blob: 3a6d7425359e0c0936f5d21aae4db358de48f544 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.NativeMethods;
* This class generates thumbnails for a given {@link ThumbnailRequest} by calling the native
* {@link ThumbnailProviderGenerator}, which is owned and destroyed by the Java class. Multiple
* {@link ThumbnailProvider.ThumbnailRequest}s may be processed at a time.
* After {@link ThumbnailGenerator#destroy()}, assume that this class will not be called again.
public class ThumbnailGenerator {
// The native side pointer that is owned and destroyed by the Java class.
private long mNativeThumbnailGenerator;
private long getNativeThumbnailGenerator() {
if (mNativeThumbnailGenerator == 0) {
mNativeThumbnailGenerator = ThumbnailGeneratorJni.get().init(ThumbnailGenerator.this);
return mNativeThumbnailGenerator;
* Asynchronously generates the requested thumbnail.
* @param request The request for a thumbnail.
* @param callback The class to call back to after thumbnail has been generated.
public void retrieveThumbnail(
ThumbnailProvider.ThumbnailRequest request, ThumbnailGeneratorCallback callback) {
boolean hasFilePath = !TextUtils.isEmpty(request.getFilePath());
assert hasFilePath;
ThumbnailGenerator.this, request.getContentId(), request.getFilePath(),
request.getMimeType(), request.getIconSize(), callback);
* Destroys the native {@link ThumbnailGenerator}.
public void destroy() {
if (mNativeThumbnailGenerator == 0) return;
ThumbnailGeneratorJni.get().destroy(mNativeThumbnailGenerator, ThumbnailGenerator.this);
mNativeThumbnailGenerator = 0;
* Called when thumbnail has been generated.
* @param contentId Content ID of the requested thumbnail.
* @param requestedIconSizePx Requested size (maximum required dimension (pixel) of the smaller
* side) of the requested thumbnail.
* @param bitmap The requested thumbnail.
* @param callback The class to call back to after thumbnail has been generated.
void onThumbnailRetrieved(@NonNull String contentId, int requestedIconSizePx,
@Nullable Bitmap bitmap, ThumbnailGeneratorCallback callback) {
// The bitmap returned here is retrieved from the native side. The image decoder there
// scales down the image (if it is too big) so that one of its sides is smaller than or
// equal to the required size. We check here that the returned image satisfies this
// criteria.
assert bitmap == null
|| Math.min(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()) <= requestedIconSizePx;
callback.onThumbnailRetrieved(contentId, bitmap, requestedIconSizePx);
interface Natives {
long init(ThumbnailGenerator caller);
void destroy(long nativeThumbnailGenerator, ThumbnailGenerator caller);
void retrieveThumbnail(long nativeThumbnailGenerator, ThumbnailGenerator caller,
String contentId, String filePath, String mimeType, int thumbnailSize,
ThumbnailGeneratorCallback callback);