blob: 1822ec0aa96bbf6cc884313b0e8e4c3800cff887 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Tracks resource IDs for consent texts within TextViews inside the consent screen. The consent
* screen is an arbitrary set of view hierarchies that are passed to {#link recordConsent()}.
* Note that all TextView instances within these hierarchies MUST have their text assigned using
* {@link #setText} and {@link #setTextNonRecordable}. This is verified in {#link recordConsent()}.
public class ConsentTextTracker {
* Stores metadata about the text associated with a given TextView in order to extract and
* validate the consent text.
private static class TextViewMetadata {
private final String mString;
private final @StringRes int mId;
* @param text The text which was programmatically assigned to the associated TextView.
* @param id The ID of the string resource assigned to the associated TextView that
* will be used for consent recording, or 0 if this string should not be recorded
* as a part of the consent.
public TextViewMetadata(String text, @StringRes int id) {
mString = text;
mId = id;
public String getString() {
return mString;
public int getId() {
return mId;
/** A CharSequence -> CharSequence transformation. */
public interface TextTransformation { CharSequence transform(CharSequence input); }
private final Resources mResources;
private final Map<TextView, TextViewMetadata> mTextViewToMetadataMap = new HashMap<>();
* Creates an instance of ConsentTextTracker.
* @param resources Resources object to be used for converting IDs into strings.
ConsentTextTracker(Resources resources) {
mResources = resources;
* Applies a |transformation| on the string resource with given |id|, assigns the resulting
* text to |view|, and caches the string resource |id| which will later be needed for consent
* recording.
* @param view The TextView to which the text should be assigned.
* @param id The id of the string resource with the text.
* @param transformation The transformation to be applied on the text. Can be null to indicate
* no transformation (i.e. identity).
public void setText(
TextView view, @StringRes int id, @Nullable TextTransformation transformation) {
CharSequence text = mResources.getText(id);
if (transformation != null) text = transformation.transform(text);
mTextViewToMetadataMap.put(view, new TextViewMetadata(text.toString(), id));
* Like {@link #setText(TextView, int, TextTransformation)}, but with
* no transformation applied on the assigned text.
* @see #setText(TextView, int, TextTransformation)
* @param view The TextView to which the text should be assigned.
* @param id The id of the string resource with the text.
public void setText(TextView view, @StringRes int id) {
setText(view, id, null /* no text transformation */);
* Assigns a |text| to the given |view| and remembers that this text should be out of scope
* for consent recording.
* @see #setText(TextView, int, TextTransformation)
* @param view The TextView to which the text should be assigned.
* @param text The text to be assigned.
public void setTextNonRecordable(TextView view, CharSequence text) {
// TODO( The selected account name, which is assigned to its |view| using
// this method, can be null in rare circumstances.
CharSequence textSanitized = text != null ? text : "";
view, new TextViewMetadata(textSanitized.toString(), 0 /* no resource id */));
* Retrieves the string resource id from a given TextView while verifying that it corresponds
* to the text of that TextView. This can be only done if the text was previously set by
* {#link setText()} or {#link setTextNonRecordable()}.
* @param view The TextView whose string resource id should be retrieved.
* @return The string resource id of the |view|'s text. Can be 0 if this |view|'s text shouldn't
* be part of the consent record (Note: 0 is not a valid resource id).
private @StringRes int getConsentStringResource(TextView view) {
TextViewMetadata metadata = mTextViewToMetadataMap.get(view);
// Ensure that setText() was used to assign this text.
assert metadata
!= null : "The text '" + view.getText().toString() + "' was not assigned "
+ "by setText() or setTextNonRecordable().";
// Ensure that the text hasn't changed since the assignment.
assert view.getText().toString().equals(metadata.getString())
: "The text '"
+ view.getText().toString()
+ "' has been modified after it was assigned by setText() "
+ "or setTextNonRecordable().";
return metadata.getId();
* @param view The root View where to start scanning.
* @param outViews The output list to which |view| and all its transitive
* children, if visible, will be appended.
private void getAllVisibleViews(View view, ArrayList<View> outViews) {
if (view.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) return;
if (!(view instanceof ViewGroup)) return;
ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) view;
for (int i = 0; i < group.getChildCount(); ++i) {
getAllVisibleViews(group.getChildAt(i), outViews);
* Records the consent.
* @param accountId The account for which the consent is valid
* @param feature {@link ConsentAuditorFeature} that user has consented to
* @param confirmationView The view that the user clicked when consenting
* @param consentViews View hierarchies that implement the consent screen
public void recordConsent(String accountId, @ConsentAuditorFeature int feature,
TextView confirmationView, View... consentViews) {
int consentConfirmation = getConsentStringResource(confirmationView);
ArrayList<Integer> consentDescription = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<View> visibleViews = new ArrayList<>();
for (View view : consentViews) {
getAllVisibleViews(view, visibleViews);
for (View view : visibleViews) {
if (!(view instanceof TextView)) continue; // This element doesn't hold any text.
int id = getConsentStringResource((TextView) view);
if (id == 0) continue; // This text is not relevant for consent recording.
accountId, feature, consentDescription, consentConfirmation);