blob: 759d2615d323dbf48bee6f0bd1d6d73f7666ffcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_export.h"
#include "cc/animation/keyframe_model.h"
#include "cc/trees/element_id.h"
namespace cc {
class ScrollTree;
// A ScrollTimeline is an animation timeline that bases its current time on the
// progress of scrolling in some scroll container.
// This is the compositor-side representation of the web concept expressed in
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT ScrollTimeline {
enum ScrollDirection {
ScrollTimeline(base::Optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
ScrollDirection direction,
base::Optional<double> start_scroll_offset,
base::Optional<double> end_scroll_offset,
double time_range,
KeyframeModel::FillMode fill);
virtual ~ScrollTimeline();
// Create a copy of this ScrollTimeline intended for the impl thread in the
// compositor.
std::unique_ptr<ScrollTimeline> CreateImplInstance() const;
// Calculate the current time of the ScrollTimeline. This is either a
// base::TimeTicks value or base::nullopt if the current time is unresolved.
// The internal calculations are performed using doubles and the result is
// converted to base::TimeTicks. This limits the precision to 1us.
virtual base::Optional<base::TimeTicks> CurrentTime(
const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) const;
void SetScrollerId(base::Optional<ElementId> scroller_id);
void UpdateStartAndEndScrollOffsets(
base::Optional<double> start_scroll_offset,
base::Optional<double> end_scroll_offset);
void PushPropertiesTo(ScrollTimeline* impl_timeline);
void PromoteScrollTimelinePendingToActive();
base::Optional<ElementId> GetActiveIdForTest() const { return active_id_; }
base::Optional<ElementId> GetPendingIdForTest() const { return pending_id_; }
ScrollDirection GetDirectionForTest() const { return direction_; }
base::Optional<double> GetStartScrollOffsetForTest() const {
return start_scroll_offset_;
base::Optional<double> GetEndScrollOffsetForTest() const {
return end_scroll_offset_;
double GetTimeRangeForTest() const { return time_range_; }
// The scroller which this ScrollTimeline is based on. The same underlying
// scroll source may have different ids in the pending and active tree (see
base::Optional<ElementId> active_id_;
base::Optional<ElementId> pending_id_;
// The direction of the ScrollTimeline indicates which axis of the scroller
// it should base its current time on, and where the origin point is.
ScrollDirection direction_;
// These define the total range of the scroller that the ScrollTimeline is
// active within. If not set they default to the beginning/end of the scroller
// respectively, respecting the current |direction_|.
base::Optional<double> start_scroll_offset_;
base::Optional<double> end_scroll_offset_;
// A ScrollTimeline maps from the scroll offset in the scroller to a time
// value based on a 'time range'. See the implementation of CurrentTime or the
// spec for details.
double time_range_;
// Determines whether the timeline is active when the scroll offset is outside
// the range defined by |start_scroll_offset_| and |end_scroll_offset_|.
KeyframeModel::FillMode fill_;
} // namespace cc