blob: f22cf41606482a22dafb3dee2999c87940e8c25b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A class that implements Chrome's interface with the SafeBrowsing protocol.
// See for
// protocol details.
// The SafeBrowsingProtocolManager handles formatting and making requests of,
// and handling responses from, Google's SafeBrowsing servers. This class uses
// The SafeBrowsingProtocolParser class to do the actual parsing.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/chunk_range.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/protocol_parser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_util.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/common/safe_browsing_prefs.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/db/safebrowsing.pb.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/db/util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoader;
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace safe_browsing {
class SBProtocolManagerFactory;
class SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate;
// Lives on the IO thread.
class SafeBrowsingProtocolManager {
// FullHashCallback is invoked when GetFullHash completes.
// Parameters:
// - The vector of full hash results. If empty, indicates that there
// were no matches, and that the resource is safe.
// - The cache lifetime of the result. A lifetime of 0 indicates the results
// should not be cached.
using FullHashCallback =
base::Callback<void(const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>&,
const base::TimeDelta&)>;
virtual ~SafeBrowsingProtocolManager();
// Makes the passed |factory| the factory used to instantiate
// a SafeBrowsingService. Useful for tests.
static void RegisterFactory(SBProtocolManagerFactory* factory) {
factory_ = factory;
// Create an instance of the safe browsing protocol manager.
static std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingProtocolManager> Create(
SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config);
// Sets up the update schedule and internal state for making periodic requests
// of the Safebrowsing servers.
virtual void Initialize();
// Callback when the request completes
void OnURLLoaderComplete(network::SimpleURLLoader* url_loader,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
// To ease testing.
void OnURLLoaderCompleteInternal(network::SimpleURLLoader* url_loader,
int net_error,
int response_code,
const std::string& data);
// Retrieve the full hash for a set of prefixes, and invoke the callback
// argument when the results are retrieved. The callback may be invoked
// synchronously.
virtual void GetFullHash(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
FullHashCallback callback,
bool is_download,
ExtendedReportingLevel reporting_level);
// Forces the start of next update after |interval| time.
void ForceScheduleNextUpdate(base::TimeDelta interval);
// Scheduled update callback.
void GetNextUpdate();
// Called by the SafeBrowsingService when our request for a list of all chunks
// for each list is done. If database_error is true, that means the protocol
// manager shouldn't fetch updates since they can't be written to disk. It
// should try again later to open the database.
void OnGetChunksComplete(const std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>& list,
bool database_error,
ExtendedReportingLevel reporting_level);
// The last time we received an update.
base::Time last_update() const { return last_update_; }
// Setter for additional_query_. To make sure the additional_query_ won't
// be changed in the middle of an update, caller (e.g.: SafeBrowsingService)
// should call this after callbacks triggered in UpdateFinished() or before
// IssueUpdateRequest().
void set_additional_query(const std::string& query) {
additional_query_ = query;
const std::string& additional_query() const {
return additional_query_;
// Enumerate failures for histogramming purposes. DO NOT CHANGE THE
enum ResultType {
// 200 response code means that the server recognized the hash
// prefix, while 204 is an empty response indicating that the
// server did not recognize it.
// Subset of successful responses which returned no full hashes.
// This includes the STATUS_204 case, and the *_ERROR cases.
// Subset of successful responses for which one or more of the
// full hashes matched (should lead to an interstitial).
// Subset of successful responses which weren't empty and have no
// matches. It means that there was a prefix collision which was
// cleared up by the full hashes.
// Subset of successful responses where the response body wasn't parsable.
// Gethash request failed (network error).
// Gethash request returned HTTP result code other than 200 or 204.
// Gethash attempted during error backoff, no request sent.
// Memory space for histograms is determined by the max. ALWAYS
// Record a GetHash result. |is_download| indicates if the get
// hash is triggered by download related lookup.
static void RecordGetHashResult(bool is_download,
ResultType result_type);
// Record HTTP response code when there's no error in fetching an HTTP
// request, and the error code, when there is.
