blob: 4001f3dd8946c3b377203a2f0f4200fe55596cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositor_element_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositor_filter_operations.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/clip_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/transform_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rrect_f.h"
namespace blink {
class PropertyTreeState;
// Effect nodes are abstraction of isolated groups, along with optional effects
// that can be applied to the composited output of the group.
// The effect tree is rooted at a node with no parent. This root node should
// not be modified.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT EffectPaintPropertyNode
: public PaintPropertyNode<EffectPaintPropertyNode> {
// To make it less verbose and more readable to construct and update a node,
// a struct with default values is used to represent the state.
struct State {
// The local transform space serves two purposes:
// 1. Assign a depth mapping for 3D depth sorting against other paint chunks
// and effects under the same parent.
// 2. Some effects are spatial (namely blur filter and reflection), the
// effect parameters will be specified in the local space.
scoped_refptr<const TransformPaintPropertyNode> local_transform_space;
// The output of the effect can be optionally clipped when composited onto
// the current backdrop.
scoped_refptr<const ClipPaintPropertyNode> output_clip;
// Optionally a number of effects can be applied to the composited output.
// The chain of effects will be applied in the following order:
// === Begin of effects ===
ColorFilter color_filter = kColorFilterNone;
CompositorFilterOperations filter;
float opacity = 1;
CompositorFilterOperations backdrop_filter;
gfx::RRectF backdrop_filter_bounds;
SkBlendMode blend_mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
// === End of effects ===
CompositingReasons direct_compositing_reasons = CompositingReason::kNone;
CompositorElementId compositor_element_id;
// The offset of the origin of filters in local_transform_space.
FloatPoint filters_origin;
bool operator==(const State& o) const {
return local_transform_space == o.local_transform_space &&
output_clip == o.output_clip && color_filter == o.color_filter &&
filter == o.filter && opacity == o.opacity &&
backdrop_filter == o.backdrop_filter &&
backdrop_filter_bounds == o.backdrop_filter_bounds &&
blend_mode == o.blend_mode &&
direct_compositing_reasons == o.direct_compositing_reasons &&
compositor_element_id == o.compositor_element_id &&
filters_origin == o.filters_origin;
// This node is really a sentinel, and does not represent a real effect.
static const EffectPaintPropertyNode& Root();
static scoped_refptr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> Create(
const EffectPaintPropertyNode& parent,
State&& state) {
return base::AdoptRef(new EffectPaintPropertyNode(
&parent, std::move(state), false /* is_parent_alias */));
static scoped_refptr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> CreateAlias(
const EffectPaintPropertyNode& parent) {
return base::AdoptRef(new EffectPaintPropertyNode(
&parent, State{}, true /* is_parent_alias */));
bool Update(const EffectPaintPropertyNode& parent, State&& state) {
bool parent_changed = SetParent(&parent);
if (state == state_)
return parent_changed;
DCHECK(!IsParentAlias()) << "Changed the state of an alias node.";
state_ = std::move(state);
return true;
// Checks if the accumulated effect from |this| to |relative_to_state
// .Effect()| has changed in the space of |relative_to_state.Transform()|.
// We check for changes of not only effect nodes, but also LocalTransformSpace
// relative to |relative_to_state.Transform()| of the effect nodes having
// filters that move pixels. Change of OutputClip is not checked and the
// caller should check in other ways. |transform_not_to_check| specifies the
// transform node that the caller has checked or will check its change in
// other ways and this function should treat it as unchanged.
bool Changed(const PropertyTreeState& relative_to_state,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* transform_not_to_check) const;
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& LocalTransformSpace() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return *state_.local_transform_space;
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* OutputClip() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.output_clip.get();
SkBlendMode BlendMode() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.blend_mode;
float Opacity() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.opacity;
const CompositorFilterOperations& Filter() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.filter;
ColorFilter GetColorFilter() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.color_filter;
const CompositorFilterOperations& BackdropFilter() const {
return state_.backdrop_filter;
const gfx::RRectF& BackdropFilterBounds() const {
return state_.backdrop_filter_bounds;
bool HasFilterThatMovesPixels() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.filter.HasFilterThatMovesPixels();
FloatPoint FiltersOrigin() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.filters_origin;
// Returns a rect covering the pixels that can be affected by pixels in
// |inputRect|. The rects are in the space of localTransformSpace.
FloatRect MapRect(const FloatRect& input_rect) const;
bool HasDirectCompositingReasons() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.direct_compositing_reasons != CompositingReason::kNone;
bool RequiresCompositingForAnimation() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.direct_compositing_reasons &
const CompositorElementId& GetCompositorElementId() const {
DCHECK(!Parent() || !IsParentAlias());
return state_.compositor_element_id;
std::unique_ptr<JSONObject> ToJSON() const;
// Returns memory usage of this node plus ancestors.
size_t TreeMemoryUsageInBytes() const;
EffectPaintPropertyNode(const EffectPaintPropertyNode* parent,
State&& state,
bool is_parent_alias)
: PaintPropertyNode(parent, is_parent_alias), state_(std::move(state)) {}
State state_;
} // namespace blink