blob: 8ea87e07e69d82e73fdf9791f47e6a5c0d313937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/priority_queue.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
class NetworkQualityEstimator;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
// There is one ResourceScheduler. All renderer-initiated HTTP requests are
// expected to pass through it.
// There are two types of input to the scheduler:
// 1. Requests to start, cancel, or finish fetching a resource.
// 2. Notifications for renderer events, such as new tabs, navigation and
// painting.
// These input come from different threads, so they may not be in sync. The UI
// thread is considered the authority on renderer lifetime, which means some
// IPCs may be meaningless if they arrive after the UI thread signals a renderer
// has been deleted.
// The ResourceScheduler tracks many Clients, which should correlate with tabs.
// A client is uniquely identified by its child_id and route_id.
// Each Client may have many Requests in flight. Requests are uniquely
// identified within a Client by its ScheduledResourceRequest.
// Users should call ScheduleRequest() to notify this ResourceScheduler of a new
// request. The returned ResourceThrottle should be destroyed when the load
// finishes or is canceled, before the net::URLRequest.
// The scheduler may defer issuing the request via the ResourceThrottle
// interface or it may alter the request's priority by calling set_priority() on
// the URLRequest.
class ScheduledResourceRequest {
virtual ~ScheduledResourceRequest();
virtual void WillStartRequest(bool* defer) = 0;
void set_resume_callback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
resume_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void RunResumeCallback();
base::OnceClosure resume_callback_;
// A struct that stores the Network Quality values and loading parameters when
// the observed Network Quality matches the specified network quality value.
struct ParamsForNetworkQuality {
// The observed Effective Connection Type (ECT) should be
// |effective_connection_type| for the loading parameters specified in this
// struct to apply.
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type;
// The maximum number of delayable requests allowed.
size_t max_delayable_requests;
// The weight of a non-delayable request when counting the effective number
// of non-delayable requests in-flight.
double non_delayable_weight;
typedef std::vector<ParamsForNetworkQuality> ParamsForNetworkQualityContainer;
explicit ResourceScheduler(bool enabled);
// Requests that this ResourceScheduler schedule, and eventually loads, the
// specified |url_request|. Caller should delete the returned ResourceThrottle
// when the load completes or is canceled, before |url_request| is deleted.
std::unique_ptr<ScheduledResourceRequest> ScheduleRequest(
int child_id,
int route_id,
bool is_async,
net::URLRequest* url_request);
// Signals from the UI thread, posted as tasks on the IO thread:
// Called when a renderer is created. |network_quality_estimator| is allowed
// to be null.
void OnClientCreated(
int child_id,
int route_id,
const net::NetworkQualityEstimator* const network_quality_estimator);
// Called when a renderer is destroyed.
void OnClientDeleted(int child_id, int route_id);
// Called when a renderer stops or restarts loading.
// Do not call this function when the network service is enabled.
void DeprecatedOnLoadingStateChanged(int child_id,
int route_id,
bool is_loaded);
// Signals from IPC messages directly from the renderers:
// Called when a client navigates to a new main document.
// Do not call this function when the network service is enabled.
void DeprecatedOnNavigate(int child_id, int route_id);
// Called when the client has parsed the <body> element. This is a signal that
// resource loads won't interfere with first paint.
// Do not call this function when the network service is enabled.
void DeprecatedOnWillInsertBody(int child_id, int route_id);
// Signals from the IO thread:
// Called when we received a response to a http request that was served
// from a proxy using SPDY.
void OnReceivedSpdyProxiedHttpResponse(int child_id, int route_id);
// Client functions:
// Returns true if at least one client is currently loading.
// Do not call this function when the network service is enabled.
bool DeprecatedHasLoadingClients() const;
// Updates the priority for |request|. Modifies request->priority(), and may
// start the request loading if it wasn't already started.
