blob: 504944c7dbd1ca681579b74fe4c37d0b30f0a895 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNIAdditionalImport;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.components.payments.PaymentHandlerHost;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.UiThreadTaskTraits;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentDetailsModifier;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentEventResponseType;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentItem;
import org.chromium.payments.mojom.PaymentMethodData;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Native bridge for interacting with service worker based payment apps.
@JNIAdditionalImport({PaymentInstrument.class, PaymentAppFactory.class})
public class ServiceWorkerPaymentAppBridge implements PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppFactoryAddition {
private static final String TAG = "SWPaymentApp";
private static boolean sCanMakePaymentForTesting;
/** The interface for checking whether there is an installed SW payment app. */
static public interface HasServiceWorkerPaymentAppsCallback {
* Called to return checking result.
* @param hasPaymentApps Indicates whehter there is an installed SW payment app.
public void onHasServiceWorkerPaymentAppsResponse(boolean hasPaymentApps);
/** The interface for getting all installed SW payment apps' information. */
static public interface GetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfoCallback {
* Called to return installed SW payment apps' information.
* @param appsInfo Contains all installed SW payment apps' information.
public void onGetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfo(Map<String, Pair<String, Bitmap>> appsInfo);
* The interface for the requester to check whether a SW payment app can make payment.
static interface CanMakePaymentCallback {
* Called by this app to provide an information whether can make payment asynchronously.
* @param canMakePayment Indicates whether a SW payment app can make payment.
public void onCanMakePaymentResponse(boolean canMakePayment);
public void create(WebContents webContents, Map<String, PaymentMethodData> methodData,
boolean mayCrawl, PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppCreatedCallback callback) {
methodData.values().toArray(new PaymentMethodData[methodData.size()]), mayCrawl,
* Checks whether there is a installed SW payment app.
* @param callback The callback to return result.
public static void hasServiceWorkerPaymentApps(HasServiceWorkerPaymentAppsCallback callback) {
if (!ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.SERVICE_WORKER_PAYMENT_APPS)) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Gets all installed SW payment apps' information.
* @param callback The callback to return result.
public static void getServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfo(
GetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfoCallback callback) {
if (!ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.SERVICE_WORKER_PAYMENT_APPS)) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new HashMap<String, Pair<String, Bitmap>>());
* Returns whether the app can make a payment.
* @param webContents The web contents that invoked PaymentRequest.
* @param registrationId The service worker registration ID of the Payment App.
* @param swScope The service worker scope.
* @param paymentRequestId The payment request identifier.
* @param origin The origin of this merchant.
* @param iframeOrigin The origin of the iframe that invoked PaymentRequest. Same as origin
* if PaymentRequest was not invoked from inside an iframe.
* @param methodData The PaymentMethodData objects that are relevant for this payment
* app.
* @param modifiers Payment method specific modifiers to the payment items and the total.
* @param callback Called after the payment app is finished running.
public static void canMakePayment(WebContents webContents, long registrationId, String swScope,
String paymentRequestId, String origin, String iframeOrigin,
Set<PaymentMethodData> methodData, Set<PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers,
CanMakePaymentCallback callback) {
if (sCanMakePaymentForTesting) {
PostTask.postTask(UiThreadTaskTraits.DEFAULT, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
nativeCanMakePayment(webContents, registrationId, swScope, paymentRequestId, origin,
iframeOrigin, methodData.toArray(new PaymentMethodData[0]),
modifiers.toArray(new PaymentDetailsModifier[0]), callback);
* Make canMakePayment() return true always for testing purpose.
* @param canMakePayment Indicates whether a SW payment app can make payment.
public static void setCanMakePaymentForTesting(boolean canMakePayment) {
sCanMakePaymentForTesting = canMakePayment;
* Invoke a payment app with a given option and matching method data.
* @param webContents The web contents that invoked PaymentRequest.
* @param registrationId The service worker registration ID of the Payment App.
* @param swScope The scope of the service worker.
* @param origin The origin of this merchant.
* @param iframeOrigin The origin of the iframe that invoked PaymentRequest. Same as origin
* if PaymentRequest was not invoked from inside an iframe.
* @param paymentRequestId The unique identifier of the PaymentRequest.
* @param methodData The PaymentMethodData objects that are relevant for this payment
* app.
* @param total The PaymentItem that represents the total cost of the payment.
* @param modifiers Payment method specific modifiers to the payment items and the total.
* @param host The host of the payment handler.