// |metric_name| is the name of the UMA metric to record the response code or
// error code against, |net_error| represents the status of the HTTP request,
// and |response code| represents the HTTP response code received from the
// server.
static void RecordHttpResponseOrErrorCode(const char* metric_name,
int net_error,
int response_code);
// Returns whether another update is currently scheduled.
bool IsUpdateScheduled() const;
static base::TimeDelta GetUpdateTimeoutForTesting();
// Constructs a SafeBrowsingProtocolManager for |delegate| that issues
// network requests using |url_loader_factory|.
SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerTest, TestBackOffTimes);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerTest, TestChunkStrings);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerTest, TestGetHashUrl);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerTest, TestNextChunkUrl);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerTest, TestUpdateUrl);
friend class SafeBrowsingServerTest;
friend class SBProtocolManagerFactoryImpl;
// Internal API for fetching information from the SafeBrowsing servers. The
// GetHash requests are higher priority since they can block user requests
// so are handled separately.
enum SafeBrowsingRequestType {
NO_REQUEST = 0, // No requests in progress
UPDATE_REQUEST, // Request for redirect URLs
BACKUP_UPDATE_REQUEST, // Request for redirect URLs to a backup URL.
CHUNK_REQUEST, // Request for a specific chunk
// Which type of backup update request is being used.
enum BackupUpdateReason {
// Generates Update URL for querying about the latest set of chunk updates.
GURL UpdateUrl(ExtendedReportingLevel reporting_level) const;
// Generates backup Update URL for querying about the latest set of chunk
// updates. |url_prefix| is the base prefix to use.
GURL BackupUpdateUrl(BackupUpdateReason reason) const;
// Generates GetHash request URL for retrieving full hashes.
GURL GetHashUrl(ExtendedReportingLevel reporting_level) const;
// Composes a ChunkUrl based on input string.
GURL NextChunkUrl(const std::string& input) const;
// Returns the time for the next update request. If |back_off| is true,
// the time returned will increment an error count and return the appriate
// next time (see ScheduleNextUpdate below).
base::TimeDelta GetNextUpdateInterval(bool back_off);
// Worker function for calculating GetHash and Update backoff times (in
// seconds). |multiplier| is doubled for each consecutive error between the
// 2nd and 5th, and |error_count| is incremented with each call.
base::TimeDelta GetNextBackOffInterval(size_t* error_count,
size_t* multiplier) const;
// Manages our update with the next allowable update time. If 'back_off_' is
// true, we must decrease the frequency of requests of the SafeBrowsing
// service according to section 5 of the protocol specification.
// When disable_auto_update_ is set, ScheduleNextUpdate will do nothing.
// ForceScheduleNextUpdate has to be called to trigger the update.
void ScheduleNextUpdate(bool back_off);
// Sends a request for a list of chunks we should download to the SafeBrowsing
// servers. In order to format this request, we need to send all the chunk
// numbers for each list that we have to the server. Getting the chunk numbers
// requires a database query (run on the database thread), and the request
// is sent upon completion of that query in OnGetChunksComplete.
void IssueUpdateRequest();
// Sends a backup request for a list of chunks to download, when the primary
// update request failed. |reason| specifies why the backup is needed. Unlike
// the primary IssueUpdateRequest, this does not need to hit the local
// SafeBrowsing database since the existing chunk numbers are remembered from
// the primary update request. Returns whether the backup request was issued -
// this may be false in cases where there is not a prefix specified.
bool IssueBackupUpdateRequest(BackupUpdateReason reason);
// Sends a request for a chunk to the SafeBrowsing servers.
void IssueChunkRequest();
// Runs the protocol parser on received data and update the
// SafeBrowsingService with the new content. Returns 'true' on successful
// parse, 'false' on error.
bool HandleServiceResponse(const char* data, size_t length);
// Updates internal state for each GetHash response error, assuming that the
// current time is |now|.
void HandleGetHashError(const base::Time& now);
// Helper function for update completion.
void UpdateFinished(bool success);
void UpdateFinished(bool success, bool back_off);
// A callback that runs if we timeout waiting for a response to an update
// request. We use this to properly set our update state.
void UpdateResponseTimeout();
// Called after the chunks are added to the database.
void OnAddChunksComplete();
// Map of GetHash requests to parameters which created it.
struct FullHashDetails {
FullHashDetails(FullHashCallback callback, bool is_download);
FullHashDetails(const FullHashDetails& other);
FullHashCallback callback;
bool is_download;
// The factory that controls the creation of SafeBrowsingProtocolManager.
