blob: 206cd4548615caf9d0b712305de3f21b2ca72a6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/dns/dns_session.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/sample_vector.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_config.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_util.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_event_type.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_source.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/socket/datagram_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/stream_socket.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// Set min timeout, in case we are talking to a local DNS proxy.
const unsigned kMinTimeoutMs = 10;
// Default maximum timeout between queries, even with exponential backoff.
// (Can be overridden by field trial.)
const unsigned kDefaultMaxTimeoutMs = 5000;
// Maximum RTT that will fit in the RTT histograms.
const int32_t kRTTMaxMs = 30000;
// Number of buckets in the histogram of observed RTTs.
const size_t kRTTBucketCount = 350;
// Target percentile in the RTT histogram used for retransmission timeout.
const unsigned kRTOPercentile = 99;
// Number of samples to seed the histogram with.
const unsigned kNumSeeds = 2;
} // namespace
// Runtime statistics of DNS server.
struct DnsSession::ServerStats {
ServerStats(base::TimeDelta rtt_estimate_param, RttBuckets* buckets)
: last_failure_count(0), rtt_estimate(rtt_estimate_param) {
rtt_histogram.reset(new base::SampleVector(buckets));
// Seed histogram with 2 samples at |rtt_estimate| timeout.
// Count of consecutive failures after last success.
int last_failure_count;
// Last time when server returned failure or timeout.
base::Time last_failure;
// Last time when server returned success.
base::Time last_success;
// Estimated RTT using moving average.
base::TimeDelta rtt_estimate;
// Estimated error in the above.
base::TimeDelta rtt_deviation;
// A histogram of observed RTT .
std::unique_ptr<base::SampleVector> rtt_histogram;
// static
base::LazyInstance<DnsSession::RttBuckets>::Leaky DnsSession::rtt_buckets_ =
DnsSession::RttBuckets::RttBuckets() : base::BucketRanges(kRTTBucketCount + 1) {
base::Histogram::InitializeBucketRanges(1, kRTTMaxMs, this);
scoped_refptr<DnsSession> session,
unsigned server_index,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket)
: session_(session),
socket_(std::move(socket)) {}
DnsSession::SocketLease::~SocketLease() {
session_->FreeSocket(server_index_, std::move(socket_));
DnsSession::DnsSession(const DnsConfig& config,
std::unique_ptr<DnsSocketPool> socket_pool,
const RandIntCallback& rand_int_callback,
NetLog* net_log)
: config_(config),
server_index_(0) {
socket_pool_->Initialize(&config_.nameservers, net_log);
config_.nameservers.size(), 1, 10, 11);
DnsSession::~DnsSession() = default;
void DnsSession::UpdateTimeouts(NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) {
initial_timeout_ = GetTimeDeltaForConnectionTypeFromFieldTrialOrDefault(
"AsyncDnsInitialTimeoutMsByConnectionType", config_.timeout, type);
max_timeout_ = GetTimeDeltaForConnectionTypeFromFieldTrialOrDefault(
base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultMaxTimeoutMs), type);
void DnsSession::InitializeServerStats() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < config_.nameservers.size(); ++i) {
initial_timeout_, rtt_buckets_.Pointer()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < config_.dns_over_https_servers.size(); ++i) {
std::make_unique<ServerStats>(initial_timeout_, rtt_buckets_.Pointer()),
uint16_t DnsSession::NextQueryId() const {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(rand_callback_.Run());
unsigned DnsSession::NextFirstServerIndex() {
unsigned index = NextGoodServerIndex(server_index_);
if (config_.rotate)
server_index_ = (server_index_ + 1) % config_.nameservers.size();
return index;
unsigned DnsSession::NextGoodServerIndex(unsigned server_index) {
DCHECK_GE(server_index, 0u);
DCHECK_LT(server_index, config_.nameservers.size());
unsigned index = server_index;
base::Time oldest_server_failure(base::Time::Now());
unsigned oldest_server_failure_index = 0;
do {
// If number of failures on this server doesn't exceed number of allowed
// attempts, return its index.
