blob: c40efc539048e033c710cb75fe8fe240f4be543d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "device/u2f/u2f_command_type.h"
namespace device {
class U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment;
class U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment;
// Encapsulates a frame, i.e., a single request to or response from a U2F
// authenticator, designed to be transported via BLE. The frame is further split
// into fragments (see U2fBleFrameFragment class).
// The specification of what constitues a frame can be found here:
// TODO(crbug/763303): Consider refactoring U2fMessage to support BLE frames.
class U2fBleFrame {
// The values which can be carried in the |data| section of a KEEPALIVE
// message sent from an authenticator.
enum class KeepaliveCode : uint8_t {
// The request is still being processed. The authenticator will be sending
// this message every |kKeepAliveMillis| milliseconds until completion.
// The authenticator is waiting for the Test of User Presence to complete.
TUP_NEEDED = 0x02,
// The types of errors an authenticator can return to the client. Carried in
// the |data| section of an ERROR command.
enum class ErrorCode : uint8_t {
INVALID_CMD = 0x01, // The command in the request is unknown/invalid.
INVALID_PAR = 0x02, // The parameters of the command are invalid/missing.
INVALID_LEN = 0x03, // The length of the request is invalid.
INVALID_SEQ = 0x04, // The sequence number is invalid.
REQ_TIMEOUT = 0x05, // The request timed out.
NA_1 = 0x06, // Value reserved (HID).
NA_2 = 0x0A, // Value reserved (HID).
NA_3 = 0x0B, // Value reserved (HID).
OTHER = 0x7F, // Other, unspecified error.
U2fBleFrame(U2fCommandType command, std::vector<uint8_t> data);
U2fBleFrame& operator=(U2fBleFrame&&);
U2fCommandType command() const { return command_; }
bool IsValid() const;
KeepaliveCode GetKeepaliveCode() const;
ErrorCode GetErrorCode() const;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data() const { return data_; }
std::vector<uint8_t>& data() { return data_; }
// Splits the frame into fragments suitable for sending over BLE. Returns the
// first fragment via |initial_fragment|, and pushes the remaining ones back
// to the |other_fragments| vector.
// The |max_fragment_size| parameter ought to be at least 3. The resulting
// fragments' binary sizes will not exceed this value.
ToFragments(size_t max_fragment_size) const;
U2fCommandType command_ = U2fCommandType::UNDEFINED;
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
// A single frame sent over BLE may be split over multiple writes and
// notifications because the technology was not designed for large messages.
// This class represents a single fragment. Not to be used directly.
// A frame is divided into an initialization fragment and zero, one or more
// continuation fragments. See the below section of the spec for the details:
// Note: This class and its subclasses don't own the |data|.
class U2fBleFrameFragment {
base::span<const uint8_t> fragment() const { return fragment_; }
virtual size_t Serialize(std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) const = 0;
explicit U2fBleFrameFragment(base::span<const uint8_t> fragment);
U2fBleFrameFragment(const U2fBleFrameFragment& frame);
virtual ~U2fBleFrameFragment();
base::span<const uint8_t> fragment_;
// An initialization fragment of a frame.
class U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment : public U2fBleFrameFragment {
static bool Parse(base::span<const uint8_t> data,
U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment* fragment);
U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment() = default;
U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment(U2fCommandType command,
uint16_t data_length,
base::span<const uint8_t> fragment)
: U2fBleFrameFragment(fragment),
data_length_(data_length) {}
U2fCommandType command() const { return command_; }
uint16_t data_length() const { return data_length_; }
size_t Serialize(std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) const override;
U2fCommandType command_ = U2fCommandType::UNDEFINED;
uint16_t data_length_ = 0;
// A continuation fragment of a frame.
class U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment : public U2fBleFrameFragment {
static bool Parse(base::span<const uint8_t> data,
U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment* fragment);
U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment() = default;
U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment(base::span<const uint8_t> fragment,
uint8_t sequence)
: U2fBleFrameFragment(fragment), sequence_(sequence) {}
uint8_t sequence() const { return sequence_; }
size_t Serialize(std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) const override;
uint8_t sequence_ = 0;
// The helper used to construct a U2fBleFrame from a sequence of its fragments.
class U2fBleFrameAssembler {
explicit U2fBleFrameAssembler(
const U2fBleFrameInitializationFragment& fragment);
bool IsDone() const;
bool AddFragment(const U2fBleFrameContinuationFragment& fragment);
U2fBleFrame* GetFrame();
uint16_t data_length_ = 0;
uint8_t sequence_number_ = 0;
U2fBleFrame frame_;
} // namespace device