* @param callback Called after the payment app is finished running.
public static void invokePaymentApp(WebContents webContents, long registrationId,
String swScope, String origin, String iframeOrigin, String paymentRequestId,
Set<PaymentMethodData> methodData, PaymentItem total,
Set<PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers, PaymentHandlerHost host,
PaymentInstrument.InstrumentDetailsCallback callback) {
nativeInvokePaymentApp(webContents, registrationId, swScope, origin, iframeOrigin,
paymentRequestId, methodData.toArray(new PaymentMethodData[0]), total,
modifiers.toArray(new PaymentDetailsModifier[0]),
host.getNativePaymentHandlerHost(), callback);
* Install and invoke a payment app with a given option and matching method data.
* @param webContents The web contents that invoked PaymentRequest.
* @param origin The origin of this merchant.
* @param iframeOrigin The origin of the iframe that invoked PaymentRequest. Same as origin
* if PaymentRequest was not invoked from inside an iframe.
* @param paymentRequestId The unique identifier of the PaymentRequest.
* @param methodData The PaymentMethodData objects that are relevant for this payment
* app.
* @param total The PaymentItem that represents the total cost of the payment.
* @param modifiers Payment method specific modifiers to the payment items and the total.
* @param host The host of the payment handler.
* @param callback Called after the payment app is finished running.
* @param appName The installable app name.
* @param icon The installable app icon.
* @param swUri The URI to get the app's service worker js script.
* @param scope The scope of the service worker that should be registered.
* @param useCache Whether to use cache when registering the service worker.
* @param method Supported method name of the app.
public static void installAndInvokePaymentApp(WebContents webContents, String origin,
String iframeOrigin, String paymentRequestId, Set<PaymentMethodData> methodData,
PaymentItem total, Set<PaymentDetailsModifier> modifiers, PaymentHandlerHost host,
PaymentInstrument.InstrumentDetailsCallback callback, String appName,
@Nullable Bitmap icon, URI swUri, URI scope, boolean useCache, String method) {
nativeInstallAndInvokePaymentApp(webContents, origin, iframeOrigin, paymentRequestId,
methodData.toArray(new PaymentMethodData[0]), total,
modifiers.toArray(new PaymentDetailsModifier[0]),
host.getNativePaymentHandlerHost(), callback, appName, icon, swUri.toString(),
scope.toString(), useCache, method);
* Abort invocation of the payment app.
* @param webContents The web contents that invoked PaymentRequest.
* @param registrationId The service worker registration ID of the Payment App.
* @param swScope The service worker scope.
* @param paymentRequestId The payment request identifier.
* @param callback Called after abort invoke payment app is finished running.
public static void abortPaymentApp(WebContents webContents, long registrationId, String swScope,
String paymentRequestId, PaymentInstrument.AbortCallback callback) {
nativeAbortPaymentApp(webContents, registrationId, swScope, paymentRequestId, callback);
* Add observer for the opened payment app window tab so as to validate whether the web
* contents is secure.
* @param tab The opened payment app window tab.
public static void addTabObserverForPaymentRequestTab(Tab tab) {
tab.addObserver(new EmptyTabObserver() {
public void onPageLoadFinished(Tab tab, String url) {
// Notify closing payment app window so as to abort payment if unsecure.
WebContents webContents = tab.getWebContents();
if (!SslValidityChecker.isValidPageInPaymentHandlerWindow(webContents)) {
public void onDidAttachInterstitialPage(Tab tab) {
* Notify closing the opened payment app window.
* @param webContents The web contents in the opened window.
public static void onClosingPaymentAppWindow(WebContents webContents) {
webContents, PaymentEventResponseType.PAYMENT_HANDLER_WINDOW_CLOSING);
private static String getSupportedMethodFromMethodData(PaymentMethodData data) {
return data.supportedMethod;
private static String getStringifiedDataFromMethodData(PaymentMethodData data) {
return data.stringifiedData;
private static int[] getSupportedNetworksFromMethodData(PaymentMethodData data) {
return data.supportedNetworks;
private static int[] getSupportedTypesFromMethodData(PaymentMethodData data) {
return data.supportedTypes;
private static PaymentMethodData getMethodDataFromModifier(PaymentDetailsModifier modifier) {
return modifier.methodData;
private static PaymentItem getTotalFromModifier(PaymentDetailsModifier modifier) {
private static String getLabelFromPaymentItem(PaymentItem item) {
return item.label;
private static String getCurrencyFromPaymentItem(PaymentItem item) {
return item.amount.currency;
private static String getValueFromPaymentItem(PaymentItem item) {
return item.amount.value;
private static Object[] createCapabilities(int count) {
return new ServiceWorkerPaymentApp.Capabilities[count];
private static void addCapabilities(Object[] capabilities, int index,
int[] supportedCardNetworks, int[] supportedCardTypes) {
assert index < capabilities.length;
capabilities[index] =
new ServiceWorkerPaymentApp.Capabilities(supportedCardNetworks, supportedCardTypes);
private static void onPaymentAppCreated(long registrationId, String scope,