// This is used by tests.
static SBProtocolManagerFactory* factory_;
// Our delegate.
SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate_;
// Current active request (in case we need to cancel) for updates or chunks
// from the SafeBrowsing service. We can only have one of these outstanding
// at any given time unlike GetHash requests, which are tracked separately.
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> request_;
// The kind of request that is currently in progress.
SafeBrowsingRequestType request_type_;
// The number of HTTP response errors since the the last successful HTTP
// response, used for request backoff timing.
size_t update_error_count_;
size_t gethash_error_count_;
// Multipliers which double (max == 8) for each error after the second.
size_t update_back_off_mult_;
size_t gethash_back_off_mult_;
// Multiplier between 0 and 1 to spread clients over an interval.
float back_off_fuzz_;
// The list for which we are make a request.
std::string list_name_;
// For managing the next earliest time to query the SafeBrowsing servers for
// updates.
base::TimeDelta next_update_interval_;
base::OneShotTimer update_timer_;
// timeout_timer_ is used to interrupt update requests which are taking
// too long.
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer_;
// All chunk requests that need to be made.
base::circular_deque<ChunkUrl> chunk_request_urls_;
const network::SimpleURLLoader*,
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader>, FullHashDetails>>
// True if the service has been given an add/sub chunk but it hasn't been
// added to the database yet.
bool chunk_pending_to_write_;
// The last time we successfully received an update.
base::Time last_update_;
// While in GetHash backoff, we can't make another GetHash until this time.
base::Time next_gethash_time_;
// Current product version sent in each request.
std::string version_;
// Used for measuring chunk request latency.
base::Time chunk_request_start_;
// Tracks the size of each update (in bytes).
size_t update_size_;
// The safe browsing client name sent in each request.
std::string client_name_;
// A string that is appended to the end of URLs for download, gethash,
// safebrowsing hits and chunk update requests.
std::string additional_query_;
// The URLLoaderFactory we use to issue network requests.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory_;
// URL prefix where browser fetches safebrowsing chunk updates, and hashes.
std::string url_prefix_;
// Backup URL prefixes for updates.
std::string backup_url_prefixes_[BACKUP_UPDATE_REASON_MAX];
// The current reason why the backup update request is happening.
BackupUpdateReason backup_update_reason_;
// Data to POST when doing an update.
std::string update_list_data_;
// When true, protocol manager will not start an update unless
// ForceScheduleNextUpdate() is called. This is set for testing purpose.
bool disable_auto_update_;
// Interface of a factory to create ProtocolManager. Useful for tests.
class SBProtocolManagerFactory {
SBProtocolManagerFactory() {}
virtual ~SBProtocolManagerFactory() {}
virtual std::unique_ptr<SafeBrowsingProtocolManager> CreateProtocolManager(
SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate* delegate,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
const SafeBrowsingProtocolConfig& config) = 0;
// Delegate interface for the SafeBrowsingProtocolManager.
class SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate {
using GetChunksCallback = base::Callback<void(
const std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>&, /* List of chunks */
bool, /* database_error */
ExtendedReportingLevel /* reporting_level */)>;
using AddChunksCallback = base::Closure;
virtual ~SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate();
// |UpdateStarted()| is called just before the SafeBrowsing update protocol
// has begun.
virtual void UpdateStarted() = 0;
// |UpdateFinished()| is called just after the SafeBrowsing update protocol
// has completed.
virtual void UpdateFinished(bool success) = 0;
// Wipe out the local database. The SafeBrowsing server can request this.
virtual void ResetDatabase() = 0;
// Retrieve all the local database chunks, and invoke |callback| with the
// results. The SafeBrowsingProtocolManagerDelegate must only invoke the
// callback if the SafeBrowsingProtocolManager is still alive. Only one call
// may be made to GetChunks at a time.
virtual void GetChunks(GetChunksCallback callback) = 0;
// Add new chunks to the database. Invokes |callback| when complete, but must
// call at a later time.
virtual void AddChunks(
const std::string& list,
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SBChunkData>>> chunks,
AddChunksCallback callback) = 0;
// Delete chunks from the database.
virtual void DeleteChunks(
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<SBChunkDelete>> chunk_deletes) = 0;
} // namespace safe_browsing