling the upload of
// click and view actions in the feed (e.g., the user needs to view X cards).
// For example, this is needed when the notice card is at the second position in
// the feed.
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV1ClicksAndViewsConditionalUpload;
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedV2ClicksAndViewsConditionalUpload;
// Feature that allows the client to automatically dismiss the notice card based
// on the clicks and views on the notice card.
#if defined(OS_IOS)
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedNoticeCardAutoDismiss;
// Used for A:B testing of a bug fix (
extern const base::Feature kInterestFeedSpinnerAlwaysAnimate;
// Feature that allows users to keep up with and consume web content.
extern const base::Feature kWebFeed;
// Use the new DiscoFeed endpoint.
extern const base::Feature kDiscoFeedEndpoint;
// Feature that enables xsurface to provide the metrics reporting state to an
// xsurface feed.
extern const base::Feature kXsurfaceMetricsReporting;
// Whether to log reliability events.
extern const base::Feature kReliabilityLogging;
// Feature that enables refreshing feeds triggered by the users.
extern const base::Feature kFeedInteractiveRefresh;
// Feature that shows placeholder cards instead of a loading spinner at first
// load.
extern const base::Feature kFeedLoadingPlaceholder;
// Feature that allows tuning the size of the image memory cache. Value is a
// percentage of the maximum size calculated for the device.
extern const base::Feature kFeedImageMemoryCacheSizePercentage;
// Feature that enables clearing the image memory cache when the feed is
// destroyed.
extern const base::Feature kFeedClearImageMemoryCache;
// Feature that enables showing a callout to help users return to the top of the
// feeds quickly.
extern const base::Feature kFeedBackToTop;
// Feature that enables the 'X' in the signin promo in the Feed. Without the 'X'
// the signin promo is not dismissible without opting to sign in.
extern const base::Feature kFeedSignInPromoDismiss;
// Feature that enables StAMP cards in the feed.
extern const base::Feature kFeedStamp;
// Feature that enables sorting by different heuristics in the web feed.
extern const base::Feature kWebFeedSort;
std::string GetFeedReferrerUrl();
} // namespace feed