blob: 68c3f5fe6e9bdb98341223b4457b4c89f8e95f87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ImageResourceContent_h
#define ImageResourceContent_h
#include <memory>
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/loader/resource/ImageResourceObserver.h"
#include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h"
#include "platform/graphics/Image.h"
#include "platform/graphics/ImageObserver.h"
#include "platform/graphics/ImageOrientation.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceError.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceLoadPriority.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceStatus.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/wtf/AutoReset.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashCountedSet.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashMap.h"
namespace blink {
class FetchParameters;
class ImageResourceInfo;
class ImageResourceObserver;
class ResourceError;
class ResourceFetcher;
class ResourceResponse;
class SecurityOrigin;
// ImageResourceContent is a container that holds fetch result of
// an ImageResource in a decoded form.
// Classes that use the fetched images
// should hold onto this class and/or inherit ImageResourceObserver,
// instead of holding onto ImageResource or inheriting ResourceClient.
// TODO(hiroshige): Make ImageResourceContent ResourceClient and remove the
// word 'observer' from ImageResource.
// TODO(hiroshige): Rename local variables of type ImageResourceContent to
// e.g. |imageContent|. Currently they have Resource-like names.
class CORE_EXPORT ImageResourceContent final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<ImageResourceContent>,
public ImageObserver {
// Used for loading.
// Returned content will be associated immediately later with ImageResource.
static ImageResourceContent* CreateNotStarted() {
return new ImageResourceContent(nullptr);
// Creates ImageResourceContent from an already loaded image.
static ImageResourceContent* CreateLoaded(scoped_refptr<blink::Image>);
static ImageResourceContent* Fetch(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
// Returns the NullImage() if the image is not available yet.
blink::Image* GetImage();
bool HasImage() const { return image_.get(); }
// The device pixel ratio we got from the server for this image, or 1.0.
float DevicePixelRatioHeaderValue() const;
bool HasDevicePixelRatioHeaderValue() const;
// Returns the intrinsic width and height of the image, or 0x0 if no image
// exists. If the image is a BitmapImage, then this corresponds to the
// physical pixel dimensions of the image. If the image is an SVGImage, this
// does not quite return the intrinsic width/height, but rather a concrete
// object size resolved using a default object size of 300x150.
// TODO(fs): Make SVGImages return proper intrinsic width/height.
IntSize IntrinsicSize(
RespectImageOrientationEnum should_respect_image_orientation);
void UpdateImageAnimationPolicy();
void AddObserver(ImageResourceObserver*);
void RemoveObserver(ImageResourceObserver*);
bool IsSizeAvailable() const {
return size_available_ != Image::kSizeUnavailable;
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
// Content status and deriving predicates.
// Normal transitions:
// kNotStarted -> kPending -> kCached|kLoadError|kDecodeError.
// Additional transitions in multipart images:
// kCached -> kLoadError|kDecodeError.
// Transitions due to revalidation:
// kCached -> kPending.
// Transitions due to reload:
// kCached|kLoadError|kDecodeError -> kPending.
// ImageResourceContent::GetContentStatus() can be different from
// ImageResource::GetStatus(). Use ImageResourceContent::GetContentStatus().
ResourceStatus GetContentStatus() const;
bool IsLoaded() const;
bool IsLoading() const;
bool ErrorOccurred() const;
bool LoadFailedOrCanceled() const;
// Redirecting methods to Resource.
const KURL& Url() const;
bool IsAccessAllowed(const SecurityOrigin*);
const ResourceResponse& GetResponse() const;
Optional<ResourceError> GetResourceError() const;
// DEPRECATED: ImageResourceContents consumers shouldn't need to worry about
// whether the underlying Resource is being revalidated.
bool IsCacheValidator() const;
// For FrameSerializer.
bool HasCacheControlNoStoreHeader() const;
void EmulateLoadStartedForInspector(ResourceFetcher*,
const KURL&,
const AtomicString& initiator_name);
void SetNotRefetchableDataFromDiskCache() {
is_refetchable_data_from_disk_cache_ = false;
// The following public methods should be called from ImageResource only.
// UpdateImage() is the single control point of image content modification
// from ImageResource that all image updates should call.
// We clear and/or update images in this single method
// (controlled by UpdateImageOption) rather than providing separate methods,
// in order to centralize state changes and
// not to expose the state in between to ImageResource.
enum UpdateImageOption {
// Updates the image (including placeholder and decode error handling
// and notifying observers) if needed.
// Clears the image and then updates the image if needed.
// Clears the image and always notifies observers (without updating).
enum class UpdateImageResult {
// Decode error occurred. Observers are not notified.
// Only occurs when UpdateImage or ClearAndUpdateImage is specified.
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT UpdateImageResult UpdateImage(scoped_refptr<SharedBuffer>,
bool all_data_received,
bool is_multipart);
void NotifyStartLoad();
void DestroyDecodedData();
void DoResetAnimation();
void SetImageResourceInfo(ImageResourceInfo*);
ResourcePriority PriorityFromObservers() const;
scoped_refptr<const SharedBuffer> ResourceBuffer() const;
bool ShouldUpdateImageImmediately() const;
bool HasObservers() const {
return !observers_.IsEmpty() || !finished_observers_.IsEmpty();
bool IsRefetchableDataFromDiskCache() const {
return is_refetchable_data_from_disk_cache_;
using CanDeferInvalidation = ImageResourceObserver::CanDeferInvalidation;
explicit ImageResourceContent(scoped_refptr<blink::Image> = nullptr);
// ImageObserver
void DecodedSizeChangedTo(const blink::Image*, size_t new_size) override;
bool ShouldPauseAnimation(const blink::Image*) override;
void AnimationAdvanced(const blink::Image*) override;
void ChangedInRect(const blink::Image*, const IntRect&) override;
void AsyncLoadCompleted(const blink::Image*) override;
scoped_refptr<Image> CreateImage(bool is_multipart);
void ClearImage();
enum NotifyFinishOption { kShouldNotifyFinish, kDoNotNotifyFinish };
// If not null, changeRect is the changed part of the image.
void NotifyObservers(NotifyFinishOption,
const IntRect* change_rect = nullptr);
void MarkObserverFinished(ImageResourceObserver*);
void UpdateToLoadedContentStatus(ResourceStatus);
class ProhibitAddRemoveObserverInScope : public AutoReset<bool> {
ProhibitAddRemoveObserverInScope(const ImageResourceContent* content)
: AutoReset(&content->is_add_remove_observer_prohibited_, true) {}
ResourceStatus content_status_ = ResourceStatus::kNotStarted;
// Indicates if this resource's encoded image data can be purged and refetched
// from disk cache to save memory usage. See crbug/664437.
bool is_refetchable_data_from_disk_cache_;
mutable bool is_add_remove_observer_prohibited_ = false;
Image::SizeAvailability size_available_ = Image::kSizeUnavailable;
Member<ImageResourceInfo> info_;
scoped_refptr<blink::Image> image_;
HashCountedSet<ImageResourceObserver*> observers_;
HashCountedSet<ImageResourceObserver*> finished_observers_;
bool is_update_image_being_called_ = false;
} // namespace blink