if (server_stats_[server_index]->last_failure_count < config_.attempts) {
return index;
// Track oldest failed server.
base::Time cur_server_failure = server_stats_[index]->last_failure;
if (cur_server_failure < oldest_server_failure) {
oldest_server_failure = cur_server_failure;
oldest_server_failure_index = index;
index = (index + 1) % config_.nameservers.size();
} while (index != server_index);
// If we are here it means that there are no successful servers, so we have
// to use one that has failed oldest.
return oldest_server_failure_index;
int DnsSession::NextGoodDohServerIndex(
unsigned doh_server_index,
DnsConfig::SecureDnsMode secure_dns_mode) {
DCHECK_GE(doh_server_index, 0u);
DCHECK_LT(doh_server_index, config_.dns_over_https_servers.size());
unsigned index = doh_server_index;
base::Time oldest_server_failure(base::Time::Now());
int oldest_available_server_failure_index = -1;
do {
// For a server to be considered "available", the server must have a
// successful probe status if we are in AUTOMATIC mode.
if (secure_dns_mode == DnsConfig::SecureDnsMode::SECURE ||
doh_server_stats_[index].second) {
// If number of failures on this server doesn't exceed |config_.attempts|,
// return its index. |config_.attempts| will generally be more restrictive
// than |kAutomaticModeFailureLimit|, although this is not guaranteed.
const ServerStats* stats =
GetServerStats(index, true /* is_doh_server */);
if (stats->last_failure_count < config_.attempts) {
return index;
// Track oldest failed available server.
base::Time cur_server_failure = stats->last_failure;
if (cur_server_failure < oldest_server_failure) {
oldest_server_failure = cur_server_failure;
oldest_available_server_failure_index = index;
index = (index + 1) % config_.dns_over_https_servers.size();
} while (index != doh_server_index);
// If we are here it means that there are either no available DoH servers or
// that all available DoH servers have at least |config_.attempts| consecutive
// failures. In the latter case, we'll return the available DoH server that
// failed least recently. In the former case we return -1.
return oldest_available_server_failure_index;
bool DnsSession::HasAvailableDohServer() {
for (const auto& doh_stats_ : doh_server_stats_) {
if (doh_stats_.second)
return true;
return false;
unsigned DnsSession::NumAvailableDohServers() {
unsigned count = 0;
for (const auto& doh_stats_ : doh_server_stats_) {
if (doh_stats_.second)
return count;
DnsSession::ServerStats* DnsSession::GetServerStats(unsigned server_index,
bool is_doh_server) {
DCHECK_GE(server_index, 0u);
if (!is_doh_server) {
DCHECK_LT(server_index, config_.nameservers.size());
return server_stats_[server_index].get();
} else {
DCHECK_LT(server_index, config_.dns_over_https_servers.size());
return doh_server_stats_[server_index].first.get();
void DnsSession::RecordServerFailure(unsigned server_index,
bool is_doh_server) {
ServerStats* stats = GetServerStats(server_index, is_doh_server);
stats->last_failure = base::Time::Now();
if (is_doh_server &&
stats->last_failure_count >= kAutomaticModeFailureLimit) {
SetProbeSuccess(server_index, false /* success */);
void DnsSession::RecordServerSuccess(unsigned server_index,
bool is_doh_server) {
ServerStats* stats = GetServerStats(server_index, is_doh_server);
// DoH queries can be sent using more than one URLRequestContext. A success
// from one URLRequestContext shouldn't zero out failures that may be
// consistently occurring for another URLRequestContext.
if (!is_doh_server)
stats->last_failure_count = 0;
stats->last_failure = base::Time();
stats->last_success = base::Time::Now();
void DnsSession::SetProbeSuccess(unsigned doh_server_index, bool success) {
DCHECK_GE(doh_server_index, 0u);
DCHECK_LT(doh_server_index, config_.dns_over_https_servers.size());
bool doh_available_before = HasAvailableDohServer();
doh_server_stats_[doh_server_index].second = success;
if (doh_available_before != HasAvailableDohServer())
void DnsSession::RecordRTT(unsigned server_index,
bool is_doh_server,
base::TimeDelta rtt,
int rv) {
RecordRTTForHistogram(server_index, is_doh_server, rtt, rv);
ServerStats* stats = GetServerStats(server_index, is_doh_server);
// Jacobson/Karels algorithm for TCP.
