blob: 6b62c4d78c98f396c1d7dc9a636d67f1025863be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PaintLayerPainter_h
#define PaintLayerPainter_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayerFragment.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayerPaintingInfo.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class ClipRect;
class PaintLayer;
class GraphicsContext;
class LayoutPoint;
// This class is responsible for painting self-painting PaintLayer.
// See PainterLayer SELF-PAINTING LAYER section about what 'self-painting'
// means and how it impacts this class.
class CORE_EXPORT PaintLayerPainter {
enum FragmentPolicy { AllowMultipleFragments, ForceSingleFragment };
// When adding new values, must update the number of bits of PaintLayer::m_previousPaintingResult.
enum PaintResult {
// The layer is fully painted. This includes cases that nothing needs painting
// regardless of the paint rect.
// Some part of the layer is out of the paint rect and may be not fully painted.
// The results cannot be cached because they may change when paint rect changes.
PaintLayerPainter(PaintLayer& paintLayer) : m_paintLayer(paintLayer) { }
// The paint() method paints the layers that intersect the damage rect from back to front.
// paint() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of damageRect if necessary.
void paint(GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect& damageRect, const GlobalPaintFlags = GlobalPaintNormalPhase, PaintLayerFlags = 0);
// paintLayer() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of the painting dirty if necessary.
PaintResult paintLayer(GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
// paintLayerContents() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of the painting dirty rect if necessary.
PaintResult paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, FragmentPolicy = AllowMultipleFragments);
void paintOverlayScrollbars(GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect& damageRect, const GlobalPaintFlags);
enum ClipState { HasNotClipped, HasClipped };
PaintResult paintLayerContentsAndReflection(GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, FragmentPolicy = AllowMultipleFragments);
PaintResult paintLayerWithTransform(GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
PaintResult paintFragmentByApplyingTransform(GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, const LayoutPoint& fragmentTranslation);
PaintResult paintChildren(unsigned childrenToVisit, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
bool atLeastOneFragmentIntersectsDamageRect(PaintLayerFragments&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot);
void paintFragmentWithPhase(PaintPhase, const PaintLayerFragment&, GraphicsContext&, const ClipRect&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, ClipState);
void paintBackgroundForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&,
const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintForegroundForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&,
const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, bool selectionOnly, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhase, const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, ClipState);
void paintSelfOutlineForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintOverflowControlsForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintMaskForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintChildClippingMaskForFragments(const PaintLayerFragments&, GraphicsContext&, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
static bool needsToClip(const PaintLayerPaintingInfo& localPaintingInfo, const ClipRect&);
// Returns whether this layer should be painted during sofware painting (i.e., not via calls from CompositedLayerMapping to draw into composited
// layers).
bool shouldPaintLayerInSoftwareMode(const GlobalPaintFlags, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags);
PaintLayer& m_paintLayer;
} // namespace blink
#endif // PaintLayerPainter_h