blob: c3dd715f4f1a8dc11585ddbe8fc08bcfcdeac791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tools/gn/scheduler.h"
#include "tools/gn/test_with_scope.h"
TEST(FunctionForwardVariablesFrom, List) {
Scheduler scheduler;
TestWithScope setup;
// Defines a template and copy the two x and y, and z values out.
TestParseInput input(
"template(\"a\") {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"])\n"
" assert(!defined(z))\n" // "z" should still be undefined.
" print(\"$target_name, $x, $y\")\n"
"a(\"target\") {\n"
" x = 1\n"
" y = 2\n"
Err err;
input.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
ASSERT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.message();
EXPECT_EQ("target, 1, 2\n", setup.print_output());
TEST(FunctionForwardVariablesFrom, ErrorCases) {
Scheduler scheduler;
TestWithScope setup;
// Type check the source scope.
TestParseInput invalid_source(
"template(\"a\") {\n"
" forward_variables_from(42, [\"x\"])\n"
" print(\"$target_name\")\n" // Prevent unused var error.
"a(\"target\") {\n"
Err err;
invalid_source.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
EXPECT_EQ("Expected an identifier for the scope.", err.message());
// Type check the list. We need to use a new template name each time since
// all of these invocations are executing in sequence in the same scope.
TestParseInput invalid_list(
"template(\"b\") {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, 42)\n"
" print(\"$target_name\")\n"
"b(\"target\") {\n"
err = Err();
invalid_list.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
EXPECT_EQ("Not a valid list of variables to copy.", err.message());
// Programmatic values should error.
TestParseInput prog(
"template(\"c\") {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, [\"root_out_dir\"])\n"
" print(\"$target_name\")\n"
"c(\"target\") {\n"
err = Err();
prog.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
EXPECT_EQ("This value can't be forwarded.", err.message());
TEST(FunctionForwardVariablesFrom, Star) {
Scheduler scheduler;
TestWithScope setup;
// Defines a template and copy the two x and y values out. The "*" behavior
// should clobber existing variables with the same name.
TestParseInput input(
"template(\"a\") {\n"
" x = 1000000\n" // Should be clobbered.
" forward_variables_from(invoker, \"*\")\n"
" print(\"$target_name, $x, $y\")\n"
"a(\"target\") {\n"
" x = 1\n"
" y = 2\n"
Err err;
input.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
ASSERT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.message();
EXPECT_EQ("target, 1, 2\n", setup.print_output());