// Using parameters: alpha = 1/8, delta = 1/4, beta = 4
base::TimeDelta& estimate = stats->rtt_estimate;
base::TimeDelta& deviation = stats->rtt_deviation;
base::TimeDelta current_error = rtt - estimate;
estimate += current_error / 8; // * alpha
base::TimeDelta abs_error = base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(
deviation += (abs_error - deviation) / 4; // * delta
// RTT values shouldn't be less than 0, but it shouldn't cause a crash if
// they are anyway, so clip to 0. See
int32_t rtt_ms = rtt.InMilliseconds();
if (rtt_ms < 0)
rtt_ms = 0;
// Histogram-based method.
static_cast<base::HistogramBase::Sample>(rtt_ms), 1);
base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextTimeout(unsigned server_index, int attempt) {
return NextTimeoutHelper(
GetServerStats(server_index, false /* is _doh_server */),
attempt / config_.nameservers.size());
base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextDohTimeout(unsigned doh_server_index) {
return NextTimeoutHelper(
GetServerStats(doh_server_index, true /* is _doh_server */),
0 /* num_backoffs */);
base::TimeDelta DnsSession::NextTimeoutHelper(ServerStats* server_stats,
int num_backoffs) {
// Respect initial timeout (from config or field trial) if it exceeds max.
if (initial_timeout_ > max_timeout_)
return initial_timeout_;
"histogram base count assumed to be signed");
// Use fixed percentile of observed samples.
const base::SampleVector& samples = *server_stats->rtt_histogram;
base::HistogramBase::Count total = samples.TotalCount();
base::HistogramBase::Count remaining_count = kRTOPercentile * total / 100;
size_t index = 0;
while (remaining_count > 0 && index < rtt_buckets_.Get().size()) {
remaining_count -= samples.GetCountAtIndex(index);
base::TimeDelta timeout =
timeout = std::max(timeout, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinTimeoutMs));
return std::min(timeout * (1 << num_backoffs), max_timeout_);
// Allocate a socket, already connected to the server address.
std::unique_ptr<DnsSession::SocketLease> DnsSession::AllocateSocket(
unsigned server_index,
const NetLogSource& source) {
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket;
socket = socket_pool_->AllocateSocket(server_index);
if (!socket.get())
return std::unique_ptr<SocketLease>();
SocketLease* lease = new SocketLease(this, server_index, std::move(socket));
return std::unique_ptr<SocketLease>(lease);
std::unique_ptr<StreamSocket> DnsSession::CreateTCPSocket(
unsigned server_index,
const NetLogSource& source) {
return socket_pool_->CreateTCPSocket(server_index, source);
// Release a socket.
void DnsSession::FreeSocket(unsigned server_index,
std::unique_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> socket) {
socket_pool_->FreeSocket(server_index, std::move(socket));
void DnsSession::RecordRTTForHistogram(unsigned server_index,
bool is_doh_server,
base::TimeDelta rtt,
int rv) {
std::string query_type;
std::string provider_id;
if (is_doh_server) {
// Secure queries are validated if the DoH server state is available.
if (doh_server_stats_[server_index].second)
query_type = "SecureValidated";
query_type = "SecureNotValidated";
provider_id = GetDohProviderIdForHistogramFromDohConfig(
} else {
query_type = "Insecure";
provider_id = GetDohProviderIdForHistogramFromNameserver(
if (rv == OK || rv == ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) {
query_type.c_str(), provider_id.c_str()),
} else {
query_type.c_str(), provider_id.c_str()),
if (is_doh_server) {
query_type.c_str(), provider_id.c_str()),
} // namespace net