blob: c23a75c3cf8840d9a166b598e953d323587ad21a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/installer/zucchini/algorithm.h"
#include "chrome/installer/zucchini/image_utils.h"
namespace zucchini {
// There are several ways to reason about addresses in an image:
// - Offset: Position relative to start of image.
// - VA (Virtual Address): Virtual memory address of a loaded image. This is
// subject to relocation by the OS.
// - RVA (Relative Virtual Address): VA relative to some base address. This is
// the preferred way to specify pointers in an image.
// Zucchini is primarily concerned with offsets and RVAs. Executable images like
// PE and ELF are organized into sections. Each section specifies offset and RVA
// ranges as:
// {Offset start, offset size, RVA start, RVA size}.
// This constitutes a basic unit to translate between offsets and RVAs. Note:
// |offset size| < |RVA size| is possible. For example, the .bss section can can
// have zero-filled statically-allocated data that have no corresponding bytes
// on image (to save space). This poses a problem for Zucchini, which stores
// addresses as offsets: now we'd have "dangling RVAs" that don't map to
// offsets! Some ways to handling this are:
// 1. Ignore all dangling RVAs. This simplifies the algorithm, but also means
// some reference targets would escape detection and processing.
// 2. Create distinct "fake offsets" to accommodate dangling RVAs. Image data
// must not be read on these fake offsets, which are only valid as target
// addresses for reference matching.
// As for |RVA size| < |offset size|, the extra portion just gets ignored.
// Status: Zucchini implements (2) in a simple way: dangling RVAs are mapped to
// fake offsets by adding a large value. This value can be chosen as an
// exclusive upper bound of all offsets (i.e., image size). This allows them to
// be easily detected and processed as a special-case.
// TODO(huangs): Investigate option (1), now that the refactored code makes
// experimentation easier.
// TODO(huangs): Make AddressTranslator smarter: Allocate unused |offset_t|
// ranges and create "fake" units to accommodate dangling RVAs. Then
// AddressTranslator can be simplified.
// Virtual Address relative to some base address (RVA). There's distinction
// between "valid RVA" and "existent RVA":
// - Valid RVA: An RVA that's reasonably small, i.e., below |kRvaBound|.
// - Existent RVA: An RVA that has semantic meaning in an image, and may
// translate to an offset in an image or (if a dangling RVA) a fake offset.
// All existent RVAs are valid RVAs.
using rva_t = uint32_t;
// Divide by 2 to match |kOffsetBound|.
constexpr rva_t kRvaBound = static_cast<rva_t>(-1) / 2;
constexpr rva_t kInvalidRva = static_cast<rva_t>(-1);
// A utility to translate between offsets and RVAs in an image.
class AddressTranslator {
// A basic unit for address translation, roughly maps to a section, but may
// be processed (e.g., merged) as an optimization.
struct Unit {
offset_t offset_end() const { return offset_begin + offset_size; }
rva_t rva_end() const { return rva_begin + rva_size; }
bool IsEmpty() const {
// |rva_size == 0| and |offset_size > 0| means Unit hasn't been trimmed
// yet, and once it is then it's empty.
// |rva_size > 0| and |offset_size == 0| means Unit has dangling RVA, but
// is not empty.
return rva_size == 0;
bool CoversOffset(offset_t offset) const {
return RangeCovers(offset_begin, offset_size, offset);
bool CoversRva(rva_t rva) const {
return RangeCovers(rva_begin, rva_size, rva);
bool CoversDanglingRva(rva_t rva) const {
return CoversRva(rva) && rva - rva_begin >= offset_size;
// Assumes valid |offset| (*cannot* be fake offset).
rva_t OffsetToRvaUnsafe(offset_t offset) const {
return offset - offset_begin + rva_begin;
// Assumes valid |rva| (*can* be danging RVA).
offset_t RvaToOffsetUnsafe(rva_t rva, offset_t fake_offset_begin) const {
rva_t delta = rva - rva_begin;
return delta < offset_size ? delta + offset_begin
: fake_offset_begin + rva;
bool HasDanglingRva() const { return rva_size > offset_size; }
friend bool operator==(const Unit& a, const Unit& b) {
return std::tie(a.offset_begin, a.offset_size, a.rva_begin, a.rva_size) ==
std::tie(b.offset_begin, b.offset_size, b.rva_begin, b.rva_size);
offset_t offset_begin;
offset_t offset_size;
rva_t rva_begin;
rva_t rva_size;
// An adaptor for AddressTranslator::OffsetToRva() that caches the last Unit
// found, to reduce the number of OffsetToUnit() calls for clustered queries.
class OffsetToRvaCache {
// Embeds |translator| for use. Now object lifetime is tied to |translator|
// lifetime.
explicit OffsetToRvaCache(const AddressTranslator& translator);
rva_t Convert(offset_t offset) const;
const AddressTranslator& translator_;
mutable const AddressTranslator::Unit* cached_unit_ = nullptr;
// An adaptor for AddressTranslator::RvaToOffset() that caches the last Unit
// found, to reduce the number of RvaToUnit() calls for clustered queries.
class RvaToOffsetCache {
// Embeds |translator| for use. Now object lifetime is tied to |translator|
// lifetime.
explicit RvaToOffsetCache(const AddressTranslator& translator);
bool IsValid(rva_t rva) const;
offset_t Convert(rva_t rva) const;
const AddressTranslator& translator_;
mutable const AddressTranslator::Unit* cached_unit_ = nullptr;
enum Status {
kSuccess = 0,
// Consumes |units| to populate data in this class. Performs consistency
// checks and overlapping Units. Returns Status to indicate success.
Status Initialize(std::vector<Unit>&& units);
// Returns the (possibly dangling) RVA corresponding to |offset|, or
// kInvalidRva if not found.
rva_t OffsetToRva(offset_t offset) const;
// Returns the (possibly fake) offset corresponding to |rva|, or
// kInvalidOffset if not found (i.e., |rva| is non-existent).
offset_t RvaToOffset(rva_t rva) const;
// For testing.
offset_t fake_offset_begin() const { return fake_offset_begin_; }
const std::vector<Unit>& units_sorted_by_offset() const {
return units_sorted_by_offset_;
const std::vector<Unit>& units_sorted_by_rva() const {
return units_sorted_by_rva_;
// Helper to find the Unit that contains given |offset| or |rva|. Returns null
// if not found.
const Unit* OffsetToUnit(offset_t offset) const;
const Unit* RvaToUnit(rva_t rva) const;
// Storage of Units. All offset ranges are non-empty and disjoint. Likewise
// for all RVA ranges.
std::vector<Unit> units_sorted_by_offset_;
std::vector<Unit> units_sorted_by_rva_;
// Conversion factor to translate between dangling RVAs and fake offsets.
offset_t fake_offset_begin_;
} // namespace zucchini