@Nullable String name, @Nullable String userHint, String origin, @Nullable Bitmap icon,
String[] methodNameArray, boolean explicitlyVerified, Object[] capabilities,
String[] preferredRelatedApplications, WebContents webContents,
PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppCreatedCallback callback) {
Context context = ChromeActivity.fromWebContents(webContents);
if (context == null) return;
URI scopeUri = UriUtils.parseUriFromString(scope);
if (scopeUri == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "%s service worker scope is not a valid URI", scope);
callback.onPaymentAppCreated(new ServiceWorkerPaymentApp(webContents, registrationId,
scopeUri, name, userHint, origin,
icon == null ? null : new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), icon),
methodNameArray, explicitlyVerified,
(ServiceWorkerPaymentApp.Capabilities[]) capabilities,
private static void onInstallablePaymentAppCreated(@Nullable String name, String swUrl,
String scope, boolean useCache, @Nullable Bitmap icon, String methodName,
String[] preferredRelatedApplications, WebContents webContents,
PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppCreatedCallback callback) {
Context context = ChromeActivity.fromWebContents(webContents);
if (context == null) return;
URI swUri = UriUtils.parseUriFromString(swUrl);
if (swUri == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "%s service worker installation url is not a valid URI", swUrl);
URI scopeUri = UriUtils.parseUriFromString(scope);
if (scopeUri == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "%s service worker scope is not a valid URI", scope);
callback.onPaymentAppCreated(new ServiceWorkerPaymentApp(webContents, name,
scopeUri.getHost(), swUri, scopeUri, useCache,
icon == null ? null : new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), icon), methodName,
private static void onAllPaymentAppsCreated(
PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppCreatedCallback callback) {
private static void onHasServiceWorkerPaymentApps(
HasServiceWorkerPaymentAppsCallback callback, boolean hasPaymentApps) {
private static Object createPaymentAppsInfo() {
return new HashMap<String, Pair<String, Bitmap>>();
private static void addPaymentAppInfo(
Object appsInfo, String scope, @Nullable String name, @Nullable Bitmap icon) {
((Map<String, Pair<String, Bitmap>>) appsInfo).put(scope, new Pair<>(name, icon));
private static void onGetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfo(
GetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfoCallback callback, Object appsInfo) {
callback.onGetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfo(((Map<String, Pair<String, Bitmap>>) appsInfo));
private static void onPaymentAppInvoked(PaymentInstrument.InstrumentDetailsCallback callback,
String methodName, String stringifiedDetails, String errorMessage) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) {
assert TextUtils.isEmpty(methodName);
assert TextUtils.isEmpty(stringifiedDetails);
} else {
assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(methodName);
assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(stringifiedDetails);
callback.onInstrumentDetailsReady(methodName, stringifiedDetails);
private static void onPaymentAppAborted(
PaymentInstrument.AbortCallback callback, boolean result) {
private static void onCanMakePayment(CanMakePaymentCallback callback, boolean canMakePayment) {
private static native void nativeGetAllPaymentApps(WebContents webContents,
PaymentMethodData[] methodData, boolean mayCrawlForInstallablePaymentApps,
PaymentAppFactory.PaymentAppCreatedCallback callback);
private static native void nativeHasServiceWorkerPaymentApps(
HasServiceWorkerPaymentAppsCallback callback);
private static native void nativeGetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfo(
GetServiceWorkerPaymentAppsInfoCallback callback);
private static native void nativeInvokePaymentApp(WebContents webContents, long registrationId,
String serviceWorkerScope, String topOrigin, String paymentRequestOrigin,
String paymentRequestId, PaymentMethodData[] methodData, PaymentItem total,
PaymentDetailsModifier[] modifiers, long nativePaymentHandlerObject,
PaymentInstrument.InstrumentDetailsCallback callback);
private static native void nativeInstallAndInvokePaymentApp(WebContents webContents,
String topOrigin, String paymentRequestOrigin, String paymentRequestId,
PaymentMethodData[] methodData, PaymentItem total, PaymentDetailsModifier[] modifiers,
long nativePaymentHandlerObject, PaymentInstrument.InstrumentDetailsCallback callback,
String appName, @Nullable Bitmap icon, String swUrl, String scope, boolean useCache,
String method);
private static native void nativeAbortPaymentApp(WebContents webContents, long registrationId,
String serviceWorkerScope, String paymentRequestId,
PaymentInstrument.AbortCallback callback);
private static native void nativeCanMakePayment(WebContents webContents, long registrationId,
String serviceWorkerScope, String paymentRequestId, String topOrigin,
String paymentRequestOrigin, PaymentMethodData[] methodData,
PaymentDetailsModifier[] modifiers, CanMakePaymentCallback callback);
private static native void nativeOnClosingPaymentAppWindow(WebContents webContents, int reason);