blob: 3f3423305640388d9b8cae01a34a7d90c5233b7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "remoting/base/encoder.h"
#include "remoting/host/access_verifier.h"
#include "remoting/host/capturer.h"
#include "remoting/host/client_session.h"
#include "remoting/host/desktop_environment.h"
#include "remoting/host/host_status_observer.h"
#include "remoting/host/ui_strings.h"
#include "remoting/jingle_glue/jingle_thread.h"
#include "remoting/jingle_glue/signal_strategy.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/session_manager.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/connection_to_client.h"
class Task;
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
class ConnectionToClient;
class HostStub;
class InputStub;
class SessionConfig;
class CandidateSessionConfig;
} // namespace protocol
class Capturer;
class ChromotingHostContext;
class DesktopEnvironment;
class Encoder;
class MutableHostConfig;
class ScreenRecorder;
// A class to implement the functionality of a host process.
// Here's the work flow of this class:
// 1. We should load the saved GAIA ID token or if this is the first
// time the host process runs we should prompt user for the
// credential. We will use this token or credentials to authenicate
// and register the host.
// 2. We listen for incoming connection using libjingle. We will create
// a ConnectionToClient object that wraps around linjingle for transport.
// A ScreenRecorder is created with an Encoder and a Capturer.
// A ConnectionToClient is added to the ScreenRecorder for transporting
// the screen captures. An InputStub is created and registered with the
// ConnectionToClient to receive mouse / keyboard events from the remote
// client.
// After we have done all the initialization we'll start the ScreenRecorder.
// We'll then enter the running state of the host process.
// 3. When the user is disconnected, we will pause the ScreenRecorder
// and try to terminate the threads we have created. This will allow
// all pending tasks to complete. After all of that completed we
// return to the idle state. We then go to step (2) if there a new
// incoming connection.
class ChromotingHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChromotingHost>,
public protocol::ConnectionToClient::EventHandler,
public ClientSession::EventHandler,
public SignalStrategy::StatusObserver,
public protocol::SessionManager::Listener {
// Factory methods that must be used to create ChromotingHost
// instances. Returned instance takes ownership of
// |access_verifier|. It does NOT take ownership of |context|,
// and |environment|, but they should not be deleted until
// returned host is destroyed.
static ChromotingHost* Create(ChromotingHostContext* context,
MutableHostConfig* config,
DesktopEnvironment* environment,
AccessVerifier* access_verifier,
bool allow_nat_traversal);
// Asynchronously start the host process.
// After this is invoked, the host process will connect to the talk
// network and start listening for incoming connections.
// This method can only be called once during the lifetime of this object.
void Start();
// Asynchronously shutdown the host process. |shutdown_task| is
// called after shutdown is completed.
void Shutdown(Task* shutdown_task);
// Adds |observer| to the list of status observers. Doesn't take
// ownership of |observer|, so |observer| must outlive this
// object. All status observers must be added before the host is
// started.
void AddStatusObserver(HostStatusObserver* observer);
// protocol::ConnectionToClient::EventHandler implementation.
virtual void OnConnectionOpened(protocol::ConnectionToClient* client);
virtual void OnConnectionClosed(protocol::ConnectionToClient* client);
virtual void OnConnectionFailed(protocol::ConnectionToClient* client);
virtual void OnSequenceNumberUpdated(protocol::ConnectionToClient* client,
int64 sequence_number);
// SignalStrategy::StatusObserver implementation.
virtual void OnStateChange(
SignalStrategy::StatusObserver::State state) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnJidChange(const std::string& full_jid) OVERRIDE;
// ClientSession::EventHandler implementation.
virtual void LocalLoginSucceeded(
scoped_refptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient> client);
virtual void LocalLoginFailed(
scoped_refptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient> client);
// SessionManager::Listener implementation.
virtual void OnSessionManagerInitialized() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnIncomingSession(
protocol::Session* session,
protocol::SessionManager::IncomingSessionResponse* response) OVERRIDE;
void AddAuthenticatedClient(
scoped_refptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient> connection,
const protocol::SessionConfig& config,
const std::string& jid);
// Sets desired configuration for the protocol. Ownership of the
// |config| is transferred to the object. Must be called before Start().
void set_protocol_config(protocol::CandidateSessionConfig* config);
// TODO(wez): ChromotingHost shouldn't need to know about Me2Mom.
void set_it2me(bool is_it2me) {
is_it2me_ = is_it2me;
void set_access_code(const std::string& access_code) {
access_code_ = access_code;
// Notify all active client sessions that local input has been detected, and
// that remote input should be ignored for a short time.
void LocalMouseMoved(const gfx::Point& new_pos);
// Pause or unpause the session. While the session is paused, remote input
// is ignored.
void PauseSession(bool pause);
const UiStrings& ui_strings() { return ui_strings_; }
// Set localized strings. Must be called before host is started.
void SetUiStrings(const UiStrings& ui_strings);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChromotingHost>;
friend class ChromotingHostTest;
typedef std::vector<HostStatusObserver*> StatusObserverList;
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<ClientSession> > ClientList;
enum State {
// Takes ownership of |access_verifier|, and adds a reference to
// |config|. Caller keeps ownership of |context| and |environment|.
ChromotingHost(ChromotingHostContext* context,
MutableHostConfig* config,
DesktopEnvironment* environment,
AccessVerifier* access_verifier,
bool allow_nat_traversal);
virtual ~ChromotingHost();
// This method is called if a client is disconnected from the host.
void OnClientDisconnected(protocol::ConnectionToClient* client);
// Creates encoder for the specified configuration.
Encoder* CreateEncoder(const protocol::SessionConfig& config);
std::string GenerateHostAuthToken(const std::string& encoded_client_token);
int AuthenticatedClientsCount() const;
void EnableCurtainMode(bool enable);
void ProcessPreAuthentication(
const scoped_refptr<protocol::ConnectionToClient>& connection);
void StopScreenRecorder();
void OnScreenRecorderStopped();
// The following methods are called during shutdown.
void ShutdownNetwork();
void ShutdownRecorder();
void ShutdownFinish();
// Parameters specified when the host was created.
ChromotingHostContext* context_;
DesktopEnvironment* desktop_environment_;
scoped_refptr<MutableHostConfig> config_;
scoped_ptr<AccessVerifier> access_verifier_;
bool allow_nat_traversal_;
// Connection objects.
scoped_ptr<SignalStrategy> signal_strategy_;
std::string local_jid_;
scoped_ptr<protocol::SessionManager> session_manager_;
StatusObserverList status_observers_;
// The connections to remote clients.
ClientList clients_;
// Session manager for the host process.
scoped_refptr<ScreenRecorder> recorder_;
// Tracks the internal state of the host.
// This variable is written on the main thread of ChromotingHostContext
// and read by jingle thread.
State state_;
// Number of screen recorders that are currently being
// stopped. Normally set to 0 or 1, but in some cases it may be
// greater than 1, particularly if when second client can connect
// immidiately after previous one disconnected.
int stopping_recorders_;
// Lock is to lock the access to |state_|.
base::Lock lock_;
// Configuration of the protocol.
scoped_ptr<protocol::CandidateSessionConfig> protocol_config_;
bool is_curtained_;
// Whether or not the host is running in "IT2Me" mode, in which connections
// are pre-authenticated, and hence the local login challenge can be bypassed.
bool is_it2me_;
std::string access_code_;
// Stores list of tasks that should be executed when we finish
// shutdown. Used only while |state_| is set to kStopping.
std::vector<Task*> shutdown_tasks_;
UiStrings ui_strings_;
} // namespace remoting