blob: c88125663d4ed9430c31791afde52ee0740702ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
// This file can be empty. Its purpose is to contain the flags living in the
// System Settings, used for testing/debugging. No base::Feature (or check for
// them) should be added.
namespace experimental_flags {
enum GaiaEnvironment {
enum WhatsNewPromoStatus {
WHATS_NEW_DEFAULT = 0, // Not forced to enable a promo.
WHATS_NEW_TEST_COMMAND_TIP, // Test Tip that runs a command.
WHATS_NEW_MOVE_TO_DOCK_TIP, // Force enable Move To Dock Tip promo.
WHATS_NEW_REVIEW_UPDATED_TOS, // Force enable Review Updated ToS promo.
WHATS_NEW_PROMO_STATUS_COUNT, // Count of Whats New Promo Statuses.
// Whether the First Run UI will be always be displayed.
bool AlwaysDisplayFirstRun();
GaiaEnvironment GetGaiaEnvironment();
// Returns the host name for an alternative Origin Server host for use by
// |BrandCode| startup ping. Returns empty string if there is no alternative
// host specified.
std::string GetOriginServerHost();
// Returns the promo force enabled, as determined by the experimental flags.
// If |WHATS_NEW_DEFAULT| is returned, no promo is force enabled.
WhatsNewPromoStatus GetWhatsNewPromoStatus();
// Whether memory debugging tools are enabled.
bool IsMemoryDebuggingEnabled();
// Whether startup crash is enabled.
bool IsStartupCrashEnabled();
// Whether the 3rd party keyboard omnibox workaround is enabled.
bool IsThirdPartyKeyboardWorkaroundEnabled();
// Whether the application group sandbox must be cleared before starting.
// Calling this method will reset the flag to false, so the sandbox is cleared
// only once.
bool MustClearApplicationGroupSandbox();
// Whether the DCheckIsFatal feature should be disabled.
bool AreDCHECKCrashesDisabled();
} // namespace experimental_flags