blob: 23478138d5d8827cefe8bfe85634b8ada326e3f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/previews/core/previews_black_list.h"
#include "components/previews/core/previews_experiments.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace previews {
// Get the human readable description of the log event for InfoBar messages
// based on the |type| of Previews.
std::string GetDescriptionForInfoBarDescription(previews::PreviewsType type);
class PreviewsLoggerObserver;
// Records information about previews and interventions events. The class only
// keeps the recent event logs.
class PreviewsLogger {
// Information needed for a log message. This information will be used to
// display log messages on chrome://interventions-internals.
// TODO(thanhdle): Add PreviewType to this struct, and display that
// information on the page as a separate column.
struct MessageLog {
MessageLog(const std::string& event_type,
const std::string& event_description,
const GURL& url,
base::Time time,
uint64_t page_id);
MessageLog(const MessageLog& other);
// The type of event associated with the log.
const std::string event_type;
// Human readable description of the event.
const std::string event_description;
// The url associated with the log.
const GURL url;
// The time of when the event happened.
const base::Time time;
// The ID associated with the request.
const uint64_t page_id;
virtual ~PreviewsLogger();
// Add a observer to the list. This observer will be notified when new a log
// message is added to the logger. Observers must remove themselves with
// RemoveObserver.
void AddAndNotifyObserver(PreviewsLoggerObserver* observer);
// Removes a observer from the observers list. Virtualized in testing.
virtual void RemoveObserver(PreviewsLoggerObserver* observer);
// Add MessageLog using the given information. Pop out the oldest log if the
// size of |log_messages_| grows larger than a threshold. Virtualized in
// testing. |page_id| generated by PreviewsDeciderImpl, used for grouping log
// messages together, messages that don't need to be grouped can pass in 0 as
// page_id.
virtual void LogMessage(const std::string& event_type,
const std::string& event_description,
const GURL& url,
base::Time time,
uint64_t page_id);
// Convert |navigation| to a MessageLog, and add that message to
// |log_messages_|. Virtualized in testing.
virtual void LogPreviewNavigation(const GURL& url,
PreviewsType type,
bool opt_out,
base::Time time,
uint64_t page_id);
// Add a MessageLog for the a decision that was made about the state of
// previews and blacklist. |passed_reasons| is an ordered list of
// PreviewsEligibilityReasons that got pass the decision. The method takes
// ownership of |passed_reasons|. |page_id| generated by PreviewsDeciderImpl,
// used for grouping log messages together, messages that don't need to be
// grouped can pass in 0 as page_id. Virtualized in testing.
virtual void LogPreviewDecisionMade(
PreviewsEligibilityReason reason,
const GURL& url,
base::Time time,
PreviewsType type,
std::vector<PreviewsEligibilityReason>&& passed_reasons,
uint64_t page_id);
// Notify observers that |host| is blacklisted at |time|. Virtualized in
// testing.
virtual void OnNewBlacklistedHost(const std::string& host, base::Time time);
// Notify observers that user blacklisted state has changed to |blacklisted|.
// Virtualized in testing.
virtual void OnUserBlacklistedStatusChange(bool blacklisted);
// Notify observers that the blacklist is cleared at |time|. Virtualized in
// testing.
virtual void OnBlacklistCleared(base::Time time);
// Notify observers that the status of whether blacklist decisions are ignored
// or not. Virtualized in testing.
virtual void OnIgnoreBlacklistDecisionStatusChanged(bool ignored);
// Keeping track of all blacklisted host to notify new observers.
std::unordered_map<std::string, base::Time> blacklisted_hosts_;
// The current user blacklisted status.
bool user_blacklisted_status_;
// The current status of whether PreviewsBlackList decisions are ignored or
// not.
bool blacklist_ignored_;
// Collection of recorded navigation log messages.
std::list<MessageLog> navigations_logs_;
// Collection of recorded decision log messages.
std::list<MessageLog> decisions_logs_;
// A list of observers listening to the logger.
base::ObserverList<PreviewsLoggerObserver>::Unchecked observer_list_;
} // namespace previews