// If the scheduler does not know about the request, |new_priority| is set but
// |intra_priority_value| is ignored.
void ReprioritizeRequest(net::URLRequest* request,
net::RequestPriority new_priority,
int intra_priority_value);
// Same as above, but keeps the existing intra priority value.
void ReprioritizeRequest(net::URLRequest* request,
net::RequestPriority new_priority);
// Public for tests.
static ParamsForNetworkQualityContainer
GetParamsForNetworkQualityContainerForTests() {
return ThrottleDelayable::GetParamsForNetworkQualityContainer();
bool priority_requests_delayable() const {
return priority_requests_delayable_;
bool head_priority_requests_delayable() const {
return head_priority_requests_delayable_;
bool yielding_scheduler_enabled() const {
return yielding_scheduler_enabled_;
int max_requests_before_yielding() const {
return max_requests_before_yielding_;
base::TimeDelta yield_time() const { return yield_time_; }
base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner() { return task_runner_.get(); }
// Testing setters
void SetMaxRequestsBeforeYieldingForTesting(
int max_requests_before_yielding) {
max_requests_before_yielding_ = max_requests_before_yielding;
void SetYieldTimeForTesting(base::TimeDelta yield_time) {
yield_time_ = yield_time;
void SetTaskRunnerForTesting(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> sequenced_task_runner) {
task_runner_ = std::move(sequenced_task_runner);
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
class Client;
class RequestQueue;
class ScheduledResourceRequestImpl;
struct RequestPriorityParams;
struct ScheduledResourceSorter {
bool operator()(const ScheduledResourceRequestImpl* a,
const ScheduledResourceRequestImpl* b) const;
// Experiment parameters and helper functions for varying the maximum number
// of delayable requests in-flight based on the observed Effective Connection
// Type (ECT), or in the presence of non-delayable requests in-flight.
class ThrottleDelayable {
// Returns the parameters for resource loading based on the current
// value of the network quality and the parameters set by ThrottleDelayable
// experiment.
ParamsForNetworkQuality GetParamsForNetworkQuality(
const net::NetworkQualityEstimator* network_quality_estimator) const;
// Friend for tests.
friend class ResourceScheduler;
// Reads experiment parameters and creates a vector of
// |ParamsForNetworkQualityContainer| to populate
// |params_for_network_quality_container_|. It looks for configuration
// parameters with sequential numeric suffixes, and stops looking after the
// first failure to find an experimetal parameter. A sample configuration is
// given below:
// "EffectiveConnectionType1": "Slow-2G",
// "MaxDelayableRequests1": "6",
// "NonDelayableWeight1": "2.0",
// "EffectiveConnectionType2": "3G",
// "MaxDelayableRequests2": "12",
// "NonDelayableWeight2": "3.0",
// This config implies that when Effective Connection Type (ECT) is Slow-2G,
// then the maximum number of non-delayable requests should be
// limited to 6, and the non-delayable request weight should be set to 2.
// When ECT is 3G, it should be limited to 12. For all other values of ECT,
// the default values should be used.
static ParamsForNetworkQualityContainer
// The number of delayable requests in-flight for different ranges of the
// network quality.
const ParamsForNetworkQualityContainer
typedef int64_t ClientId;
typedef std::map<ClientId, Client*> ClientMap;
typedef std::set<ScheduledResourceRequestImpl*> RequestSet;
// Called when a ScheduledResourceRequest is destroyed.
void RemoveRequest(ScheduledResourceRequestImpl* request);
// Returns the client ID for the given |child_id| and |route_id| combo.
ClientId MakeClientId(int child_id, int route_id);
// Returns the client for the given |child_id| and |route_id| combo.
Client* GetClient(int child_id, int route_id);
ClientMap client_map_;
RequestSet unowned_requests_;
// Whether or not to enable ResourceScheduling. This will almost always be
// enabled, except for some C++ headless embedders who may implement their own
// resource scheduling via protocol handlers.
const bool enabled_;
// True if requests to servers that support priorities (e.g., H2/QUIC) can
// be delayed.
bool priority_requests_delayable_;
// True if requests to servers that support priorities (e.g., H2/QUIC) can
// be delayed while the parser is in head.
bool head_priority_requests_delayable_;
// True if the scheduler should yield between several successive calls to
// start resource requests.
bool yielding_scheduler_enabled_;
int max_requests_before_yielding_;
base::TimeDelta yield_time_;
const ThrottleDelayable throttle_delayable_;
// The TaskRunner to post tasks on. Can be overridden for tests.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
} // namespace network