blob: fdb77cc04d88b2eb6135b92dbc70b15020ea37bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is auto-generated from
// gpu/command_buffer/
// It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
// clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
#define GL_SCANOUT_CHROMIUM 0x6000
struct DawnCommands {
typedef DawnCommands ValueType;
static const CommandId kCmdId = kDawnCommands;
static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kFixed;
static const uint8_t cmd_flags = CMD_FLAG_SET_TRACE_LEVEL(3);
static uint32_t ComputeSize() {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(ValueType)); // NOLINT
void SetHeader() { header.SetCmd<ValueType>(); }
void Init(uint32_t _commands_shm_id,
uint32_t _commands_shm_offset,
uint32_t _size) {
commands_shm_id = _commands_shm_id;
commands_shm_offset = _commands_shm_offset;
size = _size;
void* Set(void* cmd,
uint32_t _commands_shm_id,
uint32_t _commands_shm_offset,
uint32_t _size) {
static_cast<ValueType*>(cmd)->Init(_commands_shm_id, _commands_shm_offset,
return NextCmdAddress<ValueType>(cmd);
gpu::CommandHeader header;
uint32_t commands_shm_id;
uint32_t commands_shm_offset;
uint32_t size;
static_assert(sizeof(DawnCommands) == 16, "size of DawnCommands should be 16");
static_assert(offsetof(DawnCommands, header) == 0,
"offset of DawnCommands header should be 0");
static_assert(offsetof(DawnCommands, commands_shm_id) == 4,
"offset of DawnCommands commands_shm_id should be 4");
static_assert(offsetof(DawnCommands, commands_shm_offset) == 8,
"offset of DawnCommands commands_shm_offset should be 8");
static_assert(offsetof(DawnCommands, size) == 12,
"offset of DawnCommands size should be 12");